-Hot cakes, pancakes, pancakes! - In a figurative sense, of course. Discuss and criticise the new indicators. - page 2

There is no limit to human imagination. And even the most ridiculous, at first glance, invention can turn out to be not only a whimsical "mind game", but also have a very practical application. Create, invent, try!!!
The influence of your Muse has side effects.

I will explain the new terms.

Mirror-periodic - a property that explains the action of an indicator ((one line is displayed in the indicator window twice with inverse proportional values, except: time, direction of movement), (the line movement has a pattern)).

Mirror-periodic indicator - indicator displaying a line with inversely proportional values twice in an indicator window, except time, direction of movement, which has a regularity in movement.

Cyclic - a property which explains the way a particular value is calculated((a series of different movements between which a relationship and order is established),
(a calculation carried out using a time value)).

Cyclic-temporal indicator - an indicator which uses the time value in the calculation of a sequence of different movements, between which the relation and the order of playback are established.

Divergent - a property which explains the units used to perform the calculation (difference of two opposite values (ADX), (strength of a trend shown by the Main ADX line).

Relative indicator - an indicator that applies the product of the difference of two opposite values (ADX) to the trend strength indicated by the Main ADX.

Divergent Trend Efficiency - a trend line that is currently in effect, displayed on the Divergent Indicator.

It's all "chewed up".
khorosh, thank you very much!!! Your guidance was a pleasure to read!!!


You remove this part of the code and then you get an indicator without visualising the calculation. This nonsense sets the point at which the indicator will need to perform calculations over uncalculated bars.
extern int History = 10000;

int start(){
   for( p=0; p<History; p++) { 
// ----------------------------------
// ----------------------------------

Since you didn't get to the point, I'll give you a leading question:

" What will change in the calculation of the indicator with the arrival of a tick, another tick? "

( so why recalculate everything at every tick ??? )


( so why recalculate everything on every tick ??? ) - thanks for the leading phrase.

The indicator will recalculate all values and display new calculations, replacing the most recent tick (10001) with the penultimate tick(10000) so that the previous tick (10000) becomes the last.
#property copyright "Jonny Bravo"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 6
#property  indicator_color1 DarkGreen 
#property  indicator_color2 Green
#property  indicator_color3 MediumSeaGreen
#property  indicator_color4 MediumSeaGreen
#property  indicator_color5 Green
#property  indicator_color6 DarkGreen
//|Inputs                                                            |
extern double _N_  = 1;
extern double _NN_ = -1;
extern int History = 10000;
extern double RSI_Type_Line_1 = 0;
extern double RSI_Period_Line_1 = 5;
extern double ADX_Type_Price_1 = 0;
extern double ADX_Period_Line_1 = 5;
extern double RVI_Period_Line_1 = 5;
extern double Stohastic_MA_Metod_1 = 0;
extern double Stochastic_Period_Line_A_1 = 10;
extern double Stochastic_Period_Line_B_1 = 6;
extern double RSI_Type_Line_2 = 0;
extern double RSI_Period_Line_2 = 10;
extern double ADX_Type_Price_2 = 0;
extern double ADX_Period_Line_2 = 10;
extern double RVI_Period_Line_2 = 10;
extern double Stohastic_MA_Metod_2 = 0;
extern double Stochastic_Period_Line_A_2 = 10;
extern double Stochastic_Period_Line_B_2 = 6;
extern double RSI_Type_Line_3 = 0;
extern double RSI_Period_Line_3 = 20;
extern double ADX_Type_Price_3 = 0;
extern double ADX_Period_Line_3 = 20;
extern double RVI_Period_Line_3 = 20;
extern double Stohastic_MA_Metod_3 = 0;
extern double Stochastic_Period_Line_A_3 = 10;
extern double Stochastic_Period_Line_B_3 = 6;
extern double RSI_Type_Line_4 = 0;
extern double RSI_Period_Line_4 = 5;
extern double ADX_Type_Price_4 = 0;
extern double ADX_Period_Line_4 = 5;
extern double RVI_Period_Line_4 = 5;
extern double Stohastic_MA_Metod_4 = 0;
extern double Stochastic_Period_Line_A_4 = 10;
extern double Stochastic_Period_Line_B_4 = 6;
extern double RSI_Type_Line_5 = 0;
extern double RSI_Period_Line_5 = 10;
extern double ADX_Type_Price_5 = 0;
extern double ADX_Period_Line_5 = 10;
extern double RVI_Period_Line_5 = 10;
extern double Stohastic_MA_Metod_5 = 0;
extern double Stochastic_Period_Line_A_5 = 10;
extern double Stochastic_Period_Line_B_5 = 6;
extern double RSI_Type_Line_6 = 0;
extern double RSI_Period_Line_6 = 20;
extern double ADX_Type_Price_6 = 0;
extern double ADX_Period_Line_6 = 20;
extern double RVI_Period_Line_6 = 20;
extern double Stohastic_MA_Metod_6 = 0;
extern double Stochastic_Period_Line_A_6 = 10;
extern double Stochastic_Period_Line_B_6 = 6;
//|Declaration                                                       |
double Buf_0[];  double Buf_1[];  double Buf_2[]; 
double Line_1_A; double Line_2_A; double Line_3_A;
double Line_1_B; double Line_2_B; double Line_3_B;
double Line_1_C; double Line_2_C; double Line_3_C;
double Line_1_D; double Line_2_D; double Line_3_D;
double Line_1_I; double Line_2_I; double Line_3_I;
double Line_1_F; double Line_2_F; double Line_3_F;
double Line_1_K; double Line_2_K; double Line_3_K;
double Line_1_L; double Line_2_L; double Line_3_L;
double Line_1_M; double Line_2_M; double Line_3_M;
double Buf_3[];  double Buf_4[];  double Buf_5[]; 
double Line_4_A; double Line_5_A; double Line_6_A;
double Line_4_B; double Line_5_B; double Line_6_B;
double Line_4_C; double Line_5_C; double Line_6_C;
double Line_4_D; double Line_5_D; double Line_6_D;
double Line_4_I; double Line_5_I; double Line_6_I;
double Line_4_F; double Line_5_F; double Line_6_F;
double Line_4_K; double Line_5_K; double Line_6_K;
double Line_4_L; double Line_5_L; double Line_6_L;
double Line_4_M; double Line_5_M; double Line_6_M;
//|Buf inform                                                        |
int init()
//|Start                                                             |
    //|Level_1                                                       |
    Line_1_A = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_1,RSI_Type_Line_1,0);
    Line_1_M = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_1,RSI_Type_Line_1,0);
    Line_1_L = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_1,RSI_Type_Line_1,0);
    Line_1_B = iStochastic(Symbol(),0,Stochastic_Period_Line_A_1,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_1,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_1,Stohastic_MA_Metod_1,0,0,0);
    Line_1_K = iStochastic(Symbol(),0,Stochastic_Period_Line_A_1,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_1,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_1,Stohastic_MA_Metod_1,0,1,0);
    Line_1_C = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_1,ADX_Type_Price_1,0,0);
    Line_1_D = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_1,ADX_Type_Price_1,1,0);
    Line_1_I = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_1,ADX_Type_Price_1,2,0);
    Line_1_F = iRVI(Symbol(),0,RVI_Period_Line_1,ADX_Type_Price_1,0);
    Line_2_A = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_2,RSI_Type_Line_2,0);
    Line_2_M = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_2,RSI_Type_Line_2,0);
    Line_2_L = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_2,RSI_Type_Line_2,0);
    Line_2_B = iStochastic(Symbol(),0,Stochastic_Period_Line_A_2,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_2,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_2,Stohastic_MA_Metod_2,0,0,0);
    Line_2_K = iStochastic(Symbol(),0,Stochastic_Period_Line_A_2,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_2,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_2,Stohastic_MA_Metod_2,0,1,0);
    Line_2_C = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_2,ADX_Type_Price_2,0,0);
    Line_2_D = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_2,ADX_Type_Price_2,1,0);
    Line_2_I = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_2,ADX_Type_Price_2,2,0);
    Line_2_F = iRVI(Symbol(),0,RVI_Period_Line_2,ADX_Type_Price_2,0);
    Line_3_A = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_3,RSI_Type_Line_3,0);
    Line_3_M = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_3,RSI_Type_Line_3,0);
    Line_3_L = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_3,RSI_Type_Line_3,0);
    Line_3_B = iStochastic(Symbol(),0,Stochastic_Period_Line_A_3,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_3,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_3,Stohastic_MA_Metod_3,0,0,0);
    Line_3_K = iStochastic(Symbol(),0,Stochastic_Period_Line_A_3,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_3,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_3,Stohastic_MA_Metod_3,0,1,0);
    Line_3_C = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_3,ADX_Type_Price_3,0,0);
    Line_3_D = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_3,ADX_Type_Price_3,1,0);
    Line_3_I = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_3,ADX_Type_Price_3,2,0);
    Line_3_F = iRVI(Symbol(),0,RVI_Period_Line_3,ADX_Type_Price_3,0);
    Line_4_A = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_4,RSI_Type_Line_4,0);
    Line_4_M = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_4,RSI_Type_Line_4,0);
    Line_4_L = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_4,RSI_Type_Line_4,0);
    Line_4_B = iStochastic(Symbol(),0,Stochastic_Period_Line_A_4,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_4,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_4,Stohastic_MA_Metod_4,0,0,0);
    Line_4_K = iStochastic(Symbol(),0,Stochastic_Period_Line_A_4,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_4,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_4,Stohastic_MA_Metod_4,0,1,0);
    Line_4_C = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_4,ADX_Type_Price_4,0,0);
    Line_4_D = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_4,ADX_Type_Price_4,1,0);
    Line_4_I = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_4,ADX_Type_Price_4,2,0);
    Line_4_F = iRVI(Symbol(),0,RVI_Period_Line_4,ADX_Type_Price_4,0);
    Line_5_A = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_5,RSI_Type_Line_5,0);
    Line_5_M = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_5,RSI_Type_Line_5,0);
    Line_5_L = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_5,RSI_Type_Line_5,0);
    Line_5_B = iStochastic(Symbol(),0,Stochastic_Period_Line_A_5,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_5,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_5,Stohastic_MA_Metod_5,0,0,0);
    Line_5_K = iStochastic(Symbol(),0,Stochastic_Period_Line_A_5,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_5,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_5,Stohastic_MA_Metod_5,0,1,0);
    Line_5_C = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_5,ADX_Type_Price_5,0,0);
    Line_5_D = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_5,ADX_Type_Price_5,1,0);
    Line_5_I = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_5,ADX_Type_Price_5,2,0);
    Line_5_F = iRVI(Symbol(),0,RVI_Period_Line_5,ADX_Type_Price_5,0);
    Line_6_A = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_6,RSI_Type_Line_6,0);
    Line_6_M = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_6,RSI_Type_Line_6,0);
    Line_6_L = iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSI_Period_Line_6,RSI_Type_Line_6,0);
    Line_6_B = iStochastic(Symbol(),0,Stochastic_Period_Line_A_6,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_6,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_6,Stohastic_MA_Metod_6,0,0,0);
    Line_6_K = iStochastic(Symbol(),0,Stochastic_Period_Line_A_6,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_6,Stochastic_Period_Line_B_6,Stohastic_MA_Metod_6,0,1,0);
    Line_6_C = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_6,ADX_Type_Price_6,0,0);
    Line_6_D = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_6,ADX_Type_Price_6,1,0);
    Line_6_I = iADX(Symbol(),0,ADX_Period_Line_6,ADX_Type_Price_6,2,0);
    Line_6_F = iRVI(Symbol(),0,RVI_Period_Line_6,ADX_Type_Price_6,0);
      //|Level_3                                                     |
      Buf_0[0] = _N_ * (((Line_1_B + Line_1_F) / Line_1_K) - ((Line_1_D + Line_1_I) / Line_1_C) + ((Line_1_A + Line_1_M) / Line_1_L));
      Buf_1[0] = _N_ * (((Line_2_B + Line_2_F) / Line_2_K) - ((Line_2_D + Line_2_I) / Line_2_C) + ((Line_2_A + Line_2_M) / Line_2_L));
      Buf_2[0] = _N_ * (((Line_3_B + Line_3_F) / Line_3_K) - ((Line_3_D + Line_3_I) / Line_3_C) + ((Line_3_A + Line_3_M) / Line_3_L));
      Buf_3[0] = _NN_ * (((Line_4_B + Line_4_F) / Line_4_K) - ((Line_4_D + Line_4_I) / Line_4_C) + ((Line_4_A + Line_4_M) / Line_4_L));
      Buf_4[0] = _NN_ * (((Line_5_B + Line_5_F) / Line_5_K) - ((Line_5_D + Line_5_I) / Line_5_C) + ((Line_5_A + Line_5_M) / Line_5_L));
      Buf_5[0] = _NN_ * (((Line_6_B + Line_6_F) / Line_6_K) - ((Line_6_D + Line_6_I) / Line_6_C) + ((Line_6_A + Line_6_M) / Line_6_L));
        //|Level_4                                                   |
Copy this code and run the indicator based on it, look for a line.
Did you find it? ))
Sergey, thank you again! You helped me in recognising the error created during the programming process.


John... Not Katana by any chance? It's just... don't mind me... Inspired by

Not good.

1 error(s), 252 warning(s)