from Bears


Someone does not like the work of the moderators. Suggesting in private to take part in moderator ranking. I suggest not getting involved in this bullshit.

The usual ways of contacting Roche or Renate to offend don't seem to work.

Uh-huh, someone is taking a lot on themselves.

Someone does not like the work of the moderators. Suggesting in private to take part in moderator ranking. I suggest not getting involved in this bullshit.

The usual ways of contacting Roche or Renate to offend don't seem to work.

That's not true. I have a good relationship with all the moderators. Vote, it's your right. But, a big request, be honest and don't cheat the service. The moderators themselves, for the sake of purity of the experiment, please do not vote.

Unfortunately I couldn't vote, I couldn't find a suitable item - "All of those listed". I have not been banned yet, so all are good. So, whoever has made more bans during their time as a moderator is the more objective:)

What happened?
Are there moderators here too?
Their work should be appreciated (cherished and nurtured)
Votinglink (for those who didn't get one).
Link to view the results.

Paragraph 3.3 of the Rules.

What kind of questions could there be?

We'll keep that in mind for the future, sorry.

In addition, I find some things I would, if I got a ban for, I wouldn't mind at all. So, moderation is more than democratic. If someone here got a ban, that's a very serious sign.

But being democratic doesn't mean objectivity.

What happened?
Why, what's going to happen? It's okay, don't worry.