The challenge: What is cheap and what is expensive? - page 3


once again, the next grannies may have lower prices.... and they are further away, so always the farther away the lower the price.... the conclusion is to buy at the last price ))))

Gardner's problem, if I'm not mistaken. He has written many interesting books.

The picky bride problem

The picky bride problem, or the stopping choice problem, can be formulated as follows:[1]

  1. A bride is looking for a groom (there is a single vacancy).
  2. There is a known number of n suitors.
  3. The bride communicates with the applicants in random order, with each one no more than once.
  4. About each current candidate it is known whether he is better or worse than any of the previous ones.
  5. As a result of the communication with the current applicant the bride must either refuse or accept his proposal. If the offer is accepted, the process stops.
  6. The goal: to choose the best suitor.

This problem has received much attention, largely because optimal strategy has an interesting feature:

If the number of candidates is large enough (about a hundred), the optimal strategy will be to reject all the first n/e (where e = 2.781... is the base of the natural logarithm) applicants and then choose the first one who is better than all the previous ones.[2] As n increases, the probability of choosing the best bidder tends to 1/e, that is, about 37%.

_ conclusion to buy at the last price )))
What if the last grandmother has a problem with her head and the price is the highest? Is it possible to bet everything on one grandmother?
What if the last granny has a problem with her head and the price is the highest? Is it possible to bet everything on one grandmother?

Read the answer above.

There is no way to apply it to forex


We have come to an agricultural market and our task is to buy five bags of potatoes (50 kg). We should buy them as cheaply as possible so that we can sell them without any problems. We go inside the market and see a long counter (100m). Behind the counter, along the side of it, there are 50 grandmothers sitting. Each woman sells sacks of potatoes for her own price, the prices are fixed, you cannot bargain, the sacks are all the same. Each woman has more than 5 sacks.

The thing is, we can only go to one side of the counter. If we see a new price, we cannot buy at the previous price, that is the condition of the problem. We have gone through 20 baskets and received the following price range (rub/bag): 650, 680, 750, 510, 480, 710, 620, 580, 490, 720, 670, 620, 890, 760, 790, 840, 680, 540, 610, 580.

So we have a range of prices. What will be your next steps? We don't know the further 30 prices yet. What further price will be your buying criterion? We still have 30 more dough ahead of us. We can either buy at some price (or prices - from different broads) or refuse to buy at all and go to another market.

What would you do? Below what price would you decide to "Buy"?
Or would you perhaps use some system when buying potatoes and buy from several broadsheets at once?

The funny thing is, don't solve problems according to other people's rules, decide with your own head:

1.walk around the market and choose the product at the lowest price;

2. Based on the amount in my pocket to buy (calculated earlier for 5 sacks) for everything;

3. in 3-4 months, sell it for 840 roubles... In the Forex market, before you buy something you have to make a "circle" and study the situation, and then start trading ... :0))

read the answer above.

There is no way to apply to forex

An odd solution at first glance, but an interesting one.
each time a new dough appears, the price above which I would sell and below which I would buy is altered by adding information, not the average. on each deal, information is added not only about the price of potatoes, but also about how much money we have already put into the market (how much we have bought or sold), so it takes our money changes too, in this way we can kind of correct the past data, which cannot be done if we only put on one deal, because we have no money.

1. at the market, walk around the circle and choose the product with the lowest price;

In the farmers' market, you can go around in a circle. And, what does it mean to walk in a circle in the forex market? What is the analogy and is there one at all?
In the agricultural market, you can go in circles. And, what does it mean to go in circles in the forex market? What is the analogy and is there one at all?

Go through all the pairs and choose the most profitable pair based on the period of the season.
It's also an option. My intuition tells me that you can't bet everything on one grandmother, as in the case of the groom :))