Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 362

Settle down! No one is forcing you to subscribe to the signal, and no one needs your advice either. In general, no one is holding anyone here, go in peace.

Tell that to those who believed in this thread, subscribed to the famous signal and lost their hard-earned money. No, there were probably no rich people there, just ordinary people who just wanted to change their lives in a positive way.

Or don't you see that this branch and the signal (subsequent signals of "followers") will be tied to the same ...... ?


Tell that to those who believed in this thread, subscribed to the famous signal and lost their hard-earned money. No, there were probably no rich people there, just ordinary people who just wanted to change their lives in a positive way.

They took the bait for big profits instead of signing up for a signal with minimal drawdown and trading history of at least six months...

Or don't you see that this branch and the signal (subsequent signals of "followers") will be tied to the same ...... ?

This is good, because the strategy will improve sooner or later.


They themselves fell for the big profits instead of signing up for a signal with a minimum drawdown and a trading history of at least half a year...

This is good, because the strategy will improve sooner or later.

And look at signals with high percentage, but no one bites to them.

Maybe the strategy will be improved, maybe not (two-way traffic). Many have believed in the branch for several years (how much longer), and here -ADB...WALL...on a simple test drive


And look at how many signals have a high percentage, but no one bites on them - why is that ...

Probably, the drawdown has already occurred or there is not enough history to conclude that it will not occur in the future :)

In general, systems with large percentages and drawdowns are not very suitable for monitoring andcopying of trades. But some people successfully (as they say) use such systems to overclock their deposits losing several small starting stocks and obtaining considerable profit after the next overclocking by bridging the previous losses.

Maybe only clone-boys of the joker himself are left in the subscribers). Well maybe a couple of obamas, from what's in their heads param-pam-pam.
How can anyone in their right mind leave a signature and carry the money under such circumstances? You either have to forget that you even signed, or I don't know what else.
By the way, a way for crooks to cheat. Everyone knows the way of promoting YouTube channels. All the now-famous bloggers bought ads from others with a large number of subscribers, being a novice in the creation of the channel. After that, the push, or untwisted, or if it's too bad-no.
Why is the crowd effect, the numbers under the results of activity so important to the person. Apparently amerians approach to such questions more effectively, as well as to everything, even in creation of advertising they have so much science that it is horror, and the science not only computing-picture, but exactly the science "applied" in psychology and development of the person. These are not our advertising sculptors who think I know everything, I will shoot it, I am a star. I thought why not apply it to signals.
This is a kind of diversification. Suppose I managed to get 100 subscribers, or maybe 50. The author's clones may account for 10 of them. What kind of moron would give extra money for nothing? It would seem so. But. 1 - If the signal is profitable, you lose only 30% of the cost of subscriptions (or how much they charge mk). And the cost of the signal you have in principle pays off.
2- Let the signal start pouring, there were unsubscribes, only the author's subscriptions are left. He loses, but he has a reserve of funds, because before he accumulated "fat" from past times. And when the signal has started to be profitable again, because his clone subscriptions have remained, the period of recruiting subscribers is reduced. The new flock starts watching the growth of the chart and appreciating the 10 subscriptions for a reason, plus the desire to enter the market right under the signal growth (analogous to the desire to catch the reversal in the trader, but in a different variant). It eclipses the mind of a person who does not understand anything about trading and does not pay attention to a too short period for statistics or to successes and failures of the signal and subscribes to it.
A marketing scheme integrated into the overall balance sheet curve. If you analyse like the Yankees, down to the last detail, such as analysing how you attract subscribers and how fast you recruit them at the right moments, then there is a lot of merit to it.
The idea reeks of schizophrenia), but certainly better than Barack Husseinovich's about deliberately leaking to combat oversubscribers))))
Boring, something to ponder at your leisure. Barak's gone again, he's not coming. At least I could laugh at him.
I'd like to patent a marketing scheme or something...

Goodbye our affectionate Sashka!


That's it, the Joker has driven the last nail in the lid...

This is getting kind of boring. Maybe someone could throw in a topic?

Serj: Can someone throw in a topic?

Let's draw a line between the grail and the usual bablox


Let's draw a distinction between grail and ordinary bablokos

How can dablokos be ordinary ?!!! ))

it's special !!!