[ARCHIVE]Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass it by. Can't go anywhere without you - 5. - page 221

Oh, there's more. Maybe that's where it went wrong! Called it like this.

Are Buy and Sell arrays defined somewhere ?
Yes, of course!!! I'll have a look, though.
 are identified, and used throughout the programme.
are identified and used throughout the programme.

can i see ?
int Buy[];int Sell[];
Defined, and used throughout the programme.

How are they defined?

 // int F=1; for(int R=0;R<Tormoz;R++){F=F+R;Sleep(Slip);}

    if (!PozyProstavleny){ ArrayResize(Buy,Raz);ArrayResize(Sell,Raz);
           Price= (Ask+Dist*Point) ; TP_BUY=(Price+TP*Point);  SL_BUY= (Price- SL*Point);
           Price_SELL= (Bid-Dist*Point) ;  TP_SELL=Price_SELL-TP*Point;  SL_SELL=Price_SELL+SL*Point; K=1;
   for(int Raz1=0;Raz1<Raz;Raz1++){
           Sleep(2000); RefreshRates();  for(int A=25;A>=0;A--){if(IsTradeAllowed())break;if(A==0) Comment(" эксперту не разрешено торговать 
или поток для выполнения торговых операций занят "); }           
  tyccBuy= OrderSend (Symbol( ), OP_BUYSTOP,  Lot ,NormalizeDouble(Price, Digits), 5, NormalizeDouble( SL_BUY,Digits), 
  NormalizeDouble( TP_BUY,Digits), NULL, 450, 0, CLR_NONE);
   Buy[Raz1]= tyccBuy;
           Price= (Price+Dist*Point) ; TP_BUY= (Price+TP*Point); SL_BUY= (Price- SL*Point);
     if (Error!=0){ string errorcomment = "Ошибка открытия ордера байстоп  "  + " " + Symbol() +  " " + ErrorDescript(Error); 
           Print (errorcomment);}
           Sleep(2000); RefreshRates();  for( A=25;A>=0;A--){if(IsTradeAllowed())break;if(A==0) Comment(" эксперту не разрешено торговать
 или поток для выполнения торговых операций занят "); }        
           Sell[Raz1]=OrderSend (Symbol( ), OP_SELLSTOP,  Lot ,NormalizeDouble(Price_SELL, Digits), 5, NormalizeDouble( SL_SELL,Digits), 
  NormalizeDouble( TP_SELL,Digits), NULL, 450, 0, CLR_NONE);
     Price_SELL= (Price_SELL -Dist*Point) ;TP_SELL=Price_SELL-TP*Point;   SL_SELL=Price_SELL+SL*Point;
            Error=GetLastError();if (Error==0)
            {errorcomment = "Ошибка открытия ордера селлстоп  "  + " " + Symbol() +  " " + ErrorDescript(Error); 
        Print (errorcomment);} PozyProstavleny=1; 
   if (!Pishem&&PozyProstavleny){SaveArray(FileBuy, Buy); SaveArray(FileSell, Sell); Pishem=1;}

   Print( " Buy[0] " , Buy[0]," Buy[1] " , Buy[1]," Buy[2] " , Buy[2]," Buy[3] " , Buy[3]," Buy[4] " , Buy[4]," Buy[5] " , Buy[5] );
And so on.
Just a minute, Dad.
Excuse me for a minute, Dad.

Okay, who's Daddy? Not me, I hope. And how are the arrays defined after all?
My dad. Phew, it's gone. Oh, my brother's here, man.