MetaTrader 4 Build 529 beta released with new compiler - page 152


OS - Windows 7 Ultimate x64

CPU - AMD Athlon II X2 250 3.0 GHz, 4GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GT 430 2GB

I don't run any scripts, indicators or Expert Advisors. When I run MT4 v509 and MT5 the CPU load is 0.780-2.500 GHz, when I run MT4 v568 the CPU load is 3.0 GHz. At the same time CPU temperature rises, indicating some calculations. I tried the tests on another PC with slightly different configuration and Intel CPU, the result is about the same. I think you also have the same PC, run it in the terminals themselves and you will see.

Please attach full logs of the client terminal - here or, better yet, create an incident in Service Desk
Please attach full client terminal logs here - or better yet, create an incident in Service Desk

Deleted all log files, ran the terminal, but only one log file was created at C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\276278313298943519837030BB38AFE2\logs

16:44:26.867 MetaTrader 4 build 568 started (MetaQuotes Software Corp.)
16:44:28.374 '1234567': login
16:44:29.871 '1234567': login
16:44:30.471 '1234567': previous successful authorization performed from 71.313.39.303
16:44:31.485 Credits: activated for 'Barbarian', balance: 6.00
16:45:01.451 MetaTrader 4 build 568 stopped
No other logs have been created.
The 569 build is out.
I finally received the 569th build.

Alexander, is it possible to publish builds somewhere (for beta testers) - what has been added, what has been corrected?

I have to search for changes every time by "gut feeling" method :(

Terribly inconvenient.

Can you make it possible to run debugging for programs written in subfolders of MQL4\Projects folder directly from there?

+1 - it's convenient to develop from there. Debugging would be convenient from here, so you wouldn't have to drag the file here and there.

Guys, I don't know if this is right or not.

but it should be .ex4


Guys, I don't know if this is right or not.

but it should be .ex4

doesn't it indicate that division by 0 in line 17 8 exactly in the 'Test.mq4' file ?


Guys, I don't know if this is right or not.

but it should be .ex4

That's right, the error in the source looks for and indicates it.

All is correct, error in source code searches and indicates.

No source code, why did I screenshot the folder ???

No source but terminal writes as if there is source ...

Here's the code, compile and delete the source ...

#property copyright "Copyright 2013, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict

int a = 0;
int b = 0;
int c = 0;

void OnTick()
 c = a/b;


You get the same result ...


There is no source code, why did I take a screenshot of the folder?

No source but terminal writes as if there is source ...

Here's the code, compile and delete the source ...

You get the same result...

A product is sold and due to certain but very rare reasons it produces an error - and you can immediately see where the error is, you can inform the author.

Now you're getting indignant..:

"I deleted it and it says..."

- Be glad it says !!!!!