Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 142

you'll both be gone

Well, the guy didn't mean anything by it... just... a profitable stake to tease... or a million-dollar score on a coin... like that :-)

that you won't get such results from the boys... :-) not in terms of mockery, verbal, over the vulnerable souls of the masters of mathematical flushing...

What I mean by that
Alexander, in two or three words, for the not-so-educated like me. How? Page 142 is up and I don't understand anything.
How does it work?

- Do you see a gopher?

- No...

- But he does!...


Gentlemen, I think trading spreads and the ideal market portfolio have been explained to you. Even a test shot was given on combinatorics with a coin toss. You can't do that, for God's sake...

Alexander, in two or three words, for less educated people, like me. How? I'm on page 142 and I don't understand anything.
How does it work?

Let's do it again... :-) I'll show you clearly and even say a few words....

check it out:

the simplest thing... There are two tools - one Sell above, another Buy below... When they intersect, you either close both trades or take a profit...

that's it... it's not complicated... buy cheap - sell expensive ... ( old man Dow said this, but not everyone understood him :-) )

So I don't get it. Dablokos lost his deposit twice in the show? What the fuck is a dablokos...

Let's do it again... :-) I'll show you clearly and even say a few words....

check it out:

the simplest thing... there are two instruments - one - which you sell at the top, the other - which you buy at the bottom... when they cross, you either close both trades or take the combined profit...

that's it... nothing complicated... buy cheap - sell expensive...( that's what the old Dow said, but not everyone understood it :-) )

I have seen many "collapses" in real time, in PAMM accounts. they continue to do so, because collapses may not happen (full stop)
I have seen your "collapses" many times in real time, in PAMM accounts. they were and will continue to be lost, because the "collapse" may not happen (full stop).
And what about (for example positively) correlated instruments? They move together and sometimes diverge. Well, you have entered early, and they still disperse. All the same, they will go in one direction.
What about(positively) correlated instruments? They go together and occasionally diverge. Well, you entered early, and they still scatter. They will still go in the same direction.

I'm talking about positive instruments. they may not collapse, ever.

...share... There you go)

I'm talking about positive ones. they may not break even, ever.

I agree with you 100 percent. You'll get tired of averaging.

There are fish here, of course. But so is the "black swan", which comes not so rarely.

And even if the pairs do come together later, someday, will the TS, the deposit, withstand it?