Please help write EAs for free. 5 different ideas. - page 9


No... Where is it: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need"?

Our needs are not considered. Only abilities.

And his needs are taken into account, and he's sure his abilities are too.

An imbalance...

All sisters in earrings!!! ;)))))

No... Where is it: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need"?

Our needs are not included. Only abilities.

But his needs are taken into account, and he's sure that so are his abilities.

An imbalance...

He just underestimated his abilities by suggesting such an exchange! If he was confident in his ideas, he could have promised more ideas!
He's just being low-key about his abilities by offering such an exchange!
It's barter, it's not communism.

It's my anniversary too! Going to get drunk on tea now!

borilunad 23.11.2013 12:10 #

Nah... Where is it: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" ?

Our needs are not considered. Only abilities.

But his needs are taken into account, and he's sure that so are his abilities.

An imbalance...

He just underestimated his abilities by suggesting such an exchange! If he was confident in his ideas, he could have promised more ideas!


It's my anniversary too! Going to get drunk on tea now!

borilunad 23.11.2013 12:10 #

Nah... Where is it: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" ?

Our needs are not considered. Only abilities.

But his needs are taken into account, and he's sure that so are his abilities.

An imbalance...

He just underestimated his abilities by suggesting such an exchange! If he was confident in his ideas, he could have promised more ideas!

Nah. His ideas are dead...

Happy Jubilee.

I don't offer beer as long as we're talking about tea.

Nah. His ideas are a waste...

Happy Jubilee!

I don't offer beer if we're talking about tea.
Thank you. You too! :))
He did offer to pay for the job with his ideas! Well, just like communism was promised back in the day!

Of course!!!!

The idea itself is already gurgling - what more do you need???

If you count how many ideas I had, I'd be basking in trillions by now, dragging like Bobik in a dumpster. The road to forex is hard and long, not the way he thinks.



Developed capitalism and other idioms)

In the USSR they loved to say "we are not slaves", but even there slavery was practiced as a punishment, the forest was cut down not only by criminals, the White Sea Canal was also built by them and many other construction projects of the century.

Now, everyone who gets a salary that is enough only for food and payment of all bills, after which there is nothing left in the wallet, can be safely called a slave too, just they are given a little more freedom - they can still leave. But where to...

I support the idea, I would like to add that the situation in all regions (with rare exceptions), while in Moscow and the region salaries are higher by 5-10 times, so they go there from all over the country and other countries (guest workers).

This is all done on purpose - to prevent a revolution and the overthrow of the cowardly and corrupt authorities in Russia.

I support the idea, I would like to add that the situation in all regions (with few exceptions), while in Moscow and the region the salaries are 5-10 times higher, that's why people from all over the country and other countries (migrant workers) go there.

This is done on purpose to prevent a revolution and the overthrow of the cowardly and corrupted government in Russia.

I am not in Moscow, but 100 km to the South-West on Lenin Ave. But there are enough gastarbeiters here too). But in general, you have digressed from the subject. With such thoughts you should go to the smoking room))))

I'm not in Moscow, but 100 km to the South-West on Lenin Avenue. But there are enough gastarbeiters here too.) But in general, you've deviated from the subject. With such thoughts in the smoking room must go))))

Well, let's get back to the topic.

Whoever writes me 10 advisers for free, you don't have to be afraid of me all week. Guaranteed! Catch me up!!!