Statistics, optimisation and "lucky coin" .... - page 11


Do you want to have a look at my cottage? ;)))

"The tractor is a large and long-term project that has already yielded significant results. But the work to improve the tractor is ongoing.

To take the next step, you need to see-understand where and how to take it. But this understanding-knowledge is impossible without previous steps.

So you have a "creative crisis"?


So you are having a "creative crisis"?

What makes you think so? :))))

What makes you think that? :))))
From your previous post.
is there any guarantee that the "movement" will continue?

What do you mean, "guarantees"? What "guarantees" are we talking about? Are you talking about a bank deposit agreement or are you talking about an evolutionary market process? If you need "guarantees" in relation to the latter, it is obvious that you have no understanding of the process.
From your previous post.

This is just your speculation -- nothing more.

What does this have to do with "guarantees"? What "guarantees" are we talking about? Are you talking about a bank deposit agreement or are you talking about an evolutionary market process? If you are looking for "guarantees" in relation to the latter then it is obvious that you are missing the essence of the process.

The essence of the process:

It's about the man. Even, his desire to boast.


The essence of the process:

Take a more serious look at it.

It's just your speculation -- nothing more.

I was just asking.

But your reaction is kind of hinting :)


Take a more serious look at it.

Ogna is quite serious, serious things can be presented with humour. Many people are afraid to see themselves in this picture.

Isn't that one of the stages of deteted...?


I was just asking.

But your reaction is kind of hinting :)

It's a normal reaction.