Cyclical patterns in the market - page 5


No, friend, you are looking in the wrong direction.

It's not the result of the trades that matters, but how the lines on the chart represent the trades that have taken place. Therein lies the clue...

Ok, ok, I'll find a robot that can open like that and look, it's just that the ones I have don't do it that way, there are pauses between trades. If I have such a robot, I would appreciate it, I would really like to see what`s special about it. I'll look into it tomorrow.

2nd 3rd post from the bottom, sorry, a lot has been taken down irretrievably

Of those listed, I can only really recall statements to that effect from Alexander, a clown who claimed he could do anything, but wouldn't because he didn't want to. The others, at the most, have appeared in the relevant threads, but have never claimed anything of the kind, because they are sane people.

Of those listed, I can only really recall statements to this effect by Alexander, a clown who claimed he could do anything, but wouldn't because he didn't want to. The others, at the most, have appeared in the relevant threads, but have never claimed anything of the kind, because they are sane people.

So you just didn't notice it or didn't want to.

MetaDriver 02.12.2009 01:40
begemot61 >>:
Well this is quite understandable.

There is virtually no mathematical apparatus for interpreting non-stationary processes.

All these regressions, MLE and other estimators - they are all calculated from some particular cases of stationary processes distributions
I don't think there is one in the public domain. :)) And in the proprietary - there are a lot of developments. Only... Where would I go with such a machine if I had it (let's assume I don't have it now:)?

Right, to the Forex market. Would I really get a Nobel prize?

// (staring modestly at the floor, scratching the machine with my right hand and drawing circles with the toe of my left foot...) :

- That's why I'm here........


So you just didn't notice it or didn't want to. Especially for you, and out of respect, I'll try to find at least a mecca apart from alexander.

Eh... you can't make money on SB not because someone has proved it, but because SB is such a thing in itself, that's its, martingale, you might say, definition. It's like claiming it's possible to make money on a game of eagle-eye: everyone understands even intuitively that it's impossible, but there are individuals willing to exploit the greed of others and take advantage of the weakness that follows directly from that. No pity for the personalities or their victims, to be honest...
paukas 22.09.2012 19:51
Have the civilians provided EVIDENCE of the impossibility of earning/losing money on SB??? You civilians are empty people wanting a "freebie" to slip into philosophers. And this makes sense, because it's easier to philosophize than to prove something! This applies to you, citizen Paukas, in the first place. Where is your WHAT, except a great respect for the unknown and philosophizing the unknown about what? You are the Hphilosaf from Vieja, if I am wrong, then I am sensitive, what if? Maybe I'll hear the Proofs, one percent behind you!
Yes, you can make money on SB, you can.

But not for everyone. You, for example, can't. You are only allowed to change your name after another ban and once again spread nonsense among the masses.

This is an axiom, no proof required. Ara, it's destiny, you know?!
I'll find a robot that may open like this and look at it, the ones I have just don't do it that way, there are pauses between trades. If I have such a robot, I would appreciate it, I would really like to see what`s more special about it. I'll look into it tomorrow.

Ro-o-bot, ro-o-bot...

If you couldn't draw lines manually connecting price and grid intersection points with vertical step of 20...25 pips, then the robot probably won't help you...

However, good luck to you...

sorry, I won't even look for Zhenko, this time 50 wrote.....
MetaDriver 02.12.2009 01:40
begemot61 >>:
Well it is quite understandable.

There is practically no mathematical apparatus for interpreting non-stationary processes.

There is an excellent apparatus called "creative thinking". The analysis of non-stationary processes assumes its presence, as it requires an individual approach to each specific situation and experience, attention, using available methods as well as developing one's own.

In this forum among methods of analysis of NS processes discussed: wavelets, method of maximum likelihood, Hilbert-Huang transform, ...

All these regressions, MLEs and other estimators - they are all calculated from some particular cases of stationary process distributions

Totally agree, that's why you can't do that.

I think there is no free access only. :)) And in the proprietary, there are a lot of developments. Only... where would I go with such a machine if I had one (let's assume I don't now :) ?

Right, in forex. So much for the paltry Nobel Prize?

Again, absolutely agree. I have already said many times that human beings are not worthy of some knowledge.
Author, do a discretization on the TF at least, m1-forecast by how much and what is the rate, m2-the same and so on.


Here are the charts starting with M16, then, M8, then M4, And M2, For M1, the computer takes too long to calculate the indicator, so I have not attached.

In total M16 forecast=11, real value 11 (after 45 bars) total number of pips: Forecast 495, real value 495

M8 forecast=8, real value 7 (after 90 bars) total: Forecast 720, real value 630

M4 Forecast=6, actual 5 (after 180 bars) total: Forecast 1080, real 900

M2 Forecast=4, real 3 (after 360 bars) total pips: Forecast 1440, real 1080.