Recipes for increasing revenue from the sale of Signals - page 6


Script (please attach file):

#property strict

#include "Signals.mqh"
#include "Distribution.mqh"
#include "File.mqh"

// Получение цены сигнала

// Получение количества подписчиков сигнала
SIMPLE_GETVALUE_MACROS(GetSignalSubscribers, SIGNAL, Source.Subscribers)

// Получение произведения X * Y элемента распределения

// Условие сортировки сигналов по прибыльности сигнала

// Условие сортировки сигналов по фактору восстановления сигнала
SIMPLE_COMPARE_MACROS(CompareByRecoveryFactor, SIGNAL, Source.MaxDD == 0 ? DBL_MAX : Source.Gain / Source.MaxDD)

// Условие сортировки сигналов по доходу с подписчиков
SIMPLE_COMPARE_MACROS(CompareByIncome, SIGNAL, Source.Subscribers * Source.Price)

// Условие сортировки распределения по X

void OnStart( void )
  // Получили сигналы
  SIGNALS Signals;

  // Отсортировали сигналы по прибыльности
  Signals.Sort(new CompareByGain(MODE_DESCEND));
  FILE::StringToFile("Signals_Gain.txt", Signals.ToString(TRUE));

  // Отсортировали сигналы по доходу с подписчиков
  Signals.Sort(new CompareByIncome(MODE_DESCEND));
  FILE::StringToFile("Signals_Income.txt", Signals.ToString(TRUE));

  // Отсортировали сигналы по фактору восстановления
  Signals.Sort(new CompareByRecoveryFactor(MODE_DESCEND));
  FILE::StringToFile("Signals_RF.txt", Signals.ToString(TRUE));

  // Получили распределение зависимости количества подписчиков (Y) от цены на подписку (X)
  DISTRIBUTION Distribution(Signals, new GetSignalSubscribers, new GetSignalPrice);

  // Отсортировали полученное распределение по цене
  Distribution.Sort(new CompareByX);
  FILE::StringToFile("Distribution.txt", "Price Subscribers\n" + Distribution.ToString());

  string Str = "Всего сигналов: " + (string)Signals.GetAmount() +
               "\nВсего подписчиков: " + DoubleToString(Signals.GetSum(new GetSignalSubscribers), 0) +
               "\nСуммарно они платят: $" + DoubleToString(Distribution.GetSum(new GetDistributionXY), 2) +
               "\n\nПодробнее распределение:\nЦена    Подписчики\n" + Distribution.ToString() +
               "\nСм. подробнее *.txt файлы.";

  FILE::StringToFile("MessageBox.txt", Str);



Всего сигналов: 924
Всего подписчиков: 4057
Суммарно они платят: $45706.45

Подробнее распределение:
Цена    Подписчики
0.00000000 3012.00000000
20.00000000 334.00000000
21.00000000 43.00000000
22.00000000 3.00000000
24.00000000 31.00000000
25.00000000 27.00000000
26.00000000 1.00000000
28.00000000 3.00000000
29.00000000 386.00000000
29.99000000 26.00000000
30.00000000 25.00000000
35.00000000 79.00000000
38.90000000 4.00000000
39.00000000 12.00000000
49.00000000 2.00000000
50.00000000 3.00000000
59.00000000 3.00000000
60.00000000 1.00000000
77.00000000 4.00000000
79.00000000 7.00000000
99.00000000 1.00000000
100.00000000 1.00000000
110.00000000 1.00000000
111.11000000 1.00000000
150.00000000 1.00000000
400.00000000 45.00000000
500.00000000 1.00000000

См. подробнее *.txt файлы.
Didn't see anything more interesting from the statistics for the whole service.

Somehow they managed to calculate zero drawdown:

0: Name: The next (aurakaya)
Broker Server: OctaFX-Real (Octa Markets Inc.)
URL: (Real Account, Leverage: 500)
Gain: 11.40% (Balance: 47.90, Equity: 47.90, Pips: 48, Trades: 3)
MaxDD: 0.00%, ROI: 11.40%
Rating: 99999999 (Started: 2014.11.18 11:00:50, Published: 2014.11.18 11:00:50)
Subscribers: 0 (Price: $20.00), SignalIncome: $0.00

Somehow managed to calculate zero drawdown:

It turned out that the API-Signals do not contain up-to-date information. Rebooting the terminal does not update the information on the signals. The information is much fresher in web.

This API-Signals is raw at the moment.


Script (please attach file):


Didn't see anything more interesting from the statistics for the whole service.

Few statistics. Not serious. But there is no point in jacking up the price at all.
Few statistics. Not serious. But it doesn't make sense to go overboard with the price at all.
I agree, the optimal price is around $30 - that is the value of this study, although I have not included the last 2 points with prices of $400 and $500 in the graph, as not typical. In general, the pattern of income falling with increasing price, typical of the goods and services market, is observed. Some variation seems to be related to the quality of the signal and the personality of the signal owner (the more famous he is for his former achievements, the more "upfront" connections are made in the hope of good results in the future).

Total number of signals: 921. Distribution by broker (broker - quantity):

E-Global Trade and Finance Group, Inc. 89
RoboTrade Ltd. 83
Alpari Limited 63
InstaForex Companies Group 56
Octa Markets Inc. 47
Forex Capital Markets Inc. 24
Trading Point Of Financial Instruments Ltd 23
IronFX 22
FXOpen Investments Inc. 21
Pepperstone Financial Pty Ltd 20
OANDA Corporation 20
Armada Markets Pty Ltd 18
International Capital Markets Pty Ltd. 18
Straighthold Investment Group, Inc. 17
Activtrades Ltd 16
Alpari (UK) Ltd. 16
Exness Ltd. 14
Management Company ''GoldFleece'' Ltd. 13
Admiral Markets AS 11

Total subscribers: 4229. Distribution of subscribers by signal brokers (broker - quantity) :

RoboTrade Ltd. 1080
International Capital Markets Pty Ltd. 634
GSM Group 238
I Securities Global Ltd. 208
Starfish Markets Limited 166
Alpari Limited 162
TusarFX 134
InstaForex Companies Group 122
Octa Markets Inc. 114
Fort Financial Services Ltd. 111
Admiral Markets AS 106
Straighthold Investment Group, Inc. 93
ForexTime Ltd. 78
Activtrades Ltd 76
E-Global Trade and Finance Group, Inc. 75
Triumph FX Limited 63
FXOpen Investments Inc. 41
ServiceCom Ltd. 36
IPCTrade Inc. 36
Alpari (UK) Ltd. 35
Pepperstone Financial Pty Ltd 33
Exness Ltd. 33
Planet Group International Holdings Limited 28
Forex Capital Markets Inc. 24
MB Trading Futures, Inc. 24
JFD Brokers 24
Alpari Japan K.K. 23
OANDA Corporation 22
Management Company ''GoldFleece'' Ltd. 21
X-Trade Brokers DM S.A. 21
IronFX 17
Profit Large Trading Limited 17
FXPRO Financial Services Ltd 16
WhoTrades Limited 12
AETOS Capital Group PTY LTD. 11
PCM Brokers DMCC 10

All quantities < 10 did not show. Now this statistic says a lot...


These statistics now tell a lot...

In particular, an inconspicuous broker who has a signal (free) with a large number of subscribers immediately catches the eye. The assumption that this is about marketing is fully confirmed if this signal is googled.

But this signal (with subscribers!) is clearly fraudulent. But for some reason it is available through the real terminal and API-Signals. So, the statistical approach makes it easy to find "assholes" after all.

Developers (and others), take note.


But this signal (with subscribers!) is clearly fraudulent. But for some reason it is available through the real terminal and API-Signals. So, the statistical approach makes it easy to find "assholes" after all.

Developers (and others), take note.

He got banned recently, it probably makes you think a bit, even without statistics. And the monstrous slippage and obscenely large deposit - too. Well, those who are still involved, are their own enemies, so ))))