Error #1 when modifying orders - page 7


Boris, it's simple.

Firstly, in this case you won't forget it in the future because this check will always be present.

Secondly, this check requires so little time that it will not give any optimization of the code and will not speed up the process. I.e. either check for "Allowed to trade" and enter the function or enter and check "Allowed to trade".

Thirdly, I agree about the exvity, it should be put separately. I sawed off this piece. And a lot of things removed. Now the function is short in general.

Well, that's great! You didn't get to the demo?
That's great! You didn't make it to the demo?
What do you mean you didn't make it? I did and I passed! Everything works. Just a few things to clear up, and everything will be fine.