Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass by. Nowhere without you - 6. - page 256


If you do not know what to do with it, please do not hesitate to use this function.

File is large (attached), I think the problem may be that I copied the characters at random (perhaps the first character and lost).

Can I make a reverse function - from win1251 to utf8 from this one?) In fact, win1251 should be processed by this function, and then search through the file in MT4 - then there will be lines with Russian words:)

zulu2_1.txt  1082 kb

Anyway, I have a question about this function. What characters doesn't it read?

Because I made it this way:

When an array of strings is created, then before writing the string I run through utf8win1251(), a bunch of errors pops up (disabled character), I can not catch a specific error, in all places bumped

If(GetLastError()!=0) Print(GetLastError()); But now the Russian word search works:) I do not think that some particularly important characters were lost, just annoyed by the fact that the log error, on this point (they can turn off - the output in the log of errors from this block?)


mzk_3om6u, DOM structures are easiest to work with in IE10 via VBScript/JScript, you can run wsf scripts via WinExec(). You are trying to convert the tags. What for? You can work in peace via InnerText, at the end of the script you write to a file, in the index you receive the file. Here's an example:

'On Error Resume Next
Dim IE : Set IE = WSCript.CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")' это браузер
Dim objFSO : Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")' это файловая система компьютера
Dim fCsvName : fCsvName = Left(WSCript.ScriptFullName,len(WSCript.ScriptFullName)-3) & "csv"' далёко будем записывать данные
IE.visible = false' браузер в фоновом режиме
IE.navigate "адрес_страницы"
Do While IE.Busy' пока браузер не откроется
        WSCript.Sleep 500' ждём полсекунды
loop' в цикле
Do While элемент_страницы is Nothing' пока этот элемент страницы не загрузится
        WSCript.Sleep 500' будем ждать загрузки страницы
I1 = IE.document.getElementsByClassName("anchor1").Item(18).getElementsByTagName("TD").Item(5).InnerText' парсим две ячейки
I2 = IE.document.getElementsByClassName("anchor2").Item(21).getElementsByTagName("TD").Item(5).InnerText
Set IE = Nothing' закрываем браузер
Set Csv = objFSO.OpenTextFile(fCsvName, 2, True)'открываем файл для записи
Csv.WriteLine I1 & ";" & I2' записываем туда содержимое двух ячеек
Csv.Close' закрываем файл
WSCript.Quit()' выключаем этот скрипт
Any of the cells without InnerText will do as an element_page, i.e. for example like this:
Do While IE.document.getElementsByClassName("anchor1").Item(18).getElementsByTagName("TD").Item(5) is Nothing' пока этот элемент страницы не загрузится
        WSCript.Sleep 500' будем ждать загрузки страницы
The advantage of this approach is that you don't need a separate interpreter for WSH, because the interpreter has been built into Windows itself almost since Win3.1. In other words, the scripts run right after notepad.
So, to put it simply, for example, you open a simple notepad, write
WScript.Echo "somebody"
Save it as test.vbs, double-click on the file and it will print a message saying "somebody". No special development environment is needed.
people tell me how to change the 5 digits to 4 in the terminal!
people tell me how to change the 5 digits to 4 in the terminal!
Register an account with another brokerage company with 4-digit quotes
Register an account with another brokerage company with 4-digit quotes

I had 4 digits. after installing owl they became 5 digits. owl is no longer in the account. how can i change the signs back?

I had 4 digits. After the owl was installed, it became 5 digits. The owl is no longer on the account, but how do I change the digits back?
There's no such thing as miracles. Where you see four signs and don't see five, let's start there.
There are no miracles. Where you see four signs and don't see five - let's start there.

I have two accounts, one is eurodollar at 1.3469 and the other is now 1.36690 where the EA was.

i have two accounts, one is eurodollar 1.3469 and the other is 1.36690

1.3469 and 1.34690 sorry )))) and so it is after the advisor of some kind I don't even remember what


It's like this after an advisor of some kind, I don't even remember which one.

Sprinkle the computer with holy water.