Any questions from newcomers on MQL4 and MQL5, help and discussion on algorithms and codes - page 670

Roman Sharanov:
How to create an array of class instances?
I made ClassName* className[], then ArrayResize on it, but it doesn't give me access to methods

Your class, whose instances you want to collect into an array, must be inherited from CObject.

And then it's simple: create a list (array) of objects CArrayObj, and add your objects to it.


Searching for the words "indicator template" and your name doesn't find anything, and you've already written here on that War and Peace volume.

Any combination of words from the post come to mind.

Well, I'm sorry, about the indicator template maybe I got it mixed up - the trawl template was posted.

Let's put it this way: create an indicator template in the editor, add the required number of input variables and buffers to be drawn.

Next, break down what you need to do from the specific task.


If you say it's bad, tell me how to make it good. Move the calculations to OnInit?

Fair rebuke )) Here, a variant of the code that was published here:

int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
   int i,limit;
   if(prev_calculated == 0) {
      limit = rates_total - 1;    //--- Первый вызов индикатора или смена таймфрейма или подгрузка данных из истории
   else limit = rates_total - prev_calculated + 1;

   for(i = limit; i >= 0; i--) { //--- В этом цикле основные вычисления. Таким образом обрабатываться будет только "свежая" информация                       

Try doing it that way. You don't need to move anything to OnInit.

Andrei Novichkov:

Fair rebuke )) Here, a variant of the code that was published here:

Try to do it this way. You don't need to move anything to OnInit.

I haven't published such code here - not my thing :)

I use other constructions - it's simpler and clearer.

In OnInit() it should be transferred. Why do you need to assign an array to the indicator buffer on each tick?

Artyom Trishkin:

I haven't published such code here - it's not my thing :)

I use other constructions - simpler and clearer.

It's mine, how could it be simpler? ))) (at least, I also have in my template the commentlimit = rates_total - 1;//--- First call of indicator or change of timeframe or loading of data from history) and my style of formatting - one curly bracket near for() {

To learn to write your own indicator, take the above template and add at least the close price and get your first indicator, then learn to make the MAH from this close price

for(i = limit; i >= 0; i--) { //--- В этом цикле основные вычисления. Таким образом обрабатываться будет только "свежая" информация                       
Buffer[i] = close[i];   
Artyom Trishkin:

I haven't published such code here - it's not my thing :)

I use different constructions - simpler and clearer.

Nothing needs to be copied into OnInit(). Why should I assign an array to the indicator buffer at each tick?

It's not your code. It was published by some of my colleagues but I cannot recall who and where. It was this code that I meant when I wrote that nothing should be moved to OnInit but not the source code. I was not quite clear.

And what construction would you recommend? This seems to be very simple.

Ah, there's the author of the piece )))) Ahead of me. By the way, I use this style of formatting too - with one opening curly bracket in a line.
Andrei Novichkov:
Ah, here's the author of the snippet )))) Ahead of me. By the way, I also use this style of formatting - with one opening curly bracket in a line.

You run the Wizard for creating an indicator, select types and colour of lines and add input 's, if necessary

and that's all, the indicator is ready, then copythe body fromOnCalculate() of the template and write the calculations ,

you can write your first indicator in 1 minute, the code "Hello word I indicator! - I showed :)

ZS: By the way, the indicators can be transferred from MT4 to MT5 in this form, the main thing is to set up indicator buffers correctly, in MT5 there is a creep in the indexing of arrays under the buffers.... they are just arrays with the usual array )))) indexing .... it used to be hard to get used to indexing of indicator buffers in MT4, now on the contrary it is impossible to get used to it and switch to MT5 ))))
Andrei Novichkov:

This is not your code. It was published by one of my colleagues, but I can't remember who and where. It was this code I meant when I said that nothing should be moved to OnInit but not the source code. I was not quite clear.

And what construction would you recommend? This one seems to be very simple.

Ah, there's the author of the piece )))) Ahead of me.
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Проверка количества доступных баров (1 - минимально, 4 - оптимально для большинства расчётов. Но всё "по месту"...)
   if(rates_total<4) return 0;
//--- Проверка и расчёт количества просчитываемых баров
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated; // 0 - пришел новый тик, новый бар формироваться не начал. 1 - пришел новый тик и начал формироваться новый бар.
               // если вписать "limit>0", то на нулевом баре будет расчёт только нулевого бара, на каждом новом баре будет полный перерасчёт всей истории
               // если вписать "limit>1", то на нулевом баре будет расчёт только нулевого бара, на открытии нового бара - пересчёт первого и нулевого,
               // при подгрузке истории и на первом запуске - перерасчёт всей истории
      // здесь должна быть инициализация всех используемых буферов индикатора необходимыми значениями (обычно EMPTY_VALUE и 0)
//--- Расчёт индикатора
   for(int i=limit; i>=0 && !IsStopped(); i--)
      // необходимые действия по расчёту индикатора

//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call
Igor Makanu :

yeah, what is the indicator template code good for? run the wizard to create an indicator , choose the types and color of the lines and, if necessary, add input 's

and that's it, the indicator is ready, then copy the body from the OnCalculate() template and write the calculations,

you can write your first indicator in 1 minute, the code above is "Hello word I indicator!!!" I showed :)

PS: by the way, in this form, indicators can be transferred from MT4 to MT5, the main thing is to set up indicator buffers correctly, in MT5 there is a horror that with indexing arrays for buffers .... they are just arrays with the usual array)))) indexing .. .. earlier it was hard to get used to the indexing of indicator buffers in MT4, now on the contrary it is impossible to get used to it and switch to MT5))))

Nothing complicated. An example of a cross-platform indicator (uses a class), but the template can be pulled out - remove the class and everything superfluous that will give errors after that - the cross-platform template will remain.

This indicator will work the same on both platforms without modification - just compilation with the required extension. I had to split the code into two parts - the class and the indicator itself (everything was in one listing)


//|                                                       TestMA.mq5 |
//|                        Copyright 2018, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2018, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link        ""
#property version    "1.00"
//| Класс скользящих средних                                         |
#include <Arrays\ArrayObj.mqh>
class CAvg : public CObject
protected :
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES       m_timeframe;
   string                m_symbol;
   int                   m_period;
   ENUM_MA_METHOD        m_method;
   ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE    m_price;
   int                   m_rates_total;
   double                m_prev_value;
   bool                  CheckPosition( const int rates_total, const int period, const int index)   const { return (period>= 1 && index<=rates_total-period- 1 );   }
   double                Open ( const string symbol_name, const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe, const int index)       const ;
   double                High ( const string symbol_name, const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe, const int index)       const ;
   double                Low ( const string symbol_name, const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe, const int index)       const ;
   double                Close ( const string symbol_name, const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe, const int index)     const ;
   double                Median( const string symbol_name, const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe, const int index)     const ;
   double                Typical( const string symbol_name, const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe, const int index)   const ;
   double                Weighted( const string symbol_name, const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe, const int index)   const ;
public :
   void                  Timeframe( const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe)            { this .m_timeframe=timeframe;       }
   void                  Method( const ENUM_MA_METHOD method)                   { this .m_method=method;             }
   void                  AppliedPrice( ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE price)                { this .m_price=price;               }
   void                  Symbol ( const string symbol_name)                      { this .m_symbol=symbol_name;        }
   void                  Period ( const int period)                              { this .m_period=period;             }
   ENUM_TIMEFRAMES       Timeframe( void )                                 const { return this .m_timeframe;          }
   ENUM_MA_METHOD        Method( void )                                     const { return this .m_method;             }
   ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE    AppliedPrice( void )                               const { return this .m_price;              }
   string                Symbol ( void )                                     const { return this .m_symbol;             }
   int                    Period ( void )                                     const { return this .m_period;             }
   int                   RatesTotal( void )                                 const { return this .m_rates_total;        }
   double                AppliedPrice( const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price, const string symbol_name, const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe, const int index) const ;
   double                AppliedPrice( const int index)                   const ;
   double                SMA( const int rates_total, const int period, const int index, const double &price[]);
   double                EMA( const int rates_total, const int period, const int index, const double &price[]);
   double                SMMA( const int rates_total, const int period, const int index, const double &price[]);
   double                LWMA( const int rates_total, const int period, const int index, const double &price[]);
   double                GetMA( const int rates_total, const ENUM_MA_METHOD method, const int period, const int index, const double &price[]);
   double                GetMA( const int rates_total, const int index, const double &price[]);
   string                MethodToString( const ENUM_MA_METHOD method)     const { return :: StringSubstr (:: EnumToString (method), 5 );       }
   string                MethodToString( void )                             const { return :: StringSubstr (:: EnumToString ( this .m_method), 5 );}
   string                PriceToString( const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE price)   const { return :: StringSubstr (:: EnumToString (price), 6 );        }
   string                PriceToString( void )                             const { return :: StringSubstr (:: EnumToString ( this .m_price), 6 ); }
                        CAvg( const int rates_total, const string symbol_name, const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe, const int period);
                        CAvg( void ) : m_prev_value( 0 ){;}
                       ~CAvg( void ){;}
//| CAvg Конструктор                                                 |
CAvg::CAvg( const int rates_total, const string symbol_name, const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe, const int period) : m_prev_value( 0 )
   this .m_symbol=symbol_name;
   this .m_timeframe=timeframe;
   this .m_period=period;
   this .m_rates_total=rates_total;
//| CAvg возвращает значение MA                                      |
double CAvg::GetMA( const int rates_total, const int index, const double &price[])
   this .m_rates_total=rates_total;
   switch ( this .m_method)
       case MODE_EMA   :   return this .EMA( this .m_rates_total, this .m_period,index,price);
       case MODE_SMMA :   return this .SMMA( this .m_rates_total, this .m_period,index,price);
       case MODE_LWMA :   return this .LWMA( this .m_rates_total, this .m_period,index,price);
       default         :   return this .SMA( this .m_rates_total, this .m_period,index,price);
//| CAvg возвращает значение MA                                      |
double CAvg::GetMA( const int rates_total, const ENUM_MA_METHOD method, const int period, const int index, const double &price[])
   switch (method)
       case MODE_EMA   :   return this .EMA(rates_total,period,index,price);
       case MODE_SMMA :   return this .SMMA(rates_total,period,index,price);
       case MODE_LWMA :   return this .LWMA(rates_total,period,index,price);
       default         :   return this .SMA(rates_total,period,index,price);
//| CAvg Simple Moving Average                                       |
double CAvg::SMA( const int rates_total, const int period, const int index, const double &price[])
   double result= 0.0 ;
//--- check position
   if (! this .CheckPosition(rates_total,period,index))
       return 0 ;
//--- calculate value
   for ( int i= 0 ; i<period; i++)
   return result;
//| CAvg Exponential Moving Average                                  |
double CAvg::EMA( const int rates_total, const int period, const int index, const double &price[])
   //static double prev_value=0;
   double result= 0.0 ;
//--- check position
   if (! this .CheckPosition(rates_total,period,index))
       return 0 ;
   double pr= 2.0 /(period+ 1.0 );
//--- SMA for first data
   if (index==rates_total-period- 1 || this .m_prev_value== 0 )
       this .m_prev_value=result= this .SMA(rates_total,period,index,price);
//--- EMA
      result= this .m_prev_value+pr*(price[index]- this .m_prev_value);
       //--- new bar
       if (index!= 0 )
         this .m_prev_value=result;
   return result;
//| CAvg Smoothed Moving Average                                     |
double CAvg::SMMA( const int rates_total, const int period, const int index, const double &price[])
   //static double prev_value=0;
   double result= 0.0 ;
//--- check position
   if (! this .CheckPosition(rates_total,period,index))
       return 0 ;
//--- SMA for first data
   if (index==rates_total-period- 1 || this .m_prev_value== 0 )
       this .m_prev_value=result= this .SMA(rates_total,period,index,price);
//--- SMMA
      result=( this .m_prev_value*(period- 1 )+price[index])/period;
       //--- new bar
       if (index!= 0 )
         this .m_prev_value=result;
   return result;
//| CAvg Linear Weighted Moving Average                              |
double CAvg::LWMA( const int rates_total, const int period, const int index, const double &price[])
   double result= 0.0 ,count= 0 ,total= 0 ,k= 0 ;
//--- check position
   if (! this .CheckPosition(rates_total,period,index))
       return 0 ;
//--- calculate value
   for ( int j=index+period- 1 ; j>=index; j--)
   return (result);
//| CAvg Возвращает цену по индексу                                  |
double CAvg::AppliedPrice( const int index) const
   switch ( this .m_price)
       case PRICE_OPEN       :   return this . Open ( this .m_symbol, this .m_timeframe,index);
       case PRICE_HIGH       :   return this . High ( this .m_symbol, this .m_timeframe,index);
       case PRICE_LOW        :   return this . Low ( this .m_symbol, this .m_timeframe,index);
       case PRICE_CLOSE      :   return this . Close ( this .m_symbol, this .m_timeframe,index);
       case PRICE_MEDIAN     :   return this .Median( this .m_symbol, this .m_timeframe,index);
       case PRICE_TYPICAL    :   return this .Typical( this .m_symbol, this .m_timeframe,index);
       default               :   return this .Weighted( this .m_symbol, this .m_timeframe,index);
//| CAvg Возвращает цену по индексу                                  |
double CAvg::AppliedPrice( const ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE applied_price, const string symbol_name, const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe, const int index) const
   switch (applied_price)
       case PRICE_OPEN       :   return this . Open (symbol_name,timeframe,index);
       case PRICE_HIGH       :   return this . High (symbol_name,timeframe,index);
       case PRICE_LOW        :   return this . Low (symbol_name,timeframe,index);
       case PRICE_CLOSE      :   return this . Close (symbol_name,timeframe,index);
       case PRICE_MEDIAN     :   return this .Median(symbol_name,timeframe,index);
       case PRICE_TYPICAL    :   return this .Typical(symbol_name,timeframe,index);
       default               :   return this .Weighted(symbol_name,timeframe,index);
//| CAvg Возвращает цену Open по индексу                             |
double CAvg:: Open ( const string symbol_name, const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe, const int index) const
   double array[];
   return (:: CopyOpen (symbol_name,timeframe,index, 1 ,array)== 1 ? array[ 0 ] : 0 );
//| CAvg Возвращает цену High по индексу                             |
double CAvg:: High ( const string symbol_name, const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe, const int index) const
   double array[];
   return (:: CopyHigh (symbol_name,timeframe,index, 1 ,array)== 1 ? array[ 0 ] : 0 );
//| CAvg Возвращает цену Low по индексу                              |
double CAvg:: Low ( const string symbol_name, const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe, const int index) const
   double array[];
   return (:: CopyLow (symbol_name,timeframe,index, 1 ,array)== 1 ? array[ 0 ] : 0 );
//| CAvg Возвращает цену Close по индексу                            |
double CAvg:: Close ( const string symbol_name, const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe, const int index) const
   double array[];
   return (:: CopyClose (symbol_name,timeframe,index, 1 ,array)== 1 ? array[ 0 ] : 0 );
//| CAvg Возвращает медианную цену по индексу                        |
double CAvg::Median( const string symbol_name, const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe, const int index) const
   double array[];
   double high= this . High (symbol_name,timeframe,index);
   double low= this . Low (symbol_name,timeframe,index);
   return (high> 0 && low> 0 ? (high+low)/ 2.0 : 0 );
//| CAvg Возвращает типичную цену по индексу                         |
double CAvg::Typical( const string symbol_name, const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe, const int index) const
   double array[];
   double high= this . High (symbol_name,timeframe,index);
   double low= this . Low (symbol_name,timeframe,index);
   double close= this . Close (symbol_name,timeframe,index);
   return (high> 0 && low> 0 && close> 0 ? (high+low+close)/ 3.0 : 0 );
//| CAvg Возвращает взвешенную цену по индексу                       |
double CAvg::Weighted( const string symbol_name, const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES timeframe, const int index) const
   double array[];
   double high= this . High (symbol_name,timeframe,index);
   double low= this . Low (symbol_name,timeframe,index);
   double close= this . Close (symbol_name,timeframe,index);
   return (high> 0 && low> 0 && close> 0 ? (high+low+close+close)/ 4.0 : 0 );


//|                                                       TestMA.mq5 |
//|                        Copyright 2018, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2018, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_chart_window
#ifdef __MQL4__
#property strict
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_buffers 3
#property indicator_plots   2
//--- plot MAstd
#property indicator_label1  "Calculation MA"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrBlue
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  4
//--- plot MAcalc
#property indicator_label2  "Standart MA"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  clrDarkOrange
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_DOT
#property indicator_width2  2
//--- input parameters
input int      InpPeriod                     =  10;            // Period
input ENUM_MA_METHOD       InpMethod         =  MODE_EMA;      // Method
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE   InpAppliedPrice   =  PRICE_CLOSE;   // Applied price  
//--- indicator buffers
double         BufferMAcalc[];
double         BufferMAstd[];
double         BufferPrice[];
int            digits;
int            period_ma;
int            handle_ma;
CAvg           avg();
//--- includes

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
#ifdef __MQL4__
    period_ma=(InpPeriod<1? 1 : InpPeriod);
//--- indicator buffers mapping
#ifdef __MQL5__
      Print("Error creation iMA(",(string)period_ma,"): ",GetLastError());
      return INIT_FAILED;
   Comment("\nMA type: ",avg.MethodToString(InpMethod),", price: ",avg.PriceToString(InpAppliedPrice),", period: ",(string)period_ma);
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//--- Установка массивов буферов как таймсерий
#ifdef __MQL5__
//--- Проверка количества доступных баров
   if(rates_total<fmax(period_ma,4)) return 0;
//--- Проверка и расчёт количества просчитываемых баров
   int limit=rates_total-prev_calculated;
//--- Подготовка данных
#ifdef __MQL5__
   int count=(limit>1 ? rates_total : 1),copied=0;
   if(copied!=count) return 0;
//--- Расчёт индикатора
   for(int i=limit; i>=0 && !IsStopped(); i--)
      #ifdef __MQL4__ BufferMAstd[i]=iMA(NULL,PERIOD_CURRENT,period_ma,0,InpMethod,InpAppliedPrice,i); #endif 

//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call