Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 304


The one function that is not visible,

Languishes all in vague wonder.

One foot is barefoot,

The other is shod in paired trading.

But the situation is only clear

Only with a wise approach.

And Castaneda's eyes

Of her wrote with affirmation.

It's all the fault of magnitude,

That's what's inside her with contempt,

that speaks without a word into the eyes

To all who questioned her.

"All that's in their minds is blackness.

Ignorance and doubts.

But the lightness of function is simple,

If there's an open mouth

It doesn't matter if it's a broom up the ass,

Or below the left thigh.

The Egyptian preacher is stuffed.


On Five, they want to put evolutionary algorithms into competition. Stone Age, a sandbox.

It's a competition to see who can determine the prophet/non-prophet for the least amount of trades.


There you go - at least some of the proper people have noticed that the first 6 deals don't need to be counted.

alexx_v and other Joker's lawyers - understand that there is no discussion of Joker here, but just trying to understand - is there any point in this 4-year-old branch

Or it's all P*Z*E* (sorry for mistakes, I didn't go to school), that's what Joker is trying to help us with (maybe without realising it himself).

I think I'll agree with this very thought:"and other Joker's lawyers - understand, it's not like there's a discussion about Joker here, but just trying to figure out if this 4 year old branch makes sense".
You people are strange. If there's "no point",

then what are you doing here?

You people are strange. If there's "no point",

then what are you doing here?

They wrote you in black and white letters - they're trying to figure out if there's a point.

there is no meaning in the universe

all is vanity


alexx_v- I'm not blabbering or casting ignorant shadows on anyone, guessing how much of this boundary is not my thing, judging by cases I haven't seen yet.

I'll tell you the numbers from a torch, and then. Don't get ahead of yourself. The test hasn't even started yet.

And my opinion as I said - I will tell only after the test (is. On the positive result), but now my opinion is not credible to the heroes of this branch (maybe I'm wrong).

Tecuciztecatl- making money copying without knowing from whom - so can think only a beginner (no offense).

(No offense, of course) except that - you have less credibility than the Joker, and it follows that your opinion is not interesting ;).
And so your scam is obvious, which again implies your dishonesty.
It's like an action movie, DOES make sense. Went to get more cornflakes.
(No offence, of course) except that - you have less credibility than Joker, and from that follows that your opinion is not interesting ;)
And so your tricks are obvious, which again implies your dishonesty.

so then what are you doing here too, I mean everyone's trust is different, and not trusting them in this thread doesn't usurp the right to post, just as it doesn't usurp the right for them to forbid you to post. Don't like it, walk away, but you also rebuke them without giving them the right to rebuke him. In the meantime, they weren't the ones making the hypothesis. And the forum is not an altar. There's someone here who has "the right to ask for a hepothesis", otherwise why the fuck put it forward and make a fuss.