what is the right way to learn? - page 21

You can't just demonstrate like that here. The ladies come in sometimes.

That's what I thought...

(And why make such a statement that can only be demonstrated to support it... )


That's what I thought...

(And why make such a statement that can only be demonstrated to support it... )

You, my dear. are a theorist. And you speak in artificially invented categories that exist only in your imagination: noise, pure quotidian...

That's what I was trying to delicately hint at. Can you define what noise is?


there is no noise,

I didn't ask about the structure of the market for nothing.

If a person does not know how it works, what is there to talk about?


You, my dear, are a theorist. And you speak in artificial categories that exist only in your imagination: noise, pure coterie...

That's what I was trying to delicately suggest. Can you define what noise is?



there is no noise,

I didn't ask about the structure of the market for nothing.

if a man doesn't know how it's structured, what's there to talk about.

I have a feeling I'm the first person on the net you've heard the words"market noise" from.

Where did you people come from...?


there is no noise,

I didn't ask about the structure of the market for nothing.

If a person does not know how it works, what is there to talk about?

Is it necessary to know the structure of the market? We're interested in trade. Why would a lumberjack know the roots of a tree? This is unnecessary information which can be absorbed indefinitely and even an interesting conversationalist in the company of comrades does not become. Topic-How to learn? True author has not yet revealed to us: how? And we would like to hear. Where is the author?


I have a feeling I'm the first person online you've heard the words"market noise" from.

Where did you people come from...?

We're from the real world, darling.
And there's no such thing as empty words.


And can you tell me what data you have on the statistics of the outcomes of trades made using the levels trading strategy?...?

How much does it differ from 50/50? (I'm asking seriously, without irony... specially for students)

The statistics depend on the strategy used and without a strategy makes no sense, maybe if you place an order with the same stop and take, it's the same - 50/50 - I just haven't investigated that. There is one significant observation: From these levels the movement is substantial - much bigger than the stop you have to put. Stops are minimal.

You have a very good point that sounds like this: The bad news is that predicting the market is a futile business. The good news is that you don't need it to make money.
In practice it means that one has to move from prediction strategies to follow-the-market strategies.
In theory, it means that the task of prediction, which is extrapolation - the behavior beyond the right margin, should be moved to the task of classification.Condition on the right edge.. Continuing with the example with levels - if we change the strategy, for example, after capturing movement to hold a position while the market is in the corresponding state, the statistics will be different.

For example, a 1-2-3 pattern calculated from a significant level gives a very acceptable result. This, by the way, has been known for a long time. And here we are faced with the need to know how the market works.

By the way, I wrote yesterday from the road, so I did not quite finish the post - it was just inconvenient to write.

Continued: The notion of "market noise", "watching out for speculators". Indeed, such notions go around the net. From my point of view it means the following: nowadays this effect is less and less, but in the past it was quite easy to bump into the kitchen counter - the ones that take advantage of the OTC FOREX essence and start giving quotes "made in house" and even personally for the client. ))))))) The problem is that MT4 allows a very "flexible" approach to this issue: for example, to arrange a time or price lag, or a mix for a quote. This can be used both for the good and against the trader. Once I got a very well-known brokerage company arranging personal quoting )))))))). - I don't know how effective their robot was at that time in their accounts )))). I had a very well-known broker who at the time had very efficient trading on his accounts at that time )))). The other two accounts of the same currency pair continued quoting as if nothing had happened ))))))). Bad luck for them - I just got there early and not only saw it, but managed to take screenshots ))))) - On the spider were discussing. I withdrew the funds, of course, first. Changed the DC - I don't see any other way.

But what I want to emphasize - there is no market maker, his name is just a cover for crooks (I cannot call them otherwise) and, of course, this is not the market, the one that is meant when they say FOREX - because the phrase that there is no noise in the market is justified: all market movements are significant.
The "treatment" is simple - to change the brokerage company.
How to recognize - one of the options is just to open an account with a known brokerage company, better those that are affiliated with the market makers and get quotes from the real market, you can get them for free and with a delay of 15-20 minutes: they are not needed for trading, but for comparison ))))).

For the sake of forum rules I am not advertising or "dipping" anyone (VCs) - the net is full of information.

Good luck.

Vlad, great.If you want to, tell me about the system, I think you know more about it than I do. or maybe there is some material in one place and preferably in Russian.
Hi - above described "on my fingers". The rest is obvious ;).


Your negligence in dealing with outcome statistics is wrong ... and is costing you a very substantial loss of profit.
Maybe you can afford it. But there's more than one... ...and not two of the readers who would "like" that kind of income.
Your negligence in dealing with outcome statistics is wrong... and is costing you a very substantial loss of profit.
Perhaps you can afford it. But there are more than one... ...and not two of the readers who would "like" that kind of income.
For what it's worth, we pay