Pure maths, physics, chemistry, etc.: brain-training tasks that have nothing to do with trade [Part 2] - page 33

How about getting three different and quite logical answers to this problem? :)
How about getting three different and quite logical answers to this problem? :)

I know how to get 36 cars in the remainder.

How about getting three different and quite logical answers to this problem? :)

Do you remember this character?

It's been scrubbed on this forum before.

They know how to get...


I know how to get 36 cars in the balance.

Wow, I don't have that.
Wow, I don't have one of those.

arrange the rows of cars in a letter "G". The corner car is in both rows.

How about getting three different and quite logical answers to this problem? :)
The conditions of the problem do not say that it is in decimal system ;)
Ah, well, it's a silly task anyway

The ogre caught a hundred dwarves. Gathered them together and made a condition. He gave them a night to reason. In the morning, he said, I will put you all in solitary confinement and take you one by one to a special room. There, each of you will have the opportunity to turn on/off or not touch the electric light bulb. Then return to the cell. No one will be able to see/hear that I took anyone there. How I take you there is up to me - I can take the same dwarf several times in a row, I can take one, another, the third, then the first again - well, whatever I want, that's how I do it. But sooner or later you will all be in this room. One of you has to say "STOP!" to me. If, at that point, at least one of you has not been in this room at least once, I will eat all of you. If anyone guesses that all one hundred dwarves have already been in this room, then after saying "STOP", I will let you all go.

None of you will have any other way to send a message to anyone but to turn on/off the light bulb in that very room.

The dwarves spent the night thinking and found a way to stay alive. What is that way?


The ogre caught a hundred dwarves. Gathered them together and made a condition. He gave them a night to reason. In the morning, he said, I will put you all in solitary confinement and take you one by one to a special room. There, each of you will have the opportunity to turn on/off or not touch the electric light bulb. Then return to the cell. No one will be able to see/hear that I took anyone there. How I take you there is up to me - I can take the same dwarf several times in a row, I can take one, another, the third, then the first again - well, whatever I want, that's how I do it. But sooner or later you will all be in this room. One of you has to say "STOP!" to me. If, at that point, at least one of you has not been in this room at least once, I will eat all of you. If anyone guesses that all one hundred dwarves have already been in this room, then after saying "STOP", I will let you all go.

None of you will have any other way to send a message to anyone but to turn on/off the light bulb in that very room.

The dwarves spent the night thinking and found a way to stay alive. What is that way?

Repeaters do not touch the socket and count the number of on/off times.
drknn: The dwarves spent the night thinking and found a way to stay alive. What was that way?

The problem had already been solved, either here or on Five in a similar thread.

But the words were different. It was about a prison.