Any questions from newcomers on MQL4 and MQL5, help and discussion on algorithms and codes - page 1498

Guys. Help me bolt an alert to the indicator.

to the indicators in which:

int start()

int init()

int deinit()

screwing something on isn't respecting yourself or others...

take the trouble to redesign to modern interfaces

Aleksei Stepanenko:

If you change a global variable in a function, it will change. But this is a dangerous way of programming, because in the code, as it grows, there will be unobvious assignments in different functions of the program.

There's a main function in the program, that's where you do the global variable assignment. And in other functions, do it this way:

Or like this:

I agree that in voluminous code, it's easy to miss the point of an unwanted variable change (X). From this point of view, calling the main function each time you need to find out what's wrong with X is correct. But here is the question. If the main function calculates and outputs several different values (X, Y, Z) and is quite large, while X is used repeatedly in the course of the program, won't this approach excessively consume computing power? I.e. in order to get X, we repeatedly run a whole block where we also recalculate Y and Z in addition to X , which, say, was needed only once. Therefore, if the algorithm contains sequential change and overwrite of X from one function to another, it may be more complicated for a programmer (requires more attention and checks for errors), but then it is easier for the machine.

Maxim Kuznetsov:

to the indicators in which:

int start()

int init()

int deinit()

screwing something on isn't respecting yourself or others...

Take the trouble to redesign to modern interfaces

So show me how it must look like on modern interfaces. The man apparently has never coded (otherwise he would have figured out the Alert without us). He just found the code somewhere, brought it here and wants an alert.

Oleksandr Nozemtsev:

But here is the question. If the main function calculates and outputs several different values (X, Y, Z) and is quite large, and X is used many times along the way

int X=0;

void OnTick()
   if(УсловиеДляРедкогоРасчёта) X=ТяжёлыйРедкийРасчёт();
Ilya Prozumentov:

Show us how it should look like on modern interfaces. It seems that the man has never programmed (otherwise he would have figured out the alert without us). He just found the code somewhere, brought it here and wants an alert.

Where do you get such "indicators" and "advisors" from? but if you melt down, the source won't run out...

there's no such thing on the site for a long time.

If the maker of these indicators has not succeeded, the market has moved to the new MQL5(4). They will help and explain things there, and it will be useful to everyone.

or go to freelance

Maxim Kuznetsov:

but if molasses

From the word molasses, is it?

Guys, help me attach an alert to the indicator.
#property copyright "Subu"
#property link      ""
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_color1 Blue
#property indicator_color2 Red
#property indicator_width1 2
#property indicator_width2 2
#property indicator_chart_window

double UpArrow[];
double DownArrow[];
extern int ShiftArrow = -2;
extern bool FilterBullBearCandle = false;
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()
//---- indicators
   SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_ARROW, EMPTY,2);
   SetIndexArrow(0, 233);
   SetIndexBuffer(0, UpArrow);
   SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_ARROW, EMPTY,2);
   SetIndexArrow(1, 234);
   SetIndexBuffer(1, DownArrow);
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start(){
   int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
   int limit, i;
//---- last counted bar will be recounted

   for(i = 1; i < limit; i++){
      DownArrow[i] = 0;
      UpArrow[i] = 0;
      if(High[i+2]>High[i+1] && Low[i+2]>Low[i+1] && High[i+2]>High[i+3] && Low[i+2]>Low[i+3]){
         if( Open[i+1]>Close[i+1] && Close[i+2] > Close[i+1]){
               if( Open[i+2]>Close[i+2]){
                  DownArrow[i] = High[i+2] +0.0003;//Low[i+2] + (High[i+2]-Low[i+2]);
                  if(counted_bars > 0) Alert("Signal down: ", DownArrow[i]);
                DownArrow[i] = High[i+2] +0.0003;//Low[i+2] + (High[i+2]-Low[i+2]);
                if(counted_bars > 0) Alert("Signal down: ", DownArrow[i]);
      if(High[i+2]<High[i+1] && Low[i+2]<Low[i+1] && High[i+2]<High[i+3] && Low[i+2]<Low[i+3]){
         if(Open[i+1]<Close[i+1] && Close[i+2] < Close[i+1]){
               if( Open[i+2]<Close[i+2]){
                  UpArrow[i] = Low[i+2] - 0.0003;//High[i+2] - (High[i+2]-Low[i+2]);
                  if(counted_bars > 0) Alert("Signal up: ", UpArrow[i]);
               UpArrow[i] = Low[i+2] - 0.0003;//High[i+2] - (High[i+2]-Low[i+2]);
               if(counted_bars > 0) Alert("Signal up: ", UpArrow[i]);
Please advise mql5 on how to pass to the function open,close and TD from OnCalculate not through the function parameters, so that I don't have to write each time the opening and closing of candlesticks into parameters when calling the function

myfunc(int index, double open[], double close[], double high[], double low[] etc.)

I want
myfunc(int index)

and all bar data (prev,rates, open[]...etc.) will be written inside this function

jarikn :
Guys. help to fasten the alert to the indicator.

screwed - I do not remember the code from the code base and the author - to whom I need to say thanks! - if he recognizes his code - I say thank you to him!

and here is your indicator - I did it - only on MT5 with Alert.

//|                                                       jarikn.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link        " "
//---- номер версии индикатора
#property version    "1.00"
//---- отрисовка индикатора в главном окне
#property indicator_chart_window
//---- для расчета и отрисовки индикатора использовано два буфера
#property indicator_buffers 2
//---- использовано всего два графических построения
#property indicator_plots    2
//|  Параметры отрисовки бычьго индикатора       |
//---- отрисовка индикатора 1 в виде символа
#property indicator_type1    DRAW_ARROW
//---- в качестве цвета бычей линии индикатора использован розовый цвет
#property indicator_color1   Lime
//---- толщина линии индикатора 1 равна 4
#property indicator_width1    2
//---- отображение метки медвежьей линии индикатора
#property indicator_label1    "jarikn Buy"
//|  Параметры отрисовки медвежьего индикатора   |
//---- отрисовка индикатора 2 в виде символа
#property indicator_type2    DRAW_ARROW
//---- в качестве цвета медвежьей линии индикатора использован зеленый цвет
#property indicator_color2   Magenta
//---- толщина линии индикатора 2 равна 4
#property indicator_width2    2
//---- отображение метки бычьей линии индикатора
#property indicator_label2    "jarikn Sell"
//| перечисление для вариантов транслируемых сигналов  |
   MODE_SIGNAL,   //Сигналы пробоя
   MODE_TREND     //Сигналы пробоя и тренда
//| Входные параметры индикатора                 |
input int   ShiftArrow = 0 ;
input group   "---- Входные переменные для алертов ----"
input ENUM_SIGNAL_MODE SignMode=MODE_SIGNAL; //Вариант подачи сигнала
input uint NumberofBar= 0 ;                     //Номер бара для подачи сигнала
input bool SoundON= true ;                     //Разрешение алерта
input uint NumberofAlerts= 1 ;                 //Количество алертов
input bool EMailON= false ;                     //Разрешение почтовой отправки сигнала
input bool PushON= false ;                     //Разрешение отправки сигнала на мобильный
//--- indicator buffers
//---- объявление динамических массивов, которые будут в
//---- дальнейшем использованы в качестве индикаторных буферов
double UpArrow[];
double DownArrow[];

int StartBars;
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit ()
//--- indicator buffers mapping
   StartBars= 5 ;
//---- превращение динамического массива в индикаторный буфер
   SetIndexBuffer ( 0 ,UpArrow, INDICATOR_DATA );
//---- осуществление сдвига начала отсчета отрисовки индикатора 1
   PlotIndexSetInteger ( 0 , PLOT_DRAW_BEGIN ,StartBars);
//--- создание метки для отображения в DataWindow
   PlotIndexSetString ( 0 , PLOT_LABEL , "jarikn Buy" );
//---- символ для индикатора
   PlotIndexSetInteger ( 0 , PLOT_ARROW , 108 );
//---- индексация элементов в буфере как в таймсерии
   ArraySetAsSeries (UpArrow, true );
//--- line shifts when drawing
   PlotIndexSetInteger ( 0 , PLOT_SHIFT ,ShiftArrow);
//---- превращение динамического массива в индикаторный буфер
   SetIndexBuffer ( 1 ,DownArrow, INDICATOR_DATA );
//---- осуществление сдвига начала отсчета отрисовки индикатора 2
   PlotIndexSetInteger ( 1 , PLOT_DRAW_BEGIN ,StartBars);
//--- создание метки для отображения в DataWindow
   PlotIndexSetString ( 1 , PLOT_LABEL , "jarikn Sell" );
//---- символ для индикатора
   PlotIndexSetInteger ( 1 , PLOT_ARROW , 108 );
//---- индексация элементов в буфере как в таймсерии
   ArraySetAsSeries (DownArrow, true );
//--- line shifts when drawing
   PlotIndexSetInteger ( 1 , PLOT_SHIFT ,ShiftArrow);
//---- установка формата точности отображения индикатора
   IndicatorSetInteger ( INDICATOR_DIGITS , _Digits );
//---- имя для окон данных и лэйба для субъокон
   string short_name= "jarikn" ;
   IndicatorSetString ( INDICATOR_SHORTNAME ,short_name);
   return ( INIT_SUCCEEDED );
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate ( const int rates_total,
                 const int prev_calculated,
                 const datetime &time[],
                 const double &Open[],
                 const double &High[],
                 const double &Low[],
                 const double &Close[],
                 const long &tick_volume[],
                 const long &volume[],
                 const int &spread[])
//---- проверка количества баров на достаточность для расчета
   if (rates_total<StartBars)
       return ( 0 );
   int limit,i;
//---- расчет стартового номера first для цикла пересчета баров
   if (prev_calculated>rates_total || prev_calculated<= 0 ) // проверка на первый старт расчета индикатора
      limit=rates_total-StartBars;   // стартовый номер для расчета всех баров
      limit=rates_total-prev_calculated; // стартовый номер для расчета новых баров
//---- индексация элементов в массивах как в таймсериях
   ArraySetAsSeries (Open, true );
   ArraySetAsSeries (High, true );
   ArraySetAsSeries (Low, true );
   ArraySetAsSeries (Close, true );
   for (i = 0 ; i <= limit; i++)
      DownArrow[i] = 0 ;
      UpArrow[i] = 0 ;
       if (High[i+ 2 ]>High[i+ 1 ] && Low[i+ 2 ]>Low[i+ 1 ] && High[i+ 2 ]>High[i+ 3 ] && Low[i+ 2 ]>Low[i+ 3 ])
         if (Open[i+ 1 ]>Close[i+ 1 ] && Close[i+ 2 ] > Close[i+ 1 ])
             if (Open[i+ 2 ]>Close[i+ 2 ])
               DownArrow[i] = High[i+ 2 ] + 0.0003 ; //Low[i+2] + (High[i+2]-Low[i+2]);
       if (High[i+ 2 ]<High[i+ 1 ] && Low[i+ 2 ]<Low[i+ 1 ] && High[i+ 2 ]<High[i+ 3 ] && Low[i+ 2 ]<Low[i+ 3 ])
         if (Open[i+ 1 ]<Close[i+ 1 ] && Close[i+ 2 ] < Close[i+ 1 ])
             if (Open[i+ 2 ]<Close[i+ 2 ])
               UpArrow[i] = Low[i+ 2 ] - 0.0003 ; //High[i+2] - (High[i+2]-Low[i+2]);
//--- alert
   BuySignal( "Alert BuySignal" ,UpArrow, 0 ,rates_total,prev_calculated,Close,spread);
   SellSignal( "Alert SellSignal" ,DownArrow, 0 ,rates_total,prev_calculated,Close,spread);
//--- OnCalculate done. Return new prev_calculated.
   return (rates_total);
//| Buy signal function                                              |
void BuySignal( string SignalSirname, // текст имени индикатора для почтовых и пуш-сигналов
               double &ColorArray[], // цветовой индексный буфер
               int ColorIndex, // индекс цвета в цветовом индескном буфере для подачи сигнала
               const int Rates_total,     // текущее количество баров
               const int Prev_calculated, // количество баров на предыдущем тике
               const double &Close[],     // цена закрытия
               const int &Spread[])       // спред
   static uint counter= 0 ;
   if (Rates_total!=Prev_calculated)
      counter= 0 ;
   bool BuySignal= false ;
   bool SeriesTest= ArrayGetAsSeries (ColorArray);
   int index,index1;
   if (SeriesTest)
      index= int (NumberofBar);
      index1=index+ 1 ;
      index=Rates_total- int (NumberofBar)- 1 ;
      index1=index- 1 ;
   if (SignMode==MODE_SIGNAL)
       if (ColorArray[index1]!=ColorIndex && ColorArray[index]==ColorIndex)
         BuySignal= true ;
       if (ColorArray[index]==ColorIndex)
         BuySignal= true ;
   if (BuySignal && counter<=NumberofAlerts)
       MqlDateTime tm;
       TimeToStruct ( TimeCurrent (),tm);
       string text= TimeToString ( TimeCurrent (), TIME_DATE )+ " " + string (tm.hour)+ ":" + string (tm.min);
      SeriesTest= ArrayGetAsSeries (Close);
       if (SeriesTest)
         index= int (NumberofBar);
         index=Rates_total- int (NumberofBar)- 1 ;
       double Ask=Close[index];
       double Bid=Close[index];
      SeriesTest= ArrayGetAsSeries (Spread);
       if (SeriesTest)
         index= int (NumberofBar);
         index=Rates_total- int (NumberofBar)- 1 ;
      Bid+= _Point *Spread[index];
       string sAsk= DoubleToString (Ask, _Digits );
       string sBid= DoubleToString (Bid, _Digits );
       string sPeriod=GetStringTimeframe( ChartPeriod ());
       if (SignMode==MODE_SIGNAL || (SignMode==MODE_TREND && ColorArray[index1]!=ColorIndex))
         if (SoundON)
             Alert ( "BUY signal \n Ask=" ,Ask, "\n Bid=" ,Bid, "\n currtime=" ,text, "\n Symbol=" , Symbol (), " Period=" ,sPeriod);
         if (EMailON)
             SendMail (SignalSirname+ ": BUY signal alert" , "BUY signal at Ask=" +sAsk+ ", Bid=" +sBid+ ", Date=" +text+ " Symbol=" + Symbol ()+ " Period=" +sPeriod);
         if (PushON)
             SendNotification (SignalSirname+ ": BUY signal at Ask=" +sAsk+ ", Bid=" +sBid+ ", Date=" +text+ " Symbol=" + Symbol ()+ " Period=" +sPeriod);
         if (SoundON)
             Alert ( "Up Trend signal \n Ask=" ,Ask, "\n Bid=" ,Bid, "\n currtime=" ,text, "\n Symbol=" , Symbol (), " Period=" ,sPeriod);
         if (EMailON)
             SendMail (SignalSirname+ ": Up Trend signal alert" , "BUY signal at Ask=" +sAsk+ ", Bid=" +sBid+ ", Date=" +text+ " Symbol=" + Symbol ()+ " Period=" +sPeriod);
         if (PushON)
             SendNotification (SignalSirname+ ": Up Trend signal at Ask=" +sAsk+ ", Bid=" +sBid+ ", Date=" +text+ " Symbol=" + Symbol ()+ " Period=" +sPeriod);
//| Sell signal function                                             |
void SellSignal( string SignalSirname, // текст имени индикатора для почтовых и пуш-сигналов
                 double &ColorArray[],       // цветовой индексный буфер
                 int ColorIndex,             // индекс цвета в цветовом индескном буфере для подачи сигнала
                 const int Rates_total,     // текущее количество баров
                 const int Prev_calculated, // количество баров на предыдущем тике
                 const double &Close[],     // цена закрытия
                 const int &Spread[])       // спред
   static uint counter= 0 ;
   if (Rates_total!=Prev_calculated)
      counter= 0 ;
   bool SellSignal= false ;
   bool SeriesTest= ArrayGetAsSeries (ColorArray);
   int index,index1;
   if (SeriesTest)
      index= int (NumberofBar);
      index1=index+ 1 ;
      index=Rates_total- int (NumberofBar)- 1 ;
      index1=index- 1 ;
   if (SignMode==MODE_SIGNAL)
       if (ColorArray[index1]!=ColorIndex && ColorArray[index]==ColorIndex)
         SellSignal= true ;
       if (ColorArray[index]==ColorIndex)
         SellSignal= true ;
   if (SellSignal && counter<=NumberofAlerts)
       MqlDateTime tm;
       TimeToStruct ( TimeCurrent (),tm);
       string text= TimeToString ( TimeCurrent (), TIME_DATE )+ " " + string (tm.hour)+ ":" + string (tm.min);
      SeriesTest= ArrayGetAsSeries (Close);
       if (SeriesTest)
         index= int (NumberofBar);
         index=Rates_total- int (NumberofBar)- 1 ;
       double Ask=Close[index];
       double Bid=Close[index];
      SeriesTest= ArrayGetAsSeries (Spread);
       if (SeriesTest)
         index= int (NumberofBar);
         index=Rates_total- int (NumberofBar)- 1 ;
      Bid+= _Point *Spread[index];
       string sAsk= DoubleToString (Ask, _Digits );
       string sBid= DoubleToString (Bid, _Digits );
       string sPeriod=GetStringTimeframe( ChartPeriod ());
       if (SignMode==MODE_SIGNAL || (SignMode==MODE_TREND && ColorArray[index1]!=ColorIndex))
         if (SoundON)
             Alert ( "SELL signal \n Ask=" ,Ask, "\n Bid=" ,Bid, "\n currtime=" ,text, "\n Symbol=" , Symbol (), " Period=" ,sPeriod);
         if (EMailON)
             SendMail (SignalSirname+ ": SELL signal alert" , "SELL signal at Ask=" +sAsk+ ", Bid=" +sBid+ ", Date=" +text+ " Symbol=" + Symbol ()+ " Period=" +sPeriod);
         if (PushON)
             SendNotification (SignalSirname+ ": SELL signal at Ask=" +sAsk+ ", Bid=" +sBid+ ", Date=" +text+ " Symbol=" + Symbol ()+ " Period=" +sPeriod);
         if (SoundON)
             Alert ( "Down trend signal \n Ask=" ,Ask, "\n Bid=" ,Bid, "\n currtime=" ,text, "\n Symbol=" , Symbol (), " Period=" ,sPeriod);
         if (EMailON)
             SendMail (SignalSirname+ ": Down trend signal alert" , "SELL signal at Ask=" +sAsk+ ", Bid=" +sBid+ ", Date=" +text+ " Symbol=" + Symbol ()+ " Period=" +sPeriod);
         if (PushON)
             SendNotification (SignalSirname+ ": Down trend signal at Ask=" +sAsk+ ", Bid=" +sBid+ ", Date=" +text+ " Symbol=" + Symbol ()+ " Period=" +sPeriod);
//|  Получение таймфрейма в виде строки                              |
string GetStringTimeframe( ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe)
   return ( StringSubstr ( EnumToString (timeframe), 7 ,- 1 ));
Алексей КоКоКо:
and all bar data (prev,rates, open[]...and TD) were sucked up inside the function somehow

How was it sucked in? Like this?

void MyFunc()
   double high=iHigh(symbol,frame,0);
