Any questions from newcomers on MQL4 and MQL5, help and discussion on algorithms and codes - page 987


I use (looked it up, the first commit was made Tue Oct 5 09:15:42 2010 +0300). I don't use branches much for my repository, but it happens.

Well and at work we use it more fully. Haven't read the book, but I think more than half are used

How do you know if it's more than half or less then? :)

Do you work with the repository through the console or through a program? If via console, do you use the standard one (Git Bash) or another one (which one if not a secret?) ? I've downloaded both the standard stuff (including Git Gui) and the GitHub thingy... Which prog you use (if any) ?


Yes here started to study and want to know, whether it is necessary to study all book or only basic information. I mean, is the entire functionality in use or just a small part of it...? For a junior, for example.

Yevhenii Levchenko:

How do I know if it is more or less than half? :)

Are you working with a repository through the console or through a program? If via console, are you using the standard one (Git Bash) or another one (which one if not a secret?) ? I've downloaded both the standard stuff (including Git Gui) and the GitHub thingy... Which one do you use (if any) ?

Just started looking into it and want to know if it's necessary to read the whole book or just the basic information. I mean, all the functionality in the work in demand or a small part...? For Junior, for example.

I've read the individual chapters at various times, I roughly understand what the book is about.

Console. I use git myself. At work also (but that's more for teamwork).

My advice would be to find some "git in 2 hours" document, and then learn as you go along. It's difficult and unlikely to be necessary to understand it all at once.


I've read the individual chapters at various times, I roughly understand what the book is about.

Console. I use git myself. At work I also use (but it's more for teamwork).

My advice would be to find some "git in 2 hours" doc, and then get into it as you go along. It's difficult and not necessary to understand everything at once.

It seems to be understandable... I understood the basics. I registered an account on the hub and ran commits here and there. Got to "branching". It's a quick read... ...but it's hard to remember all the commands. And it's a bit confusing using console. I was testing SVN a bit earlier, it seems to be easier there. Although I worked there only with software (Tortoz) and plugin in Eclipse...

Is working through a console the standard? I mean, is it like that in most companies?

Yevhenii Levchenko:
Is it standard to work via console? I mean, is it like that in most companies?

No, it depends on personal preference. It's just that almost all of us are Linux-idols, we're fine on the console)

I've never heard of any particular program being forced to work with repositories. Usually, no one is interested in what you use, as long as you solve the tasks at hand.

There seems to be some toolkits for GUI and even for Windows, but I don't know anything about that.


No, it depends on personal preference. It's just that almost all of us are Linux idiots, we're fine on the console).

I've never heard of a particular repository program being pushed on me. Usually no one is interested in what you use, as long as you solve your problems.

There seems to be some toolkits for GUI and even for Windows, but I don't know anything about that.

I see! Thank you :)

Pass it as a constant.

Alexey Viktorov:

Pass it as a constant.

put a const specifier before loading an array into a function? I'll try to play around with it.

Why does passing any array to sizeof() give 52?
Why does passing any array to sizeof() return 52?

sizeof() returns the size of the variable type