Is it realistic to make money on forex? - page 3


It's all nonsense... If it were possible to implement all our ideas and discoveries - we would each have our own island. All brokerage companies and all the brokers and banks, and especially the insiders know about all these "grails" better than you and me. And they will never allow these "grails" to be realized on real accounts.

I can give you about a dozen of such grails right now ..... What's the use of such fantasies? Everything works fine in the demo mode, but it will never work in the real world.

Unfortunately, this is true.
As for the main theme, I can say that the broker gets his salary from the spread.
As for the basic theme, I can say that the broker gets his salary from the spread, while the broker gets a yacht and a house in the Maldives because of the traders' sticks in his wheels.
If an honest broker will appear, that will have enough to live from the official earnings directions, it will be either killed in a couple of days or it will become a monopolist.
The first is more likely.

An honest broker is nonsense, just like an honest lawyer... The line of business is all about dishonesty...

An honest broker is the same as a legless driver or a blind welder (if you are talking about welding), that is, by definition, no way :)


I could give you about a dozen of these grails out of my head right now.... What's the use of these fantasies? Everything works fine in the demo, it will never work in the real world

I suggest you check your assertion. You do not need ten. Show me one grail that works on the demo. I am ready to use it on my demo, maybe somebody will use theirs. Let's compare the results. We will discuss it. If we obtain a stable profit, we may think about using several real accounts for testing.

Come on guys... this is another hullabaloo... why talk about brokers??? Brokers are cheaters by definition - it's their business. They either cheat softly and quietly or blatantly and rudely (but that's cheaters).

And my 50 grand no one has earned - I did not say that I poured 50 grand. I haven't lost my mind yet. I told you that such sums appeared in the account, and then were safely drained. I should have been a fool to withdraw right away... Although I don't know if it would have worked... Withdrawal of large sums is also legendary - not always, and not everyone can do it...

And spider - do you have any suggestions how I can earn a couple or three pounds with my machine? In private - address and phone number of the customer (I fly out immediately) :))

You see, as a welder you cannot make a fortune, but for some reason you have decided that you will be able to do it on the forex market.
The market is not a double cow, the real profitability of trade here is slightly higher than the bank.

If there is a safe with 2 or 3 grand in it, the skills of a gas cutter will come in handy.
Unfortunately, even in this case you may not be able to withdraw the money. And the risk is even higher than in forex).
Unfortunately, in this case too, you may not be able to withdraw the money. And the risk is even higher than in forex).
The expectation is higher.
You see, you cannot make a fortune as a welder, but for some reason you have decided that you will be able to do it on the forex market.
The market is not a double cow, the real profitability of trading here is slightly higher than the bank profitability.

Aren't you planning to participate in the 2015 BFI?

Here it is. That's a normal bank yield. :-)

Yes. It's not forex as far as the subject of the thread is concerned.


Aren't you planning to participate in the 2015 BFI?

Here it is. That's a normal bank yield. :-)

Yes. It's not forex as far as the subject of the thread is concerned.

If you bet on a number at roulette and guessed it, the chart would be cooler. 3500% per trade.

I could give you about a dozen of these grails out of my head right now.... What's the use of these fantasies? Everything works fine in the demo, it will never work in the real world

It's been twenty-four hours. And where is even one grail to test? It is easier to talk than to do? No grails that work on the demo?
It's been 24 hours. And where is even one grail to be tested? Easier said than done? No grails that work well in the demo?

It's an outrage!

Give grails to the people! More grails good and different!