Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 37


and that's... Papaj... well it's not me who wrote 25 days there - but by monitoring onyx - what month and a half? - a pure 25 days only...

I don't know what onyx counts as days. I guess that's minus the weekends.

I looked, the bill is from 28.06.2012 and today is 10.08.2012, which is almost a month and a half.


Alexander... I hesitate to ask... but I dare to ask...

Where do you bury your money?

After all, if you've always, even at the beginning of your apparently very long career, made thousands of %... Even an elementary schoolboy can easily calculate that after two or three years of such trading your fortune will exceed the entire volume of forex market by unimaginable orders of magnitude.

In other words, it will be equal to some obscene figures in obscene degrees. Which don't even have names in mathematics.

And if you translate all this stuff into the eternal metal for which there is an implacable battle - the mass of this bullion would long ago exceed the mass of the moon.

So where is all this wealth stored?

Launched into space as artificial satellites?

Nah - partly in real estate - partly in gold - the rest in the bank - for interest... on which I live... Ranting :-)

heh... Well with the money you make, you don't have to be an artisan - you just have to buy the Earth... and the solar system as well... not to mention forex itself... it's probably been yours for a long time now.

If you say you made 150 a month from a tenner... :)

It's easy to see that in a couple of years at this rate, you'll be making quadrillion... what about banks and forex... the planet is just your own...

don't be modest... just say I'm God...

there's been one here before... a couple of years ago... in a funny thread :))) search the archives... see if you can find it...


well, I'm a long way from god (the creator).... I'm just... being modest... in a shell, see what's going on in the spiritual sandbox... and then go on about my business :-)

and that's... it's not the first time I notice that people here cannot read :-) they attribute their fantasies to mines...

for example... the 150... I didn't make them in a month... in a year - read carefully :-)

and I don't like to work... lazy - that's my credo... I've played my calabashes already - I don't need any more...


For some people... The main thing is that you don't need to do anything else - you don't have to do anything else ... If you don't want to do anything else, you'll have to do something else ... If you don't want to do something else, you'll have to do something else - you'll have to do it yourself ... no doubling 40 times here :-) martini is not used here at all ...

I think I got out of the tank a long time ago, it's understandable!

Can you be more specific on the inputs/outputs or is the time not right yet?


I think I got out of the tank a long time ago, that much is clear!

Can you be more specific on the inputs/outputs, or is the time not right yet?

Roma... that's what Meat said :-)

Meat : What's the use of it? Do you have enough money to double up 40 times?

so far he's the only one who's signed up as a tanker :-)


and more specifically - what would you like to hear? on entries and exits? (well, there is an indicator - it shows when to enter, when to leave)

Wash yourself.
You're a wizard, I've spent years on this. If anyone is interested, I'll give you a hint.
... the administration's tolerance is admirable...:-)))
I apologise, we rarely look in this thread, it makes me dizzy with envy.
Post comments in the SPAM branch.
The rudeness has been cleaned up, the author's data will have to be re-posted.