Recipes for increasing revenue from the sale of Signals - page 9


One-sided judgement, just to judge...

Offer your profitable strategy in signals, I'm sure many subscribers will switch to you, but for now it's just a pathetic attempt at anti-advertising.

Who/what is judging who/what, paranoid? Doing research not by hand but by machine. Probably the most comprehensive publicly conducted study. Unbiased and objective - the codes are posted, anyone can repeat and check. You'll also find anti-advertising in opinion polls, you vigilantes!

By the way, the ability to subscribe new users to the signal is blocked at a certain level of drawdown, so there is a certain protection. And the funds show the trading methods at a glance, without even looking at the trading history tab of the signal provider.

If you do not know how to read the rules or do not want to, it is true that most of them are burned, but who is to blame for that...

How can you be so naive to move against the tank - the constructive. There are rules and there are facts. Here is a code to play:
#property strict

#include "Signals.mqh"

// Условие сортировки по максимальной просадке

void OnStart( void )
  // Получили сигналы
  SIGNALS Signals;

  // Отсортировали сигналы по максимальной просадке
  Signals.Sort(new CompareByMaxDD(MODE_DESCEND));
  FILE::StringToFile("Signals_MaxDD.txt", Signals.ToString(TRUE));


0: Name: Venta (Antekov)
Broker Server: (InstaForex Companies Group)
URL: (Real Account, Leverage: 400)
Gain: 18.77% (Balance: 536.45, Equity: 534.81, Pips: 42906, Trades: 1931)
MaxDD: 97.98%, ROI: 9.03%
Rating: 99999999 (Started: 2013.02.13 09:52:50, Published: 2013.03.15 11:19:29)
Subscribers: 0 (Price: $50.00), SignalIncome: $0.00, Funds: $0.00 (per one: $0.00)

1: Name: Monkey (palatochnik)
Broker Server: WhoTrades-Real (WhoTrades Limited)
URL: (Real Account, Leverage: 200)
Gain: 100.56% (Balance: 1275.27, Equity: 1276.37, Pips: -50984, Trades: 3580)
MaxDD: 97.77%, ROI: 15.43%
Rating: 99999958 (Started: 2014.09.29 08:34:37, Published: 2014.09.29 08:34:37)
Subscribers: 0 (Price: $20.00), SignalIncome: $0.00, Funds: $0.00 (per one: $0.00)

2: Name: MF New Way (mqxmf4x)
Broker Server: RoboForex-ProCent (RoboTrade Ltd.)
URL: (Real Account, Leverage: 500)
Gain: 342.25% (Balance: 3737.95, Equity: 2709.31, Pips: 64248, Trades: 20)
MaxDD: 97.08%, ROI: 220.54%
Rating: 99999999 (Started: 2014.11.04 07:25:31, Published: 2014.11.04 07:25:31)
Subscribers: 0 (Price: $20.00), SignalIncome: $0.00, Funds: $0.00 (per one: $0.00)

3: Name: EURO TREND (gontaras)
Broker Server: RoboForex-ProCent (RoboTrade Ltd.)
URL: (Real Account, Leverage: 500)
Gain: 327.21% (Balance: 4272.07, Equity: 3566.68, Pips: 21478, Trades: 163)
MaxDD: 96.15%, ROI: 256.67%
Rating: 99999950 (Started: 2014.09.08 09:09:29, Published: 2014.09.08 09:09:29)
Subscribers: 15 (Price: $20.00), SignalIncome: $300.00, Funds: $15000.00 (per one: $1000.00)

4: Name: Signal sea gull 3285 euraud (LarissaFo)
Broker Server: EGlobal-Cent1 (E-Global Trade and Finance Group, Inc.)
URL: (Real Account, Leverage: 500)
Gain: 45.09% (Balance: 705.34, Equity: 705.34, Pips: 866, Trades: 49)
MaxDD: 95.81%, ROI: 85.40%
Rating: 99999999 (Started: 2014.05.21 03:31:13, Published: 2014.05.21 03:31:13)
Subscribers: 0 (Price: $0.00), SignalIncome: $0.00, Funds: $0.00 (per one: $0.00)

Even demo accounts to subscribe to real accounts are not a problem:

53: Name: CAP Joly Scapler EA (advali82)
Broker Server: OctaFX-Demo (Octa Markets Inc.)
URL: (Real Account, Leverage: 500)
Gain: 2215.46% (Balance: 2315.46, Equity: 2315.46, Pips: 1919, Trades: 293)
MaxDD: 78.78%, ROI: 2215.46%
Rating: 99999999 (Started: 2014.09.08 14:11:32, Published: 2014.09.08 14:11:32)
Subscribers: 0 (Price: $999999.00), SignalIncome: $0.00, Funds: $0.00 (per one: $0.00)

127: Name: Kaanti agresive (10761233)
Broker Server: RoboForex-Demo (RoboTrade Ltd.)
URL: (Real Account, Leverage: 200)
Gain: 101.52% (Balance: 18149.94, Equity: 14191.33, Pips: 8597, Trades: 52)
MaxDD: 59.76%, ROI: 41.91%
Rating: 99999896 (Started: 2014.11.04 12:23:09, Published: 2014.11.04 12:23:09)
Subscribers: 0 (Price: $20.00), SignalIncome: $0.00, Funds: $0.00 (per one: $0.00)

In short, there's no need to flaunt your incompetence in such a pretentious way. I am quietly laying out statistics, not disturbing anyone. No, your tongue is itching to say something. If you have something constructive to say, welcome.

Синхронизация может потребовать принятия решения Подписчика в тех случаях, когда:

  • there are unrecorded profits on open positions in the Signals Source's Trading Account which may suggest an unfavorable start for a Subscriber under less favorable terms.

The Subscriber may make a forced synchronization by agreeing to start working under the Subscription immediately, without waiting for more favorable conditions to open positions based on the existing positions of the Signals Source.

This is an excerpt from the Signals Regulations.

Am I (the Signal Provider) correct in assuming that if I do not close unprofitable positions, the synchronization will always be profitable for the Subscriber? And therefore it will run perfectly.

The main idea behind this reasoning is - if there is a negative position hanging and the Subscriber has no trades, then by opening in the same direction as the current losing trade, he has a better chance to profit from it than I do (when I close it).

If my reasoning is correct, then the rules contribute to non-closing negative trades. I.e. spawn lots on MT4 and overshot trades. Well, it also benefits the provider with a potentially smooth balance curve that will attract even more subscribers.

Please explain about synchronization.
Data as of 02.12.2014:
Всего сигналов: 966
Всего подписчиков: 3871
Суммарно они платят: $58640.76

Сумма всех средств подписчиков: $6 749 987

It turns out. on average :

paid per subscriber 58640, 76/3871 = $15.15;

subscribers per signal: 3871/966 = 4


It turns out. on average :

paid per subscriber 58640, 76/3871 = $15.15;

subscribers per signal: 3871/966 = 4

You have a very rough estimate:
Подробнее распределение:
Цена    Подписчики
0.00000000 2095.00000000
20.00000000 668.00000000
21.00000000 242.00000000
22.00000000 8.00000000
24.00000000 36.00000000
25.00000000 111.00000000
28.00000000 7.00000000
29.00000000 496.00000000
29.99000000 13.00000000
30.00000000 26.00000000
33.00000000 9.00000000
35.00000000 85.00000000
38.90000000 1.00000000
39.00000000 14.00000000
40.00000000 3.00000000
49.00000000 6.00000000
50.00000000 2.00000000
59.00000000 3.00000000
60.00000000 1.00000000
77.00000000 6.00000000
79.00000000 7.00000000
80.00000000 2.00000000
99.00000000 4.00000000
100.00000000 2.00000000
110.00000000 1.00000000
400.00000000 34.00000000
500.00000000 1.00000000

As you can see, it's very uneven. Over > 50% of subscribers pay nothing at all.

ZZY Signals API data is noticeably lagging (not updated real-time) from web data.

Data as of 10.12.2014:
Всего сигналов: 963
Всего подписчиков: 4249
Из них платящих: 1968
Суммарно они платят: $49892.89

Сумма всех средств подписчиков: $8 069 519

There is an important clarification about paying subscribers: they only pay if the signal was a paid signal at the time of subscription.

If you sign up for a free signal and then put a price on it, the free subscription is valid until the period ends.

However, this is no longer so relevant, for new signals from real, the price is set immediately.



However, it is not so relevant anymore, as the price is set immediately for new signals from the real account.

Even according to the dynamics of the service's data posted here, we can see a strange pattern: the number of subscribers is not increasing, and the amount they pay for using the service is not increasing either. But their total capital is increasing.

It turns out (I assume) that mainly the same people use the service. They unsubscribe from some and subscribe to others. But their confidence in the service grows - they increase the amount in their accounts.
A strange pattern is seen even in data dynamics posted here: the number of subscribers does not increase and the amount they pay for using the service does not increase either. But their total capital is increasing.

It turns out (I assume) that mainly the same people use the service. They unsubscribe from some and subscribe to others. But their confidence in the service grows and they increase the amount in their accounts.

Old subscribers may leave at the end of the period, if they are not satisfied with something, and new ones come to replace them, it is a peculiar cycle of subscribers in the system :)

The amount also changes as a result of this cycle.