Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 124


Maybe I don't understand you correctly.

I'll make it simple then. Your words "... open with a lot of trades..." and "... lots of hedge structures..." are not what my method is based on.

No, you don't understand yourself, or don't want to be understood. You asked for a safe (more or less) way to enter the depot - I showed you. Input speed has nothing to do with it, it's up to you. I did not write that your way is based on hedges, and you strongly decided to show that not on them, it's strange. So before you ask about safe depositing, then set unambiguous conditions for it.

Is it a single instrument or multiple instruments, is the timing of entry important, is the total drawdown important, is the drawdown on each instrument individually important (if multi-currency entry), etc.

That's why I say - that you are driving the moolah for the umpteenth time. Without saying anything on the subject. It may be safe to enter everything for one instrument, but for yours, for example, this method may not work.

And you shout (often it is so - in big bold letters) about something that you do not know the conditions that will suit you, asking people to offer such ways of depositing - all in a row, and you kind of then choose at your discretion. Clever guy, though. Not giving anything sensible yourself.


Do you admit that you are aware of the weakness of the method, which spoils the whole PRIDE? Like we can lose a lot more in those 2-3 months than we make in the end. Guess?

Zy. Oh these rebalancing!

ZZ. Cheto my posts are ignored here, like I was not even here (maybe the height or something else is not outstanding? А? Kent? I told you how to make more money than you lose, where's the thanks? (Or you do not notice anyone else behind your reproduction) However, some MOSKites sometimes notice, but through the post, hurts, blah-blah-blah!

Zzzzz. To the moderators. Fuck, that's not a thing!

I notice too, you must be one of only 2 or 3 people who have more or less said something on the matter here, and in strict philosophical dosage as a response to something general.

As if someone here, compared to others, has given so much here, someone already gets money from these thoughts, but disappears without doing anything, one does not expect good from bad, it's kind of him to be offended, but you are offended))))))

Kent has been driving for a long time, he has never said anything useful, but he poses as a do-gooder who helps people, and he says, "I did it all and proved it all, but I will not give it"))). I think that's the end of the story.

Laster, you too have your own conclusions and calculations, but you are not going to share them, as I understand it, you have a way to attract here personally and what do you expect from the branch, frankly?


1. On differences of modules I gave a file with comments, however it, again, was ignored by the one who should be offended, probably because I somewhere have made a mistake, or maybe because it is so accepted here _ That's why I build my grievances on social relationships, which is what I think this resource is built on, not on thread titles...

2.1 have, look at the alpari in "grail found", there voiced, the nickname retsam

2.2 I don't share because it's inefficient and, in all honesty, I haven't found anything yet that maybe I shouldn't share. In fact, I do not know, would share if I found it, probably not. Would have walked around the forums like a top starter and hinted, probably in quarter hints.

2.3 from the branch? Probably a miracle, or an idea, so to speak, of the collective mind, maybe I'll come across something that will turn me to the right/destructive path :)/ :(


1. On differences of modules I gave a file with comments, however it, again, was ignored by the one who should be offended, probably because I somewhere have made a mistake, or maybe because it is so accepted here _ That's why I build my insults on social relations, which is what I think this resource is built on, not on thread titles...

that's what's in the link (is that the comment on the file? ), I did not ignore, there's just nothing to ignore, posted (joker or you, I do not remember) the same excel file of mine and just put the titles in the columns) .

I'll tell you even bluddier, it's not as accepted here as you think it is. So don't be surprised and spend your time on those who are really willing to share and discuss and contribute new ideas.

By the way, on the pairing, I told NeColle too, but somehow everything missed, and I made a screenshot here. Look out, when the FI is down, do the counter-pairing, not the averaging of the FI itself. This, by the way, also applies to option reproduction. Maybe someone will come up with the idea, since I did not succeed. MM would help there, but I am not a specialist in it, unfortunately I am still chasing other people's ideas.
On the file, see my comment on page 106. It may not be a complete view of all situations, but the reason for the rise in the graph in this particular file explains it.
Bracho:So don't be surprised, but spend time on those who are really willing to share and discuss, contributing new ideas.
I do, and believe me, not a few. And there are so many ideas, and I'm not young, time is running out, so I have to filter: what to check, and what can wait :)
I spend, and believe me, not a few. And I have so many ideas, and I'm not young anymore, the time is getting shorter and shorter, so I have to filter what to check and what can wait :)

Do you have aybat with progromming?

I don't know what aybat is, but I'm guessing. I code on mt5 and a little on mt4 (this is from those languages you might be interested in)

The eternal question - and you?

On the file, see my comment on page 106. It may not be a complete view of all situations, but the reason for the graph growth in this particular file explains it.

I'm sick and tired of this file, like an idiot you describe the example of properties, not the pattern that gives a profit, but they poke you again and say it does not work(((( I'm an idiot and do not agree that the combination is greater than 50%, no, I've written many times, but they keep telling me that(((). You have to work with the property, not the file. For example, I asked if anyone knows why these exact patterns are in adverza, how did they get there? it's nothing else but compaction of structures with such properties.