Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 514

The offer has 7 hours to run
Anatolii Zainchkovskii:
7 hours left on the offer.

Sell Grail, price $11000, or trade for Anatoli's Grail for an additional $1000 ))

Aleksandr Volotko:

I was shaking your grail!


I'm your grail!

Which is it?

There's no need to stagger the subject. You're young, you're joking, it's easy for you. That's not it. It's not bantering with reposts or even liking questionable content. It's better to stay out of it. Seriously, any of you will be sorry. Better close the thread and forget what has been written here. I quite understand that the given message will cause additional interest, but I want to warn inquisitive at once - stop. The rest of us just won't find it.


There is no need to stagger the subject. You're young, you're joking, it's all easy for you. This is not it. It's not bantering with reposts or even liking questionable content. It's better to stay out of it. Seriously, any of you will regret it. Better close the thread and forget what has been written here. I quite understand that the given message will cause additional interest, but I want to warn inquisitive at once - stop. The rest of us just won't find it.

I would like more details: what exactly do not stagger and where not to climb and why?


There is no need to stagger the subject. You're young, you're joking, it's all easy for you. This is not it. It's not bantering with reposts or even liking questionable content. It's better to stay out of it. Seriously, any of you will be sorry. Better close the thread and forget what has been written here. I quite understand that the given message will cause additional interest, but I want to warn inquisitive at once - stop. The rest simply will not find.

Enterprising young people, you should be interested in this topic. You're young, you're healthy, you're smart. This is it. It's yachts and villas. This is where you need to get in right away. Seriously, any of you would be happy with that. It's better than sitting on your arses and making eot threads. I completely understand that I'm generating more interest with this post, but I want to warn you straight away that the most dangerous thing in life is to live it without realising it's gone, being a mouse. The rest of us just won't be smart enough to do it cleanly.

Aleksandr Volotko:

I would like more details: what exactly should be kept out of the way and where and why?

Life is horrible in itself, and yet our modest knowledge of it sometimes reveals such diabolical shades of truth that it seems a hundred times more horrible. The science which has crippled our minds with its incredible discoveries may soon be the last of the human species, if we survive as such, for the brain of mere mortals can hardly conceivably endure the endless supply of horrors bursting out of the vaults of life.

- Howard Phillips Lovecraft

Aleksandr Volotko:

I'd like more details: what exactly is to be kept out of the way and where, and why?

Truly, many terrible ancient mysteries of the Earth are best left unsolved - nightmarish secrets that have nothing to do with the human race and which can only be comprehended at the cost of their peace and sanity; innermost terrible secrets, the knowledge of which turns anyone into an outsider among men, lolling their way alone.

- Howard Phillips Lovecraft


Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

You should at least tell us a secret to make the hairs on your head sing.


Life is short. Be patient for a while.

- Andrey Haroldovich Knyshev

Aleksandr Volotko:

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

You should at least tell a secret like that to make the hairs on your head sing.

you can't say that out in the open here.

it doesn't just undermine the constitutional order or anything like that.

it undermines the very foundation of human history and existence.