MetaTrader 4 Build 529 beta released with new compiler - page 113


Can't reproduce the situation again. The computer has been on all the time for a fortnight. After this behaviour of the tester, the computer was also muted altogether. Had to reboot the system after all. Now I'm trying to reproduce the situation of this morning, but it fails. Everything is working normally. History loads for a couple of seconds and the tester works fine.

Probably a false alarm on my part.

Maybe there are logs left? Or have you already wiped it clean?

I'd like to see and verify that the alarm was false.


Maybe there are logs left? Or have you already wiped it all away?

I'd like to see and make sure the alarm was false.

I'll try to work without shutting down the computer for a while longer. As soon as it happens again, I'll go straight to Service Desk. So far so good. Although, already when loading history with All ticks starts to think longer. And wait for update begins to appear.

And the logs - yes, erased the tester's log file, but there was nothing in it. In which folder should I look for terminal logs? I've got a lot of folders in different places. How can I find the exact folder where this exact terminal stores its logs? What is the path relative to the terminal?

MT4 556, ME 880. Posted a new request to ServiceDesk #907205 about the problems you previously solved in previous builds, but for some reason have now popped up again.

Build 557. Am I the only one who has the chart all moved off the anchor points or is this another MT4 error?


An error in our code. It has already been fixed.

Please wait for the next build

Not sure what's going on... You probably have more than one team working on new builds? Or are build fixes and moderator messages happening independently of each other? Next build is out (557), graphical objects still not fixed. After 556 is even worse, although as far as I remember Renat said that on Monday graphical objects will be fixed.

The Text object behaves identically to the Label object. That is, it is bound to the pixel coordinates of the screen. As soon as it (Text) is highlighted, it is bound to the time/price as it should be

I'm going to try to work without switching the computer off for a longer period of time. As soon as it happens again, go straight to Service Desk. So far so good. Although already when loading history with Model All ticks starts to hesitate longer. And wait for update begins to appear.

And the logs - yes, wiped the tester's log file, but there was nothing in it. In which folder do you want to see terminal logs? I've got a lot of folders in different places. How can I find the exact folder where this exact terminal stores its logs? What is the path relative to the terminal?

Logs folder of the client terminal
The Text object behaves identically to the Label object. That is, it is bound to the pixel coordinates of the screen. As soon as it (Text) is highlighted, it is immediately bound to the time/price as it should be at
Please give me an example of how to create an object
Please give me an example of how to create an object


Terminal menu Insert --> Text. Terminal menu Insert --> Text mark

Programmatically(already written above):

The function places a text object in a given chart window:

void SetArrowText(int ww, string text, color cl, string font="Arial", string nm="", datetime t1=0, double p1=0, int sz=0) {
   if (ObjectFind(nm)<0) ObjectCreate(nm, OBJ_TEXT, ww, 0, 0);
   ObjectSet(nm, OBJPROP_TIME1    , t1);
   ObjectSet(nm, OBJPROP_PRICE1   , p1);
   ObjectSetText(nm, text,sz, font, cl);

I call it like this:

         if(DrawGraphics) {                           // если рисуем графические объекты
            wnd=WindowFind("i_StdDev("+sdperiod+")"); // номер окна индикатора
            if(wnd>0) {                               // если индикатор на графике, нарисуем метку
               SetArrowText(wnd, "RP", RedPointArrowColor, RedPointFont, nm, Time[i], dev(i), redPointArrowSize);

I.e., first we draw the trend line on the price chart, and then, if there is an indicator window, we draw the text object in it. The trend line on the price chart is displayed correctly and it is positioned where it should be - at the time of event occurrence. However, the text in the indicator window - oh my god ... it moves behind the zero bar. And here begins the most interesting thing. Both the text and the text label behave exactly the same - they stay where they were placed. As soon as you make the text object selected and, lo and behold, it stays where it is. To illustrate. All text objects have piled up near zero bar (I have moved the chart back and forth, and the objects stay where they were standing because they are not on zero bar):

But now I just click them and they all will be in their places:

Logs folder of the client terminal

The last two days in folder D:\NewMT4\logs

Folder crash is empty

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