Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 352

Anatolii Zainchkovskii:

I made up the script today, too, and I counted the number of options when one or two out of 8 should work, but the script only gave me three options..... I'd like to talk to you about that...
It's not a direct use as described. It's more of a dumb variance property.
It's not about direct use as described. It's more of a blunt dispersion property described there.

It would be interesting to understand how this property of dispersion is described, and more importantly, what is it? Maybe you could shed some light on it for the public?

It would be interesting to understand how this describes the property of dispersion, and more importantly what is the property? Perhaps you could shed some light on it for the public?
О! I detect a hint of sarcasm. Joker's supporters are on the move.) Well, ask him, he wrote about it too.
Oh! I sense a note of sarcasm. Joker's supporters are coming around). Well, ask him, he wrote about it too.
First of all, not supporters, supporter. And secondly, is she a supporter? It's not clear either. Just a girl meets an unfamiliar word.)
First of all, not supporters, but supporter. And secondly, is she a supporter? I don't know either. It's just a girl meets an unfamiliar word.)
I'm more comfortable communicating without dividing by gender. He is such a user. There used to be a lot of men with female avatars and nicknames. You don't know who's out there. And we're not discussing personalities here, we're discussing thoughts, in the broad sense if. There are a lot of unfamiliar words in here. Why is it that when a person pronounces these words, trying to describe the effects, he starts mixing business with business, and then he puts his theories on top of that and sprinkles scientific imagery that he himself does not quite understand? There is no question about it. But as soon as you retell it, you start to say "don't make me feel cold".
About the sarcasm-sense))).
Sometimes it seems that if I show good trading on the plot by saying that the knowledge gives me an eye in the triangle and the forecast should be done upside down, then there will be fans of this nonsense))).
It's getting boring around here. Used to be fun, yeah... Those were the days.
First of all, not supporters, but supporter. And secondly, is she a supporter? It's not clear either. Just a girl meets an unfamiliar word.)

Why would a girl be unfamiliar with that word? You do not need to graduate from high school mathematics to open wikipedia and see what the properties of dispersion may be.... So the wiki describes 5 properties of dispersion. And indeed, what property is confirmed by the combinatorics table?
The property should have been put in inverted commas. No one has ever picked on me before, but I think if that's the custom here, then whatever, we'll call it that way too. If the meaning of the description, there are many options. Joker himself described one of the variants. There's nothing fabulous there, it's as old as the world. And combinatorics has nothing to do with it. Let's not plot the essence, read his post yourself, it's after the tablets somewhere not far away. Long before the advent of paired trading, gold functions, secret organizations, and all that then began))))
Long before the advent of pair trading, gold functions, secret organisations, and all that then began))))

It started a long time ago... back in the 4th millennium BC... Babylonian priests created cuneiform tablets with secrets to combinatorics, providing power over the world of numbers, and over people...


It started a long time ago... back in the 4th millennium BC... Babylonian priests created cuneiform tablets with secrets to combinatorics, providing power over the world of numbers, and over people...

And that. Once you have understood the tablets, you are considered a Freemason who understood the power of the golden function. Their power even changes avatars. It's not a fly in the ointment.

It started a long time ago... back in the 4th millennium BC... Babylonian priests created cuneiform tablets with secrets to combinatorics, providing power over the world of numbers, and over people...

There were no Babylonian priests in the 4th millennium! :)