FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 203



"Money is a merry companion, a rogue,
who can't stay in one place for long.
in one place, which is why he is
a merchant's best friend, transporting
goods from a place of overabundance to a place of
shortage. They both live from
mobility. For this reason, money
is "sad" if one tries to keep it
in one place. Libra, the sign of "air" in
in astrology, is considered the epitome
commerce. The Roman god Mercury (from the Greeks
Hermes), agile, cunning and
dexterous (an envoy of the gods in winged
sandals, traveling hat and wand in hand.
rod in his hand), used to be regarded as the patron
of money and travellers (merchants and
thieves). Even today, occultists
use the ancient "Mercury" rituals
when they want to improve their money
money matters.
So what is the significance of all this for us?
Once we start to see something in
the money=air equation as something
non-static, money immediately loses
the most threatening part of it.
Understanding that money is ephemeral and
and fluid, will help us to recognize and
accept money as a game, as an expression
of the divine dance of being,
an embodiment of the constantly
of the ever-changing and
interchanging energies of Yin and Yang."

It's as if the fading H1 chart is about to turn into one solid straight line... Like a dying man's cardiogram. And then Dr Ben will come in with his cardio defibrillator and everything will work again)))


Yes, I discussed it with my dad this morning and he showed it to me himself!!!!
I think he's got the whole family hooked on the forum. ;-)
Is Europe going to move yet, or are we waiting for America?
good resistance-\ 2430 +,-5
2440 finished
2440 finished
10 more items.
will probably run 2455
and then, a pullback downwards ?
I think I've got the whole family hooked on the forum. ;-)
Well, Daddy's bee-hungry, he's opened a small account for himself, pipsing away!