MetaTrader 4 Build 529 beta released with new compiler - page 127

When will the tutorial be updated? Can you please tell me what MQL4 does not include in MQL5?

Oops. Did the binding angles change for OBJ_LABEL ?

Here is the 509th build:

Balance, Means on the left. Minutes, seconds counter to the end of the candle on the right. It should be like this.

Here is the 560th build:

Balance, Funds on the right. Counter of minutes, seconds to end of cand le on the left. This is how it became, but it shouldn't be.

Here is an example of the minute/second counter output:

// В start() :
//----------------- Часы  ----------------      
   datetime left=GetTimeLeft(sy,tf);
   if(left<=PERIOD_M30*60) cl=Green;
   if(left<=PERIOD_M15*60) cl=Yellow;
   if(left<=PERIOD_M5*60)  cl=DarkOrange;
   if(left<=PERIOD_M1*60)  cl=Red;
   SetText(0, message, cl, nm, 3, 4, 8, "Arial", 9);
// Функции :
datetime GetTimeLeft(string sy, int tf) {return(60*tf+(iTime(sy,tf,0)-TimeCurrent()));}
void SetText(int wd, string Text, color cl, string nm, int angle, int x, int y, string font, int sz=8) {
   if (ObjectFind(nm)<0) ObjectCreate(nm, OBJ_LABEL, wd, 0, 0);
   ObjectSet(nm, OBJPROP_CORNER   , angle);
   ObjectSet(nm, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x);
   ObjectSet(nm, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y);
   ObjectSet(nm, OBJPROP_WIDTH    , sz);
   ObjectSetText(nm, Text, sz, font, cl);
The new (560) build has changed the numbering of the binding corners. This is information for those who will find their graphical objects in new locations again :).

Double click on the indicator in the Navigator opened, as it should, the parameters window. If you try to cancel application of the indicator the terminal closes.
Yes, if going clockwise from the top left corner it was 0 - 1 - 3 - 2. Now it looks like 0 - 1 - 2 - 3. Just changed my indicators.
Yes, if going clockwise from the top left corner it was 0 - 1 - 3 - 2. Now it looks like 0 - 1 - 2 - 3. Just changed my indicators.
That's understandable. What's not clear is why?


If you try to cancel the application of the indicator the terminal closes.

Right. The terminal is down:


Reposted from here: Just so everyone knows. :)

The new meta-editor (builds >= 529) has a curious service: if DLL is in MQL sandbox (visible in meta-editor), just grab it with mouse from navigator and drop it into program text window to get a list of names ready for importing. It looks something like this:

#import "..\libraries\SoftFX.OneClickTrading.dll"
// Command_GetDouble
// Command_GetInt
// Command_GetString
// Command_GetType
// Command_SetDouble
// Command_SetInt
// Command_SetString
// FdkCreate
// FdkDelete
........  // продолжение списка

Parameters, however, are not specified, but there is no problem with names afterwards.


p.s. I just found out that you can also throw a dll into the editor window directly from the explorer.
That's understandable. What's not clear is why?

Fighting anachronisms :). Apparently this is the case in 5, I don't know. I know that the numbering of anchor points is in order, but counterclockwise. Angles are now clockwise. If they begin to reduce this to a common denominator, that's it... another half-day's worth of chore.


Fighting anachronisms :). Apparently this is the case in 5, I don't know. I know that the numbering of anchor points is in order, but counterclockwise. Angles are now clockwise. If they begin to reduce this to a common denominator, that's it... another half-day's worth of chore.

We'll have to wait for an official response. No point in guessing.
We have to wait for an official answer. There's no point in guessing.

We'll get back to you.

They did change the values of the lower corners on Friday.

They were adjusted to match the old 509 build. Maybe they got something wrong. Or maybe not. Let's check it out. We need to recompile the source code to make the changed constants take effect.