FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 87


Where's the TP? I got 1.23... modestly ))))

You can't see it. It's somewhere around 2.0.)
16.30 Moscow Non-farm payrolls - July 80,000 (previous) 100,000 (forecast) ...

So where do we go from here?

So where are we going?

What do you think?

So where do we go?

2205 will be the first bear's paw hit )))

So where do we go from here?


Events to watch out for today:

13:00 Moscow timeframe. Eurozone: Retail sales for June (Previous value 0.6% m/m)

16:30 Moscow time. USA: Unemployment Rate for July (Previous: 8.2% mom, Forecast: 8.2% mom)

16:30 Moscow time. USA: Non-farm payrolls for July (Previous value - 80K, Forecast - 100K)

18:00 USA: Institute for Supply Management non-manufacturing purchasing managers' index for July (Previous value - 52.1, forecast - 52)


what do you think?

I'm thinking of putting in some anchors and stops on the yen ....

go down

I don't know... well, it's probably going to be fine....


Events to watch out for today:

13:00 Moscow timeframe. Eurozone: Retail sales for June (Previous value 0.6% m/m)

16:30 Moscow time. USA: Unemployment Rate for July (Previous reading - 8.2% mom, Forecast - 8.2% mom)

16:30 Moscow time. USA: Non-farm payrolls for July (Previous value - 80K, Forecast - 100K)

18:00 USA: Institute for Supply Management non-manufacturing purchasing managers' index for July (Previous value - 52.1, forecast - 52)

I don't know what the hell these events are ))))

The easiest tehanalysis, the daytime



Events to watch out for today:

13:00 Moscow timeframe. Eurozone: Retail sales for June (Previous value 0.6% m/m)

16:30 Moscow time. USA: Unemployment Rate for July (Previous 8.2% mom, Forecast: 8.2% mom)

16:30 Moscow time. USA: Non-farm payrolls for July (Previous value - 80K, Forecast - 100K)

18:00 USA: Institute for Supply Management non-manufacturing purchasing managers' index for July (Previous value - 52.1, forecast - 52)

1 and 3 from top to bottom...3 is key for today... (although all in a coup should be watched at 4.30pm Musc)