[ARCHIVE]Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass it by. Can't go anywhere without you - 5. - page 274


Well, if only it had been written humanely... Everything seems to be clear at the beginning, but a little later you start to lose your mind...)).

O.K. A concrete example:

The order is closed at the end of the TP movement, but since the SELL signal has not been cancelled a new order is opened, which is unacceptable.

I measure 720 sec, after which we can open a new order. So, in this case, from which order these seconds will be measured, from the first order in the history or from the last one?

And then: And if so, what then? Since I plus z, it comes out to count from the beginning? Brrrrr:))

Thank you very much!

This function returns the number of seconds since the last position closed

The length of the array changes, we see it from

2013.04.08 19:06:05 2013.03.28 20:00 testavimas naktini fleta EURUSD,M15: ArraySize 21
But all elements are written to the array as zero

2013.04.08 19:06:04 2013.03.28 16:00 testavimas naktini fleta EURUSD,M15: avgPriceC[19]=0.00000000
So this line has no Close[1] value assigned to an array element.

avgPriceC[i] = Close[1];
Who can explain why.


I tried it via interleaving variable, it didn't work. ArrayResize was put after the array. The result is the same. There are zeros in the array.

 int start()
   double volMA11, volMA12, volMA21, volMA22;  
   double x[], y[]; 
   volMA11 = iCustom(NULL, 15, "volumeMA",  2, 1);         
   volMA12 = iCustom(NULL, 15, "volumeMA",  2, 2);
   volMA21 = iCustom(NULL, 15, "volumeMA",  3, 1);
   volMA22 = iCustom(NULL, 15, "volumeMA",  3, 2);
    double h = High[1];    
    double l = Low[1];     
    double o = Open[1];   
    double c = NormalizeDouble(iClose(NULL, 0, 1),Digits); 
   if(DayOfWeek()==1 || DayOfWeek()==2 || DayOfWeek()==3 || DayOfWeek()==4)                             //jei pirmadienis antradienis ar treciadienis, ar ketvirtadienis
      if(TimeCurrent()>= StrToTime(startstartFlatMA) && TimeCurrent()<= StrToTime(endstartFlatMA)+24*60*60)
         //Print("fleto starto ieskojimo laikas prasidejo  "+TimeToStr(TimeCurrent())+" >= "+TimeToStr(StrToTime(startstartFlatMA))+
               //"  &&  "+TimeToStr(TimeCurrent())+" <= "+TimeToStr(StrToTime(endstartFlatMA)+24*60*60));
         bool laikas = true;
         Print("laikas = "+laikas);         
         if(volMA21 - volMA11 > 0 && volMA12 - volMA22 > 0)
         {                                                                                   //jei buvo susikirtimas
            susikirtimas = true;           
         if(susikirtimas == true) 
               if(iTime(NULL, BarEnd, 1)!= LastTime)
                  LastTime = iTime(NULL, BarEnd, 1);
                  flat = true;           
                  LastTime = iTime(NULL, BarEnd, 1);
              else return(0);            
           else flat = true;
           if(flat == true)
            avgPriceH[i] = h;   
            avgPriceL[i] = l;     
            avgPriceO[i] = o;   
            avgPriceC[i] = c;
          Print("ArraySize     "+ArraySize(avgPriceC));
         for(int a=0; a<=i; a++)Print("avgPriceC["+a+"]="+avgPriceC[a]);
         for(int b=0; b<=j; b++)Print("chPriceC["+b+"]="+chPriceC[b]);
         for(    b=0; b<=j; b++)Print("chTime["+b+"]="+chTime[b]);
start on v.272.


I tried it via interleaving variable, it didn't work.ArrayResize was put after the array. The result is the same. There are zeros in the array.

Start on v.272

I don't see the int i string and index initialization in your code. Please submit the string to studio.

ZZY I don't speak Lithuanian well, the comments in the code confuse me a bit)))


I don't see your int i string and index initialisation. Please, in the studio.

ZZY I don't speak Lithuanian well, the comments in the code throw me off a bit)))

//|                                              naktinis fletas.mq4 |
//|                                        Ñåðãåé (urdala) Ðàøåâñêèé |
//|                                            gintaraitis@gmail.com |
#property copyright "Ñåðãåé (urdala) Ðàøåâñêèé"
#property link      "gintaraitis@gmail.com"

//greitas MA
extern int     MA_Period1     =  8;
extern int     plius1         =  100;
extern int     MA_Shift1      =  0;
extern int     MA_Method1     =  0;                                                 
//Letas MA
extern int     MA_Period2     =  13;
extern int     plius2         =  100;
extern int     MA_Shift2      =  0;
extern int     MA_Method2     =  3;                                                 
//Fleto pradzia
//fleto ipradzios eskojimas pagal indikatoriu arba laika
extern bool  start       =  true;    // true ->pagal indikatoriu, false->pagal laika
// pagal indikatoriu fleto pradzios pradesim ieskoti nuo sio laiko
extern int     startHourFlatMA        =  16;    
extern int     startMinFlatMA        =  00;
extern string  startstartFlatMA       = "16:00";
extern string  endstartFlatMA       = "00:00";
//suradus pagal indikatoriu dar lauksim kol uzsidarys BarEnd zvake
extern bool    zvakes_pabaiga = true;//ar lauksim kol uzsidarys M240 zvake, ar priimsim kad fletas prasidejo nuo susikirtimo
extern int     BarEnd         =  240;
datetime       LastTime;
//datetime       startTime;
// pagal laika fleto pradzios pradesim ieskoti nuo sio laiko
extern int     startHourFlat        =  0;   //
extern int     startMinFlat         =  0;    //

//fleto pabaiga
//Fleto pabaiga jei indikatorius duoda signala siame laiko tarpe
//Laiko tarpo pradzia
extern int     startHourEnd        =  4;    
extern int     startMinEnd         =  45;
//laiko tarpo pabaiga arba fleto pabaiga
extern int     endHourEnd        =  7;    
extern int     endMinEnd         =  30;

//Ar naudosom Volumes filtra
extern bool volFiltr = true;            //true -> naudosim,   false -> nanaudosim

//skirtumas tarp penktadienio uzdarymo ir pirmadienio atidarymo
extern int   gep = 300;  

//Naktinio-fletinio pipsavimo ijungimas
bool nightFlat = false; //true -> ijungtas,   false -> neijungtas

bool           susikirtimas = false;      
bool           flat; 
double chPriceH[], chPriceL[], chPriceO[], chPriceC[], chTime[];
double avgPriceH[], avgPriceL[], avgPriceO[], avgPriceC[]; 
int i = -1; // masyvu indeksas -1, nes toliau pridesim 1, o masyvu indeksacija prasideda nuo 0
int j = -1; // masyvu indeksas -1, nes toliau pridesim 1, o masyvu indeksacija prasideda nuo 0
int n = -1;                          // kintamasis naujo masyvo indeksacijai
int iH, iL ,iO, iC, iT;
double C[], T[], y[];
double max;                               //max skirtumas tarp LR median ir Close

int init ()
ArrayResize(chPriceH, 0);
ArrayResize(chPriceL, 0);
ArrayResize(chPriceO, 0);
ArrayResize(chPriceC, 0);
ArrayResize(chTime, 0);
ArrayResize(avgPriceH, 0); 
ArrayResize(avgPriceL, 0); 
ArrayResize(avgPriceO, 0); 
ArrayResize(avgPriceC, 0); 
ArrayResize (C, 0); 
ArrayResize (T, 0);
ArrayResize (y, 0);
 int start()
   double volMA11, volMA12, volMA21, volMA22;  
   double x[], y[]; 
   volMA11 = iCustom(NULL, 15, "volumeMA",  2, 1);         
   volMA12 = iCustom(NULL, 15, "volumeMA",  2, 2);
   volMA21 = iCustom(NULL, 15, "volumeMA",  3, 1);
   volMA22 = iCustom(NULL, 15, "volumeMA",  3, 2);
   if(DayOfWeek()==1 || DayOfWeek()==2 || DayOfWeek()==3 || DayOfWeek()==4)                             //jei pirmadienis antradienis ar treciadienis, ar ketvirtadienis
      if(TimeCurrent()>= StrToTime(startstartFlatMA) && TimeCurrent()<= StrToTime(endstartFlatMA)+24*60*60)
         //Print("fleto starto ieskojimo laikas prasidejo  "+TimeToStr(TimeCurrent())+" >= "+TimeToStr(StrToTime(startstartFlatMA))+
               //"  &&  "+TimeToStr(TimeCurrent())+" <= "+TimeToStr(StrToTime(endstartFlatMA)+24*60*60));
         bool laikas = true;
         Print("laikas = "+laikas);         
         if(volMA21 - volMA11 > 0 && volMA12 - volMA22 > 0)
         {                                                                                   //jei buvo susikirtimas
            susikirtimas = true;           
         if(susikirtimas == true) 
               if(iTime(NULL, BarEnd, 1)!= LastTime)
                  LastTime = iTime(NULL, BarEnd, 1);
                  flat = true;           
                  LastTime = iTime(NULL, BarEnd, 1);
              else return(0);            
           else flat = true;
           if(flat == true)
             //Zinodami indekso eiles numeri galim keisti masyvo ilgi
           Print("ArraySize     "+ArraySize(avgPriceC));
            //jei fletas prasidejo renkam duomenis i masyva zvakiu HL ir OC skaiciavimui
            avgPriceH[i] = High[1];    
            avgPriceL[i] = Low[1];     
            avgPriceO[i] = Open[1];   
            avgPriceC[i] = Close[1];
         for(int a=0; a<=i; a++)Print("avgPriceC["+a+"]="+avgPriceC[a]);
         for(int b=0; b<=j; b++)Print("chPriceC["+b+"]="+chPriceC[b]);
         for(int c=0; c<=j; c++)Print("chTime["+c+"]="+chTime[c]);
 bool TF_F_NewBar()               
   static datetime TimeLast;                                  

You have declared array y[] twice: globally and in the start function.

You have declared array y[] twice: globally and in the start function.

In KIM's example also

#define r 30
void start() {
  double x[r], y[];
  for (int i=0; i<r; i++) x[i]=Close[i+1];
  ArrayLR(x, y);
  for (i=0; i<r; i++)
    SetArrow(170, Red, "arr"+i, Time[i+1], y[i]);

//|  Àâòîð    : Êèì Èãîðü Â. aka KimIV,  http://www.kimiv.ru                   |
//|  Âåðñèÿ   : 20.05.2008                                                     |
//|  Îïèñàíèå : Ôîðìèðóåò ìàññèâ çíà÷åíèé ëèíåéíîé ðåãðåññèè.                  |
//|  Ïàðàìåòðû:                                                                |
//|    x - ìàññèâ çíà÷åíèé ÷èñëîâîãî ðÿäà                                      |
//|    y - ìàññèâ çíà÷åíèé ëèíåéíîé ðåãðåññèè                                  |
void ArrayLR(double& x[], double& y[]) {
  double a, b, c, sx=0, sx2=0, sxy=0, sy=0;
  int    i, n=ArraySize(x);

  if (n>1) {
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
    if (c!=0) a=a/c; else a=0;
    ArrayResize(y, n);
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) y[i]=a*(i+1)+b;
  } else Print("ArrayLR(): Íåäîñòàòî÷íîå êîëè÷åñòâî ýëåìåíòîâ ðÿäà! n=", n);

//|  Àâòîð    : Êèì Èãîðü Â. aka KimIV,  http://www.kimiv.ru                   |
//|  Âåðñèÿ   : 12.10.2007                                                     |
//|  Îïèñàíèå : Óñòàíîâêà çíà÷êà íà ãðàôèêå                                    |
//|  Ïàðàìåòðû:                                                                |
//|    cd - êîä çíà÷êà                                                         |
//|    cl - öâåò çíà÷êà                                                        |
//|    nm - íàèìåíîâàíèå               ("" - âðåìÿ îòêðûòèÿ òåêóùåãî áàðà)     |
//|    t1 - âðåìÿ îòêðûòèÿ áàðà        (0  - òåêóùèé áàð)                      |
//|    p1 - öåíîâîé óðîâåíü            (0  - Bid)                              |
//|    sz - ðàçìåð çíà÷êà              (0  - ïî óìîë÷àíèþ)                     |
void SetArrow(int cd, color cl,
              string nm="", datetime t1=0, double p1=0, int sz=0) {
  if (nm=="") nm=DoubleToStr(Time[0], 0);
  if (t1<=0) t1=Time[0];
  if (p1<=0) p1=Bid;
  if (ObjectFind(nm)<0) ObjectCreate(nm, OBJ_ARROW, 0, 0,0);
  ObjectSet(nm, OBJPROP_TIME1    , t1);
  ObjectSet(nm, OBJPROP_PRICE1   , p1);
  ObjectSet(nm, OBJPROP_ARROWCODE, cd);
  ObjectSet(nm, OBJPROP_COLOR    , cl);
  ObjectSet(nm, OBJPROP_WIDTH    , sz);

In the KIM example, also

Do you want a taxi, or a ride?
Not the same at all, but very different. Global and local data read more.