Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass by. Nowhere without you - 6. - page 1015


if closing by advisor/script, then


[in] The colour of the closing arrow on the chart. If the parameter is missing or its value isCLR_NONE, the arrow will not appear on the chart.


if manual - only write/borrow a ready-made script/indicator, which will catch this deal on history and show it with an icon

Thanks now I will try!!!!!

Hello, here's a question:

When you run a programmatic search of charts, their subwindows, indicators in subwindows, you can find out the total number of indicators and then their names, parameters, etc.

Using ChartIndicatorsTotal, ChartIndicatorName etc.

How do I know the name of Expert Advisor running in this window also programmatically by ChartID?

Question on MT4

another question... How can I read MT4 log files? This code gives an error ... 5002

   string filename=TerminalPath() + "\\MQL4\\Logs\\20160219.log"; 
   int filehandle=FileOpen(filename,FILE_READ); 
      Print("Неудачная попытка открыть файл по абсолютному пути"); 
      Print("Код ошибки ",GetLastError()); 

    string str=FileReadString(filehandle); 
Can you please tell me what's the reason?HttpSendRequestW doesn't send request... GetLastError gives 0.

(the interesting thing is that WebRequest second version of it works... )

#property strict
#import "wininet.dll"
int InternetAttemptConnect(int x);
int InternetOpenW(string &sAgent,int lAccessType,string &sProxyName,string &sProxyBypass,int lFlags);
int InternetConnectW(int hInternet,string &szServerName,int nServerPort,string &lpszUsername,string &lpszPassword,int dwService,int dwFlags,int dwContext);
int HttpOpenRequestW(int hConnect,string &Verb,string &ObjectName,string &Version,string &Referer,string &AcceptTypes,uint dwFlags,int dwContext);
int HttpSendRequestW(int hRequest,string &lpszHeaders,int dwHeadersLength,uchar &lpOptional[],int dwOptionalLength);
int HttpQueryInfoW(int hRequest,int dwInfoLevel,int &lpvBuffer[],int &lpdwBufferLength,int &lpdwIndex);
int InternetOpenUrlW(int hInternet,string &lpszUrl,string &lpszHeaders,int dwHeadersLength,uint dwFlags,int dwContext);
int InternetReadFile(int hFile,uchar &sBuffer[],int lNumBytesToRead,int &lNumberOfBytesRead);
int InternetCloseHandle(int hInet);

//Также для эстетики кода определим используемые имена констант из wininet.h.
#define  OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG     0           // использовать конфигурацию по умолчанию
#define  FLAG_KEEP_CONNECTION    0x00400000  // не разрывать соединение
#define  FLAG_PRAGMA_NOCACHE     0x00000100  // не кешировать страницу
#define  FLAG_RELOAD             0x80000000  // получать страницу с сервера при обращении к ней
#define  SERVICE_HTTP            3           // требуемый протокол
#define  INTERNET_FLAG_ASYNC     1

string            Host;       // имя хоста
int               Port;       // порт
int               Session;    // дескриптор сессии
int               Connect;    // дескриптор соединения

string acess_type;  // массив с данными для отправки POST-запросов 
uchar  data[];
string URL      = "";
string Method   = "POST";
string ver_http = "HTTP/1.1";
string Refer    = "";

string HEADERS  = "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"+"\n"+
                  "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"+"\n"+
                  "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest"+"\n"+
                  "Connection: Close"+"\n";// сам запрос
string REQUEST_BODY ="pair_id=6408&action=searchStock";// сюда вписываем данные POST-запроса 
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
   int hRequest=HttpOpenRequestW(Connect, Method, URL, ver_http, Refer, acess_type, FLAG_KEEP_CONNECTION|FLAG_RELOAD|FLAG_PRAGMA_NOCACHE, 0); // создаем дескриптор запроса
      Print("-Err OpenRequest");
   // отправили файл
   int hSend=HttpSendRequestW(hRequest,HEADERS,StringLen(HEADERS),data,ArraySize(data));
      Print("-Err SendRequest");


//================== ФУНКЦИЯ ОТКРЫТИЯ / ЗАКРЫТИЯ ИНТЕРНЕТА ================================================================   
bool OpenInet(string aHost,int aPort)
   if (aHost=="") {Print("-Host is not specified"); return(false);}
   if (Session>0 || Connect>0) {CloseInet(); Print("+Open Inet...");} // если сессия была опеределена, то закрываем

   // Попытки создать подключение к Интернету   
   if (InternetAttemptConnect(0)!=0) {Print("-Err AttemptConnect"); return(false);} // если не удалось проверить имеющееся соединение с интернетом, то выходим
   string UserAgent="Mozilla"; string nill=""; 
   // Инициализирует приложение использует функции wininet  
   Session=InternetOpenW(UserAgent,OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG,nill,nill,0); // открываем сессию
   if (Session<=0) {Print("-Err create Session"); CloseInet(); return(false);} // если не смогли открыть сессию, то выходим

   Connect=InternetConnectW(Session,aHost,aPort,nill,nill,SERVICE_HTTP,0,0); // Открывает протокол передачи файлов (FTP) или http-сеанса для данного сайта.
   if (Connect<=0) {Print("-Err create Connect"); CloseInet();return(false);}
   Host=aHost; Port=aPort; // присвоение значений
   // все проверки завершились успешно
void CloseInet()
   Print("-Close Inet...");
   if(Session>0) InternetCloseHandle(Session); Session=-1;
   if(Connect>0) InternetCloseHandle(Connect); Connect=-1;
Can you please tell me what's wrong?HttpSendRequestW doesn't send request... GetLastError gives 0.

(The interesting thing is that WebRequest second version works ... )

If the second variant works, then there is a solution. So what is the problem?
If the second option works, there is a solution. So what's the problem?
the problem is that there will be so many links to enter into the terminal settings as allowed addresses( + I don't have the same computer...
is not an option at all(


Can you please tell me how to find the beginning of the bar in the for loop, in general I need to look from the 1st bar to the 5th inclusive? (the current 0-bar is not counted).

for (int i=5; i<1; i++)


h = iHigh(Symbol(),tf,i);


Read the function for to understand only I can not. Help.


Can you please tell me what's wrong?HttpSendRequestW doesn't send the request... GetLastError gives 0.

(The interesting thing is that WebRequest second version of it works... )

It's no longer the string that needs to be transferred, but the char buffer.



Can you please tell me how to find the beginning of the bar in the for loop, in general, I need to look from the 1st bar to the 5th inclusive? (the current 0-bar is not counted)

Read the function for to understand only I can not. Help.


with, to, what to do

for(int i=1;i<=5;i++)


for(int i=5;i>=1;i--)

But yes. The more logical thing to do during development was to make

with, what to do, to

for(int i=1;i++;i<=5)

#import "wininet.dll"
int HttpSendRequestW(int hRequest,char &lpszHeaders[],int dwHeadersLength,uchar &lpOptional[],int dwOptionalLength);

char a[];

int hSend=HttpSendRequestW(hRequest,a,StringLen(HEADERS),data,ArraySize(data));
Thank you for your answer, please tell me if I understood you correctly, do you mean like this?

so for some reason the result does not change either... (

another question: maybe you can programmatically add URLs to the allowed ones? (for example via macro substitution)
and frankly I don't want to use WebRequest because it's not asynchronous....
Thank you for the answer, please tell me if I understood you correctly, do you mean like this?

so for some reason the result does not change either... (

another question : maybe I can add the URLs to the allowed URLs programmatically ? (for example via macro substitution)
and frankly I don't want to use WebRequest because it's not asynchronous....

I think all thongs should be done like that.

The data about that list is stored in the terminal-config-experts folder

But it is very unclear there. It is necessary to ask the developers.