Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 308


Parrondo, Penny, etc., remain a paradox(a paradoxis always a half-truth) and are rather useless.

Yeah, and Serge has no temple(
Yeah, and Serge doesn't have a grail either(

I do. And a public one at that. The question is, what is the Grail to you?

For me, there are three levels of grails.

1. Mathematical. Based on a pure mathematical paradox, which, by the way, covers the market negatives to the full. But it is not promised thousands of % per year. Modest, but effective.

2 Based on a clear prediction on the structure of chaos "Matryoshka". Here the more experience, the higher profits. My experience of Matryoshka was able to make thousands of percent, I think you know. But it will have to work hard, no free money in this approach.

3. mathematics + accounting for the structure of chaos. There is also great potential for extreme people.

To repeat the question, what is the grail for you?


What makes a mash-up perfect for filtering frequencies? That's why makdi is a shitty bandpass, because of the quality of the mashka. How do you isolate a frequency with a makdi? If a mashka is averaging.

Macdies are very good at picking out waves (vibration, a certain frequency). In the Matryoshka model, they are the perfect helpers. In their bare form, outside the chaos structure, they are just as ineffective.


If I can find an example with Forte, there are a lot of such people, which is not an example of the mathematical grail, the question of application and mm-let's leave it aside.

How can you be so sure that these are purely mathematical grails without account of chaos structure? Did they tell you the formula of the grail for more than 1000 annual returns at any market conditions?

Here's an example for you on mashups:

What do you think?

The answer is: Any optimisation, I repeat. Any optimization! Optimisation designed to find a profitable frequency will lead to ruin in the future. And there is a fundamental reason for this. Optimization can only be useful in 1 case, to improve an already profitable TS. But fitting it to any story does not add you probability, you will still lose money at a distance, if the system has a mathematical expectation lower than the negative market one.


I didn't write about 1,000 percent, increase the risks and you will get mega interest, of course once a year and the stick shoots, with such risks you can get lucky and get it, or you can lose it.

We are not talking about deals, but about kinds of "grails" mathematical ones. Here are the lines above, they are not drawn in a holy spirit.

I've got it wrong then. I agree with you, there are mat grails, at least one for sure, though not, 2 (2nd on vanilla options). I mentioned it above. But they don't give thousands of percent consistently. If you increase risks in pursuit of greed, then the property of the grail - the mat. model is lost, because there is a possibility of running into a black swan and losing out.


If I can find an example with Forte, there are a lot of such people, which is not an example of the mathematical grail, the question of application and mm-let's leave it aside.

Now that's a Privilege.

and this is Forte, redrawing on the last bar I think.

Have seen examples with solutions through other methods as well.

I have seen examples of solutions using other methods.

In this case the grail is understood as a line that has characteristics that change slower than the price change characteristics and the price tends to hover near that line.

I am not a good scientist, so I explained it as best I could))

There may be different approaches.

Well, you yourself have confirmed my arguments. From your examples there is no pure mathematics, there is an analysis as you put it (market characteristics), in my language it is an analysis of the structure of chaos that rules the market. But it is not a pure mathematical grail.

Parrondo, Penny, etc., remain a paradox(a paradoxis always a half-truth) and are rather useless.

If the markets had zero expectations. Then the same Parrondo paradox would make everyone a yardstick and the markets would sooner or later crash due to lack of liquidity for a bunch of graaleweights. ) But big daddy is crafty and has foreseen this point. )

Joker - on any you read us, echelle file that you posted (with explanations) on the topic Used, what are the outcomes in the first column (falling out) 1 2 3.

If you can explain, I do not know why they were formed.