Profitable trading - page 12

Sometimes it seems like it's harder to manage a wife than the world... Especially when she's not there...
Well done! Love the positivity! But I advise you to switch from Japanese to rectal gradually - you'll lose less.

You're being ironic! Rectal candles give you the opportunity to keep the activity PIROGENAL ! And this is not a pattern in a fractal ( or vice versa ?) to draw ( I'm not going to tell you what to draw on ) .

There are! There are many of them! And they have to work in synthesis and improve.

Or do you think that people earning a steady thousand percent a year (with shoulders) and millions of dollars a year are freeloaders?

Jelizavettka, my lingonberry Elisabeth (that's not a misspelling, there was such a regal person)... Let me speak, not to execute! Will Your Majesty kindly step down from the summit of your royal throne to us mortals who have audaciously dared to disturb Your Majestic Rest, in order to ask you a few questions, unimportant for you, but important for us, lamentable people. The questions are as follows: What is the status of people who earn millions of dollars a year? If they are "the very" brokers, no questions. And if they are hardworking traders, then what brokerage company would let them do that? Does it exist? Don't you deign, moon-face, before whom the stars fade and the day gets brighter, to suggest a couple (or at least one) of such brokerage companies?

That's not how it sounds to me... -- the logic is different -- "if you don't have a girlfriend, then... someone either has a girlfriend or doesn't have a girlfriend"...


You are being ironic ! Rectal candlesticks allow you to keep the PIROGENAL active! And this is not a pattern in a fractal ( or vice versa ? ) to draw sit ( on what sit - I'll say nothing ) .

Perhaps.... What's the progress so far in applying this candlestick method, positive you are ?

jelizavettka, my lingonberry Elisabeth (this is not an oversight, there was such a regal person)... Let me speak, not to execute! Will Your Majesty kindly step down from the summit of your royal throne to us mortals who have audaciously dared to disturb Your Majestic Rest, in order to ask you a few questions, unimportant for you, but important for us, lamentable people. The questions are as follows: What is the status of people who earn millions of dollars a year? If they are "the very" brokers, no questions. And if they are hardworking traders, then what brokerage company would let them do that? Does it exist? Don't you deign, moon-face, before whom the stars fade and the day gets brighter, to suggest a couple (or at least one) of such brokerage companies?

Oh moon-faced...... how romantic) just not in terms of colour and face shape

Wind noise... the forest... closed ... the ring ...
Breath ... someone close ... close... scream...
The moon's oval...
Hungry wolf... out of the pack,
he, like me, is ruled by the moon's face..........

Read how stockbrokers and clearing houses work and about exchange liquidity and how a real stock exchange works in principle. They allow you to do everything you can. not to be confused with forex lochoDCs.


Oh moon-faced...... how romantic) just not in terms of the colour and shape of your face

Windfall noise... the forest... closed... ring...
Breathing... someone close... close... scream...
The moon's oval...
Hungry wolf... out of the pack,
he, like me, is ruled by the face of the moon..........

Read how stockbrokers and clearing houses work and about exchange liquidity and how a real exchange works in principle. They allow you to do everything you can. not to be confused with forex lochoDCs.

I have read CLICHE THEORY only I don't see the application yet .I have read that I have the right to be president of the russian federation .So what do I do now, run for office ? Also read even about bank liquidity .What next ? Will this help me avoid the forex lobby ? How will it help me? Don't write "Read it again and pay more attention". I was advised to use "Dukascopy", but it is in English and has a white background. I got used to metatraderu, it has a dark background and it is easy to look at. But on two other charts, everything is almost the same, plus or minus a couple of points. I called up "a rating of brokerage companies", half of the reviews are positive and half are not. About "Moonlight" - I am ready to admit (even in writing and before a notary) that it is even sunny, beautiful, dazzling - I would like a couple of "non-Lohotron" companies to suggest.

Perhaps.... What's the progress so far in applying this candle method, positive you are?

The progress is amazing !!! Just thinking about the possibility of keeping pyrogenal active, the need for rectal suppositories immediately disappeared ! Don't you believe me? There's a note from the practitioner - DIAGNOSIS DEVENANT !!!

The progress is amazing !!! Just thinking about the possibility of keeping the pyrogenal active, the need for rectal suppositories immediately disappeared ! Don't believe me ? I got a note from my internist - DIAGNOSTIC DEFENSE !!!
Ayyyy... no good. Is there a thread in there ?))

Gentlemen and ladies, here is a detailed narrative of why people leak. I gave this monster a system which allows him to earn money, without paying, without egoism in anything, I just wanted to help the man. After reading his opuses (I do not understand what they are for, it was enough to say thank you or just say nothing) - I realized that, as everywhere in life, successful people are those who have developed human qualities, who can be grateful, honest - and unsuccessful - with this kind of behavior.