Email Alerts now not working - page 3


Almost 8 years have passed since this thread was opened and there wasn't any solution.
I have the same exact issue with build 3550.

How is it possible?


So then?

I have no gmail account, and I'd rather not use a new email provider if it is not necessary. The core issue is that for some reason an app feature like email notifications sending is configurable under Tools --> Options --> Email and it works perfectly (when pressing TEST button from there), but when effectively used (only or mainly for what I know of the app) in Alerts configuration it doesn't work, neither when testing it nor when letting them triggering normally, giving an "invalid e-mail parameters" message in the Journal, without further details and without even trying to send it (it's easily seeable using any network packet filtering application).

How can it be that the same app (MT5) have success when performing the same action (sending an email) in one section and fail when doing the it in another place???

My opinion is that something inside the app when triggering alerts performs some particular pre-checks and determines that those parameters put in Options are not good for some reason, whilst this checks are not done at testing level in the configuration tab )!?!). This is something that might be solved solely by MetaQuotes developers, but they closed the ServiceDesk access from the community few years ago.

My understanding is that this issue is open since ever. Why aren't they taking care of it, or, if they did it what am I missing instead?

I think this is a very big handicap.


stefanopola #:

So then?

I have no gmail account, and I'd rather not use a new email provider if it is not necessary. The core issue is that for some reason an app feature like email notifications sending is configurable under Tools --> Options --> Email and it works perfectly (when pressing TEST button from there), but when effectively used (only or mainly for what I know of the app) in Alerts configuration it doesn't work, neither when testing it nor when letting them triggering normally, giving an "invalid e-mail parameters" message in the Journal, without further details and without even trying to send it (it's easily seeable using any network packet filtering application).

How can it be that the same app (MT5) have success when performing the same action (sending an email) in one section and fail when doing the it in another place???

My opinion is that something inside the app when triggering alerts performs some particular pre-checks and determines that those parameters put in Options are not good for some reason, whilst this checks are not done at testing level in the configuration tab )!?!). This is something that might be solved solely by MetaQuotes developers, but they closed the ServiceDesk access from the community few years ago.

My understanding is that this issue is open since ever. Why aren't they taking care of it, or, if they did it what am I missing instead?

I think this is a very big handicap.

I'VE SOLVED IT!! It was a really  tiny thing: You MUST use the three-dots to compile the Source OR you MUST put a new line "\n" at the end of whatever you set directly into the main alert configuration window.....

Hope this helps.
stefanopola #:

I'VE SOLVED IT!! It was a really  tiny thing: You MUST use the three-dots to compile the Source OR you MUST put a new line "\n" at the end of whatever you set directly into the main alert configuration window.....

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the solution @stefanopola!! I as having the same issue...

I just clicked ... (3 dots) and informed the 'email body' it started working.. Tks!!