Any questions from newcomers on MQL4 and MQL5, help and discussion on algorithms and codes - page 1570

This is a 5. The question is about the 4. I didn't indicate. Thank you for your participation. It doesn't work on 4.

Here is a similar function in MQL4:

HideTestIndicators - Пользовательские индикаторы - Справочник MQL4
HideTestIndicators - Пользовательские индикаторы - Справочник MQL4
HideTestIndicators - Пользовательские индикаторы - Справочник MQL4
How to visualise an indicator from an EA, I don't know.

Strange. I used to write robots and didn't know how to hide indicators, I looked in the documentation. And you, on the contrary...?

Mihail Matkovskij:

Strange. I used to write robots and didn't know how to hide indicators, I looked in the documentation. And you, on the contrary...?

Exactly!)). I'm familiar with the hide function.
Exactly!)). I'm familiar with the hide function.

I don't know what's changed in the builds... In any case, you can make the visualiser yourself based on CCanvas. Only you need a good command of MQL to do it. Alternatively, Freelance can help you.

Mihail Matkovskij:

The smart one will understand and keep silent...

Forum on trading, automated trading systems & strategy testing

Any questions from newbies on MQL4 and MQL5, assistance and discussion on algorithms and codes

AMarkov, 2021.08.04 20:19

Actually yes, not much is wrong but I've got it figured out,



so it does what I need.

Now a new question, how to visualize the indicator out of the Expert Advisor? I.e., with this variant, we have to load the indicator manually, or the result shows 0.

A fool hasn't guessed it... And if he has, it's like in that joke. The teacher is 24 years old...

Alexey Viktorov:

The clever one will understand and say nothing...

A fool will not guess... And if he does and says... it's like that anecdote. The teacher is 24 years old...

AMarkov, just couldn't formulate the problem.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing of trading strategies

Any questions from beginners on MQL4 and MQL5, help and discussion on algorithms and codes

AMarkov, 2021.08.04 14:59

Good afternoon everyone. Has anyone come across a similar situation? In general, there is a scalable oscillator. I need to know programmatically, which are the extreme values of the scale of the visible window of this oscillator at the moment. I hope I understand what I am saying.) I would be grateful for help!

You may be right, I'm not the one who is stupid:

Forum on Trading, Automated Trading Systems and Strategy Tests

Any questions from beginners in MQL4 and MQL5, help and discussion of algorithms and codes

Alexey Viktorov, 2021.08.04 15:29

bool  ChartGetInteger( 
   long    chart_id,        // идентификатор графика 
   int     prop_id,         // идентификатор свойства 
   int     sub_window,      // номер подокна 
   long&   long_var         // сюда примем значение свойства 

with identifiers CHART_PRICE_MIN and CHART_PRICE_MAX

WhereasCHART_PRICE_MIN and CHART_PRICE_MAX are double values, not int or long!

And I advise you to listen to knowledge of the concept! First master your own knowledge, and then try to teach others. And only those who will allow you to do it! Although...

As one classical writer said, "Fools can't write the law. And if it is written, it is not read. And if it's read, it's not understood. And if understood, then not so."

Mihail Matkovskij
Alexey Viktorov:

Looks like you have a lot of love ❤

Mihail Matkovskij:

AMarkov, I just couldn't formulate the problem.

But this is exactly what makes me look like a fool: (that's right)

I corrected it and added it. The person asks about the scale and it is formulated quite clearly for normal people, and you ask him about the values of the indicator. If the teacher is 24 and stupid, you are 12.........


You seem to have a lot of love ❤

Just a man who is sick of being told he doesn't want to read the documentation and now any copy-paste error triggers that reaction. They're all like that over there...

Alexey Viktorov:

I have corrected this and added it. The person is asking about the scale and it's formulated quite clearly for normal people, and you're asking about the indicator values. If the teacher is 24 and stupid, you are 12.........

You can add anything you like to my posts. Your speculation doesn't change their essence anyway. I guess this kind of behavior is out of anger... Don't be angry. And don't be offended by the truth.

Alexey Viktorov:

The person is just pissed off that he was pointed out that he does not want to read documentation and now any error in copying causes such a reaction. They're all like...

"The cow is calling the shots"... You're such a documentation expert... I'd rather not say anything. No comment.