FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 701

Aren't there any flooders at work today?

I live in the market, that's the job ))) ...but what to do now? it'll be a mess before the americans )))

I live from the market, that's the job ))) ...but what to do now? It'll be a mess before the americans )))
Really? Well then, you're a beauty if you can do it.

I live from the market, that's the job ))) ...but what to do now? It'll be a mess before the americans )))

looks like you'll be in the sweet spot in a couple of days...though with your luck )))...

the renovation of the house has started and i don'tknow when it will be over.

if you are interested in fractal theory predictions, go here:


That's it... 2570 was the maximum. ))))

extra from the winnings buy a Marlboro - smoke ))))

owl only 2 orders open on short.....

owl only opened 2 orders on short.....

They sold and it's good)))) Now everyone will buy ))))

Sold it and good ))))) Now everyone will buy ))))
I mean up on the eu...?
You mean up the eu...?

Sure ))))