FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 479


Comers - large companies, funds, trade ONLY from longs, if they have a short position it means they are hedging in the futures market, in addition they have a significant amount of capital which they can invest in an emergency to buy out various emergencies.

Non-commercials, quite technical, pushing the market through hawks and lots, this group includes producers, so they know the trends in the markets better than anyone else, they can turn the market around very quickly, their lack of positions gives a flat.

Let's see where the pound moves.

Let's see where the pound moves.
We will)

What about the euro?

What about the euro?
Up in the reports, if you look at the non-comers. We will also see how the week ends.

They are just trading and they have lots of losers, but the profits are corresponding.

came you and Tantrik to the bank with bought euros for 100k Tantrik for 0.1k...what position will the bank take...came an hour later and repeated the actions...will the bank say it has no money...and how will selling the euro bank affect your desire to repeat the above-mentioned actions again)))

came you and Tantrik to the bank with bought euros for 100k Tantrik for 0.1k...what position will the bank take...came an hour later and repeated the actions...will the bank say it has no money...and how will selling the euro bank affect your desire to repeat the above actions again))))

Or maybe I'll sell next time?))) And Tantrik over there, didn't come at all)))

How about I sell next time?)))

well...what position will the bank take in this case ?

well...what position would the bank take in this case?

Yeah I hear you, except who told you that merchants are hedgers? That's why if I have to buy 100k from the same bank, I will first buy 10, then sell 5, then buy 7, sell 3 etc until I reach 100. Exactly so that the bank doesn't take that position)))

Yes I hear you, but who told you that commerce is a hedgerow?

it's a cash cow...that will give you everything you ask can analyse all 3 components of SOT and separately...but...... who needs it will figure it out and check it himself )))...I can only say that there are no fish there...

Technically it should go down, but I don't believe it: