Any questions from newcomers on MQL4 and MQL5, help and discussion on algorithms and codes - page 636

Artyom Trishkin:
I feel sorry for them.

Well, there's no need for that.

I haven't worked in MT4/MT5 and don't work in them. You have to feel sorry for those who work in them. I'm just getting to know them.


Oh, I know what you mean.

All traders are so lazy and stubborn they can't get any further. And even with an attitude.

But not every such "stubborn" trader has the "bright idea" that for correct work of the loop operator the Sleep(123) operator must be inserted into this loop, that, as it turns out, also does not work in all cases.

What MT4/MT5 language developers must be, to think up such a "trick"?

I think you should enter a new chapter in the search engine under the name "Tricks of Developers".

What'sSleep got to do with it?
Use your head.
Don't you understand why a delay in the loop prints out everything?
It's always printed anyway. You just need to look at the full log, not the preliminary log.
What makes you think the loop doesn't work?
All in all, with your knowledge, you should go to school.
Artyom Trishkin:
What has Sleep() got to do with it?
Use your head.
Don't you understand why a delay in the loop prints out everything?
It's always printed anyway. You just need to look at the full log, not the preliminary log.
What makes you think the loop doesn't work?
Well, with your knowledge - you need to go to school.

I've already repeatedly told you that I do not write programs in MT4/MT5, but only study their capabilities.

It was MT4/MT5 developers who claimed that they have created a universal language, which has to be studied and programs have to be written in this environment.

In MQL4 I am just an active trader, and nothing more.

As a trader, I am interested in the features of MT4.

However, as far as my programs are concerned, they are based on "high level" programming languages, not MT4/MT5.

As for the "school" of MT4 and MT5, I'm not sure yet, that I need to go to "THIS SCHOOL".

So far I see that MT4/MT5 is a very "raw" language.

And if you see yourself as a "cool specialist" in MT4/MT5, then try to answer me a very simple question:

What is the fundamental(!!!) difference between MT4 and MT5?

This difference is very important and interesting for all traders, and the answer to this question is very simple.

I think that you, as a "cool expert", who is already after "school", this question is easy to answer.


And here's another fun question for "respected forum members".

As you all know very well, there is such a property of custom indicators as setindexdrawbegin

Now, let me ask you, where has the setindexdrawbegin property disappeared to?

Where is the end of the array to be drawn?

Without it, indicators draw vertical lines (or horizontal ones) - depending on the array filling.

And without it, any indicator becomes useless.

As a result, any attempt to fill any drawable array will cause these extra lines, and any attempt to apply any indicator will become useless.

This is a BOTTOM, my dears!

SetIndexDrawBegin - Пользовательские индикаторы - Справочник MQL4
SetIndexDrawBegin - Пользовательские индикаторы - Справочник MQL4
Отрисовка индикатора производится слева направо. Значения индикаторного массива, находящиеся левее указанного бара, не будут рисоваться на графике и отображаться в окне DataWindow. По умолчанию устанавливается значение 0. //|                                                    Alligator.mq4 |...
severe case)

And here's another fun question for "respected forum members".

As you all know very well, there is such a property of custom indicators as setindexdrawbegin

Now, let me ask you, where has the setindexdrawbegin property disappeared to?

Where is the end of the array to be drawn?

Without it, indicators draw vertical lines (or horizontal ones) - depending on the array filling.

And without it, any indicator becomes useless.

As the result, any attempt to fill any drawable array will cause these extra lines, and any attempt to apply any indicator will become useless.

This is a BOTTOM, my dears!

Wrong. Not school - crèche :D

And here's another fun question for the "respected forum members".

As you all know very well, there is such a property of custom indicators as setindexdrawbegin

Now, let me ask you, where has the setindexdrawbegin property disappeared to?

Where is the end of the array to be drawn?

Without it, indicators draw vertical lines (or horizontal ones) - depending on the array filling.

And without it, any indicator becomes useless.

As the result, any attempt to fill any drawable array will cause these extra lines, and any attempt to apply any indicator will become useless.

This is a BOTH, my dears!

then shoot yourself or hang yourself ))))

you have pure C++ with access to historical data, with the ability to send trade orders to a broker... and then bam... no way to deal with loops and arrays... you've got to go to the noose... or a duel!

Artyom Trishkin:
Wrong. Not school - crèche :D

You have most of your answers in that vein.

Well on the merits of the question - WHAT? - Nothing!!!

How to set the last array index to be drawn?

I don't see in your lauded description the answer to this simple question.

Or what, any array is drawn from a given start index, which is set by SetIndexDrawBegin - and to the end of the array???


You have most of your answers in that vein.

Well on the merits of the question - WHAT? - Nothing!!!

How to set the last array index to be drawn?

I don't see in your lauded description the answer to this simple question.

Or what, any array is drawn from a given start index - which is set by SetIndexDrawBegin - to the end of the array???

You have no idea how simple it is, which makes such questions even more ridiculous.
You can answer, but not to your interlocutor, who is having a dialogue in the style of "what morons everyone is around just because I don't understand".
Igor Makanu:

So shoot yourself or hang yourself ))))

you have pure C++ with access to historical data, with the ability to send trade orders to a broker... and then bam... no way to deal with loops and arrays... you've got to go to the noose... or a duel!

Your statements, as always, are irresponsible.

For example, as we know, the maximum number of buffer arrays in MT4 is 7:

#property indicator_buffers 7 // Number of buffers for calculating the indicator

I do not remember such a limitation in C++.

And 7 buffer arrays is almost nothing.

That is, we don't see "pure C++" in MT4 at all.