Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 242

Got in and out of the top ten.

Nice work, Vladimir. Respect. Soon I'll have the money as well :-) I'm still studying I. Toshchakov. Thank you. It is a pleasure to read you - you learn many new and interesting things... and about yourself :-) :-)

КрасавчеГГ, Владимир. Уважаю. Скоро и дЕньгами - ОБЯЗУЮСЬ :-) Во всю изучаю И. Тощакова... Вас благодарю. Приятно читать Вас - узнаёшь много нового и интересного... и о себе. :-)

what kind of book?


see trailer. It looks like this one.

"Read Igor Toshchakov it says it all" - post 12.

The only thing I wanted to ask is how is the zero point (zone I) defined?
The only thing I wanted to ask is how is the zero point (zone I) defined?
I think you have to start looking at the right-hand edge of the channel

Are you depressed? Cheer up :)

Joker, look in the private line, please.
Throw in some fresh lyrics.

Are you depressed? Cheer up :)

You wanted to cheer up the depressed and you've just made them all the more excited :) And then you'll be back to complaining, saying, "Gentlemen, clogged skype, pals, mail ..." ;)

There's nothing to be depressed about, you just have to work :)

SZZY: Too bad, you can't program "*** feel the need to cover positions" :))) I meant yesterday.


I wanted to cheer up the depressed, but you've made them angry again). And then you'll be back to complaining, saying, "Gentlemen, I've lost Skype connections, personal messages, emails ..." ;)

No need to be gloomy, you just have to work :)

SZZY: Too bad, can't be programmed "I'm feeling the need to cover positions with my ass" :)) That's what I meant yesterday.

Alex, have you tested your trading on 1-2 years? Especially interested in 2013. I used to trade manually about half a year ago and everything was fine until I got stuck. Then later I made a script and used it to realise that all is not so sunny.