I'm all about the tester, which is lying. - page 2

It's time to change the title of the topic to something more correct. "Change the cushioning between the chair and the monitor"
So they explained to the man that so and so - asks and bids, and if the trades are over the spread, then pump the right story. Why the banter?
So they explained to the man that so and so - asks and bids, and if the trades are over the spread, then pump the right story. Why the banter?
In his last thread, I told him right away about the spread. I take it he didn't check it out or look at it. It's more interesting to blow bubbles all over the forum than to deal with a problem for half an hour. Do grannies come to the health centre for treatment?

The title of the topic (forum), I believe, is a sign of national animosity.

I ask ... to initiate a criminal case under Article 164 of the Criminal Code - Incitement of social, national, tribal, racial or religious hatred.

And also within this forum, conduct preventive education by moderators regarding the author's behavior in public places.


The name of the forum, I believe, is a sign of national animosity.

I ask ... to initiate a criminal case under Article 164 of the Criminal Code - Incitement of social, national, tribal, racial or religious hatred.

Also, within the framework of this forum, conduct preventive education by moderators regarding the behavior of the author in public places.

What's the name of the forum? I only see MQL4 / forum, what did you see?

What is the name of the forum? I only see MQL4 / forum, what did you see?
We got it right and saw the title of the thread. Exactly there about some kind of discord.

What's the name of the forum? I only see MQL4 / forum, what do you see?

)))) oops )))

well, of course the topic of the forum.

MQL4 / forum is racially discriminated against in comparison to MQL5 VIP area... :-)))

I've checked the charts on purpose, there are no quotes gaps at these locations, neither time nor quote gaps.

There was not a single gap! (с)

In short, we've all been nerfed by the collective farm... Not a single answer on the merits, and the essence is the same: oh how difficult it is to handle it all, have pity on us poor people!

Don't you understand that whatever the quotes are, all the work should go on them!

Not by cosmic radiation from the Mahmut star.