FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 19: September 2012) - page 203


"Abram, do you like the way my Sarah dresses?" - "Oh, yes - so fast!"

For now, just waiting :)

I would like to take this opportunity to enquire about the health of the "cosmonauts". I would like to know if they are still alive and well and if they have hiccups... )))
I would like to take this opportunity to enquire about the health of the "cosmonauts". I would like to know if they are still alive and well and if they have hiccups... )))

Do you think we are not going back up?
What do you mean we won't come back? Of course we will! The question is when...
What do you mean we won't come back? Of course we will! The question is when...

You mean down in the next few days?
Guys, not claiming to be an experienced trader, but I've been caught by the Aussie a few times already. Watch carefully, it overdraws buy signals, it's dangerous to enter yet.

So down in the next few days?

How do I know? My guess is that the EUR is overbought on the day along with the franc and the pound, while the dollar, the yen and the Aussie are oversold.

And all this jumble already wants to go home, i.e. to an equilibrium market state. And what will actually happen there, one doll knows.

I would like to take this opportunity to enquire about the health of the "cosmonauts". I would like to know if they are still alive and well and if they have hiccups... )))
Health is excellent, how else could it be after 10 figures climbing? Everyone has his own view of the market. Now we are waiting for the "whole" market to believe in shorts and bang on more orders ... that's when we'll show up again. See you soon. The main thing is to know how to wait for the moment!!!
)))) don't be like that. Many of us are prone to mistakes.
Not many, but all. In fact, no one knows where the price will go.