Statistics, optimisation and "lucky coin" .... - page 12


Normal reaction.

I'll ask you straight out: why is there no tractor monitoring on the link in your profile?

Ogna is quite serious, serious things can be presented with humour. Many people are afraid to see themselves in this picture.

Isn't that one of the stages of Detectiveed...?

In my 13 years in this brew I have been through many stages. And there are more stages than the one in this picture, which you may not even be aware of.

I'll ask you straight up: why is there no tractor monitoring on the link in your profile?

You put the question so harshly, as if this monitoring is a must:)))))

It will ;)


You put the question so strictly, as if this monitoring is a must:)))))

It will ;)

are there any stop-losses in the new version?

In the 13 years I've been in this brew, I've gone through many stages. And there are more stages than the one in this picture, which you may not even be aware of.

Ge-ni-al-no (who would have thought?).

No, really, who am I... and what do I care about YOU?! It was foolish of me to even try to comprehend your wisdom. I hereby bid you adieu.


are stop losses included in the new version?

Only as protection against emergencies, not as a structural element of the TS

Ge-ni-al-no (who would have thought?).

No, really, who am I... and what do I care about YOU?! It was foolish of me to even try to comprehend your wisdom. I bid you adieu.

Why do you have to be so nervous?



not necessarily. The first, for example, has worked off a short-term corrective move and the second a long-term continuation. That is, they are on different trading horizons.

Is the second one less informed? Not necessarily, he just does not have the saiziness to play small moves, for example. Or doesn't have the technological/infrastructural advantages that the first has.

And the first one does not have enough money to be satisfied with a small percentage profit.

understandably, the market moves fractally, and the question of "where" only makes sense in conjunction with the question of "in what time horizon"

understandably, the market moves fractally, and the question "where" only makes sense in conjunction with the question "in what time horizon"


Clearly, the market moves fractally, and the question "where to" only makes sense in conjunction with the question "in what time horizon"

And from there it is not far off to determine the significance of "time horizons" when constructing a trading decision-making algorithm.