Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 43

and everyone had to wait two months for that?
well, that sounds true, I don't know... I need to think about it. until the morning.
of course i simplified it :-) i even changed it :-) but the gist is the same - enter the market by the signal - exit by the signal :-)
Isn't that a modified T101?
it's not t101 modified?

Hmmm ... shame :-) I do not know in detail what kind of system - it seems to use a basket of currencies and a bunch of indicators that suggest their direction (coffee bean prediction though)

i.e., it is not t101 - it just creates a synthetic curve - it works with levels - go to a level, enter the trade - and exit the same way :-)


and the next day at the same time...

xxxxxx7635 d21 t21 buy 0.10 p1 1.3206

Aleksander, I saw 1.3206 - I don't remember any currency pair with such a rate in recent months. Or are all these trades so old?

hmmm... so... finally persuaded me to publish Immediately - the whole state :-) without giving away a teaspoon an hour... plus I already posted it on the web a while ago... and everybody could look it there (and compare it to the numbers I posted here - no cheating :-) and here... (drum roll - ta ta ta - ta ta)...

Aleksander, the value of 1,3206 caught my eye - I do not remember any currency pair with such an exchange rate in recent months. Or all these deals are so old?

Well, not that old - in my time I published this statement almost after the end of the trade... But no one asked me any questions about it... so I put it in the storeroom...

And now - decided to remind of it :-) by a peculiar method - which is good... for having got it all at once - people would have misunderstood and the information would have passed by again ... but this way the Attention is there - and perhaps the information will stay in someone's head for reflection by the TC :-)

(I will add the archive of the statement a bit later)


hmmm... so... finally persuaded me to publish Immediately - the whole state :-) without giving away a teaspoon an hour... plus I already posted it on the internet a while ago... and everybody could look it there (and compare it to the numbers I posted here - no cheating :-) and here... (drum roll - ta ta ta - ta ta)...

hmmm... 85-88 deals are somehow out of the ordinary, like from another TC
Hmm... 85-88 deals kind of out of the ordinary, like from another TC...

How did you even see them?

I can't get the details to be readable when I try to enlarge this jpeg.

I even thought the author was just messing with me again...

That's a good one. That's a good one.

hmmm... so... finally persuaded me to publish Immediately - the whole state :-) without giving away a teaspoon an hour... plus I already posted it on the internet a while ago... and everybody could look it there (and compare it to the numbers I posted here - no cheating :-) and here... (drum roll - ta ta ta - ta ta)...

Aleksander, it seems to me that we have clarified everything in private. You wrote me that you are a grown man and do not suffer from childhood. In fact, it's the exact opposite.

You're against the flooding in this thread. But you yourself provoke it. Trolling?

If it continues to be so, I will not have a single shred of regret if you get a ban and the branch is shut down. I won't ask a second time for you.