Teach me how to make money. - page 7


Please give examples of how to enter "not the result of a real trade" into the statistics , but "the result of the FIT " of the signal given by the TS, with the real price movement that has occurred (your words).


1). buy signal, TS 500, SL 300, price went down 1000. What is written in this case in the statistics?

2). a sell signal, TS 500, SL 300, price went down by 1000. What is entered into the statistics?

So, the signal was BAY.
And you can see from the outcome statistics that the signal is WAY more likely to lie than to predict correctly... and that's why it went DOWN.

The price went down... and your trade closed with a PROFIT. But (!),... you don't put a plus in your stats, you put a minus 300 pips... precisely because it should be a statistical analysis of the outcomes of a TRADING SYSTEM (not your trade).
For, it was the data on the CHARACTERISTICS of the TRADING SYSTEM that allowed you to make a profit in this example.

Further, how do I decide whether to open FOR or AGAINST the signal?

Now, I'll tell you in one "sentence" everything a person needs to "unravel" the problem to the END...

- open the wikipedia page on the "player busting task";

- take a chart from it with 1000 lines for 1000 moves, and consider that this is the statistics of outcomes by signals of some of your TS at TP=SL;

- and now, if you know how to trade to be in the black at the end of a series of trades, you know ALL THE ANSWERS TO ANY QUESTIONS ON THE TEXT OF OUR TALK without me ... and you don't need to ask me any more questions.
But if you still don't see what needs to be done... after all that's been said here... I'm sorry. I'll pass.


I'm terribly sorry, but as the hero said, I will not be silent. Tigers are not given enough meat. There is no equality of TP=SL, but TP+ZERO=SL. And this is ZERO that kills a huge mass of grails, and also allows FC to look to the future with confidence.

Why the game systems do not work on Forex? I will not repeat this in numerous articles. I see only Mr. Yusuf on the way to the grail. Why? I will tell you later. Time is running out. There are no sales at night. I'm going out.


I'm terribly sorry, but as the hero said, I will not be silent. Tigers are not given enough meat. There is no equality of TP=SL, but TP+ZERO=SL. And this is ZERO that kills a huge mass of grails, as well as allows FC to look to the future with confidence.

"...there isTP+ZERO=SL. And this ZERO kills a huge mass of grails...".

Let's say I'm trading the euro-bucks pair... and I have a spread of 2 points.

Let the price crawls lazily upwards (for example, to 1.1010)... and then pulls back 5 pips, where I buy (1.1007) with 50 pips stops in both directions.

Q: Give me one good reason why the probability of catching a loss at 1.0957 is HIGHER than taking a profit at 1.1057, if the current situation is exactly the same as when I bought the EUR at 1.1007 with a spread EQUAL to ZERO while the price was pulling back from 1.1010...

Why the game systems do not work on forex examined in a pile of articles, I will not repeat myself ...

And don't need to...

That's why I'm hinting here that"BEFORE LAMP", what system you use.
The "dog is buried" in the STATISTICS of its OUTCOMES...


"...there isTP+ZERO=SL. And this is ZERO that kills a huge mass of grails..."

Suppose I'm trading the euro-bucks pair... and I have a spread of 2 points.

Let the price crawls lazily upwards (for example, to 1.1010)... and then pulls back 5 pips, where I buy (1.1007) with 50 pips stops in both directions.

Q: Give me one good reason why the probability of catching a loss at 1.0957(55 I have inserted) is HIGHER than taking a profit at 1.1057, if the current situation is exactly the same as when I bought the EUR at 1.1007 with a spread EQUAL to ZERO when the price rolled back from 1.1010 ?


Well at least to take a profit at take 57 (50 pips profit) the price has to pass 52 points and for a stop with 50 pips loss only 50.

Let the price crawl upwards lazily (for example, to 1.1010) - where does it crawl from? From 1.0957? Then it has to go up to 1.1010. It is rather shy to buy at 57. Then at 1.90 it would be the takeoff.

"...there isTP+ZERO=SL. And this is ZERO that kills a huge mass of grails..."

Suppose I'm trading the euro-bucks pair... and I have a spread of 2 points.

Let the price crawls lazily upwards (for example, to 1.1010)... and then pulls back 5 pips, where I buy (1.1007) with 50 pips stops in both directions.

Q: Give me one good reason why the probability of catching a loss at 1.0957 is HIGHER than taking a profit at 1.1057, if the current situation is exactly the same as when I bought the EUR at 1.1007 with a spread EQUAL to ZERO while the price was pulling back from 1.1010...

And don't...

That's why I'm hinting here that"BEFORE THE DARK" what System you're using...
"It's all in the STATISTICS of its OUTCOMES...

Eugene, your information is quite interesting. But it's even more interesting to know whether you are theorizing or you already have practical positive trading results. If you already use statistics in practical trading, I want to know: - what percentage increase to initial deposit you may get per month (approximately)? I'm also interested in the minimum number of TS signals to have, using statistics of outcomes, to make the trade results positive. What is the minimum number of signals to have in order to make the results positive?
Let the price crawl upwards lazily (for example, to 1.1010) - where does it crawl from? From 1.0957? Then it has to go up to 1.1010. It is rather shy to buy at 57. Then at 1.90 it's already taken.
There you go... And you say "zero... Zero... And then there's "where it's crawling from" and how much to take... All of which brings your "zero" right down to zero...
Eugene, your information is interesting. But it is more interesting to know if you are theorizing or you have practical trading results. If you use statistics in practical trading, I want to know: - what percentage growth from the initial deposit you may get per month (approximately)? I'm also interested in the minimum number of TS signals to have, using statistics of outcomes, to make the trade results positive. I am not sure of the minimum number of signals we should have in order to make the results positive.

"There are no results. And the percentage is zero."

Well, I never understood the meaning of such questions...
Suppose I say: "Guys, if you add two to two, you get five". And I'm like, "I'm tearing up my shirt," like, "I'm telling you... "That's how I've been counting all my life."
A question, you begin to draw your final conclusions: on the basis of my assurances, or PERSONALLY check compliance with the truth of your "news"?

I am also interested in what is the minimum number of TS signals one needs to have in order to make trading results positive using statistics of outcomes

I will not give you a reasonable figure.
But, I personally feel confident enough already when the ratio of the channel length formed by the statistics chart to its width is greater than approximately 9.

Although, for me, who trades a RUNNING sequence, it does not matter.
A random sequence will be random at ANY length of the chart. (And there may be NOT ONE sequence.... There can be a whole bunch of them... For example - a thousand


Hi all) I would like to ask - who earns steadily on forex??? how many percent per month do you make??? and how do you do it?

Teach me please.

Call on Skype silvestor77 I will teach you

"There are no results. And the percentage is zero."

Now, I've never understood the point of such questions...
Let's say I say, "You guys, if you add two to two, you get five. And I'm like, "I'm tearing up my shirt," like, "I'm telling you... "That's how I've been counting all my life."
A question, you begin to draw your final conclusions: on the basis of my assurances, or PERSONALLY check compliance with the truth of your "news"?

I will not give you a reasonable figure.
But, I personally feel confident enough already when the ratio of the channel length formed by the statistics chart to its width is greater than approximately 9.

Although, for me, who trades a RUNNING sequence, it does not matter.
A random sequence will be random at ANY length of the chart. (And the sequence may be NOT ONE... . There can be a whole bunch of them... For example - a thousand

I usually believe a person, as long as they don't deceive me). I would like to decide whether it is worth wasting my time on this. If the profitability is lower than the methods I use, then, as they say, it's not worth it.