Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 356

joker went on a business trip from his factory. now his wife is sitting at the terminal. she can drain your accounts to zero.

And you must be the man sitting with his wife? Very interesting...
1. if you look at the "Funds" tab, in fact he has only 2 losing entries, which is not an indicator of a loss so far.
2... i think the problem is lack of volatility, his strategy is based on the fact that after the N-th flip of a set of currency pairs an unstoppable trend will start on some of them and cover previous losses from flips, like a rollover, but without martin and on several scattered currencies to avoid losses from a scattered movement ... the problem is that there is hardly a trend-following strategy that works well in summer + markets are already flat and barely crawling now, periodically exploding on the news about euro regulations, imho, the strategy would be worth revisiting in autumn ...

And you must be the man who sits with his wife? Very interesting...
What about male solidarity? You got the guy.

Joker can simply not trade when the EA gets into such pits. Open virtually, and when equity goes up, enter with the same lots. And the rebound will surely take place in a month or two.


That's it, the Joker's account is on the move.

He must have changed his strategy since the entries are already in by Thursday.


Joker can simply not trade when the EA gets into such pits. Open virtually, and when equity goes up, enter with the same lots. The rise will surely happen in a month or two.

This is a simple genius system: one has to trade when the market is in the black and not when the market is in the red.

As I see it, this thread is full of geniuses of thought and system-building. ))))


In general, it's just a genius system to trade when there are profitable trades and not to trade when there are unprofitable ones.

This thread is full of geniuses of thought and system-building, as I see it. ))))

Yeah. People don't get it. And the joker quietly reads the thread and complains about the criticism and gets it dealt with. So the people don't get it and they don't get it. It's their right to give their money to whomever they want.
Hmm. It's even cooler than the grail. The only thing is that you are supposed to know when you will have negative rates and not to trade, which is a grail in itself. So the subscribers will also pay you for the time you spend in minus)))). It's idiotic.

There are geniuses of thought and system-building gathered in this thread, as I see it. ))))

No, there were geniuses of thought here before and they claimed that Joker's system was not working at all. Although some of them disappeared when equity on the account went up, but that's OK, they will come again. ))

If you know what to do with this system, it would be better to trade on profitable deals and not to trade when the balance is negative.

Just don't confuse plus trades and plus series.


There are plenty of people here who believe in 1000...% a month. How much of Joker's system works at the moment is anyone's guess. I understand that all the "teachers"

in this thread - gave pictures from the testers... If Joker was going for it, I would like it to be less %% - and moreSTABILITY.

Otherwise, by July there will be no subscribers left ...


Nah, there were geniuses of thought here before and they said that Joker's system wasn't working at all. (Although some of them disappeared when the equity in the account went up, but that's all right, they'll come back now. ))

Just don't confuse plus trades and plus series.

Where do you see the system "working"? How did you determine it? By the yield for 4 months of 75% with a drawdown of 30%? This is the GRAAL of Joker, which only the chosen ones understand?

Do not make me laugh. I occasionally overclock my accounts from 200+% per month on pamm accounts, then they drain. Last one ran up to 1400% in 1 month, now it's in a drawdown of 85%.

75% in 4 months with a 30% drawdown is nothing... Today it is, tomorrow it isn't. There's nothing to discuss. Any one of you can do that. The main thing here is to hit the market, i.e. luck.