Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass by. Nowhere without you - 6. - page 1006


It all worked out! The question is cleared. If anyone is wondering how, this is how you should have written through the ObjectSet function, not the ObjectSetInteger function:



It all worked out! The question is cleared. If anyone is wondering how, this is how you should have written through the ObjectSet function, not the ObjectSetInteger function:


Well, if you write ObjectSetInteger without errors, it will work too.
And where is the misspelling ?
bool  ObjectSetInteger( 
   long     chart_id,        // идентификатор графика 
   string   object_name,     // имя 
   int      prop_id,         // свойство 
   long     prop_value       // значение 

This is how it should be.

And this is like yours

          "text_gotovo2",         // ЭТО ЧТО??? судя по другим строкам это имя объекта, а должен быть ID графика
          "my_name",              // а это откуда?
          OBJPROP_CORNER,         // свойство 
          CORNER_RIGHT_UPPER      // значение

In the loop, I readthe global variables and if the variable name does not contain the specified substring, I write these variables to the file.

However, the conditions don't work and all variables are written in a row. What am I doing wrong?




for(int i=0;i<size;i++) 



         value=GlobalVariableGet( name );

        if  ( StringFind( name,"cb",0 )<0 || StringFind( name,"cs",0 )<0 || StringFind( name,"pikbt",0 )<0 || StringFind( name,"pikst",0 ) <0 )

          if (value>0) FileWrite(file_handle,name,value); 


In the loop, I readthe global variables and if the variable name does not contain the specified substring, I write these variables to the file.

However, the conditions don't work and all variables are written in a row. What am I doing wrong?


Some strange logic.

Change the condition to a successful search for a substring in the variable name.

changed - it works.

Afternoon. Can't find how to immediately start terminals on second monitor, too lazy to drag and drop. Dual Monitor Tools no instructions. Vin10Radeon.

Sorted out. Bat with running shortcuts, then close them on the second screen and they will open on the one where you closed them.

I want the order to close after e.g. 2 hours, 15 minutes. Is it correct to write it in this way?

if (OrderOpenTime()+2*15*00 <=TimeCurrent()) Cls_Buy=true;