To administrators and moderators - page 3


We need to live together!

And leave the hedgehog.

Friendship with who? Someone who thinks Russians are scum? While extolling all other nations. Except the Jews, as I understand it. What's they got to blame for...

It reeks of inciting national hatred.


I don't mind, I'm just posting. If the smoking room gets shut down, I don't really care.
Well, that's great, that means you've got nothing to worry about. Give me a link to a contact about vatniks and I want to go to America.
I'm too lazy, look it up yourself.

Friendship with whom? Someone who thinks Russians are scum? While extolling all other nations. Except the Jews, as I understand it. What's they got to be guilty of but...

This smacks of inciting national enmity.

Well, that's a bit far-fetched - he certainly didn't write that!
Well, that's great, so you have nothing to worry about. Give me the links to the contact about the cotton wools and I want to go to America.

Why would he? He was the instigator.
Well, that's a bit far-fetched - he certainly didn't write that!

You don't have to write in plain text to get the point across.
Well, that's a bit far-fetched - he certainly didn't write that!

What if you looked it up?
How about a search?
search for
You don't have to write in plain text to get a message across.

Well, if you read the subtext, you can sew everything up in the Forum

Friends with who? Someone who thinks the Russians are scum?

Let's talk substantively.

Show me where I wrote that I think Russians are scum. Show me! A reflection, please!