Forget random quotes - page 42

Could Osama bin Laden have made money on the American dollar knowing in advance about the attacks of September 11, 2001? No, he couldn't. And that was a huge event for all of America. What kind of information would you need to anticipate the value of the dollar? Probably to manipulate it, you need to be able to move planets and ignite new stars no less. Perhaps, according to faa1947, someone in power has already learned how to do this.

doesn't add up, if you think in terms of TFs m1.....m5, or even ticks ;)))))

Otherwise, it's OK ;)

Trade oil, then tell me about it.

In what way - can you be more specific? You've said it too succinctly. I just see that some people here understand market efficiency in their own way. Manipulativeness does not mean that the relevant market cannot be efficient.

Well, the top starter put forward the thesis that if the market is manipulated, then there are trends there and one can make money from it. Oil, and finance are just the opposite. By the way, shares included in SP500 - the same thing, manipulated by hedgers, experienced traders (as far as I know) generally forbid newbies to get into it. Because they will tear the deposit to shreds.
Trade oil, then tell me about it.
this is one of my long list of working tools
this is one of my long list of working tools
believe it, believe it
HideYourRichess: Well, the top starter put forward the thesis that if the market is manipulated, then there are trends there and you can make money from it. Oil, and finance are just the opposite.

So far the topicstarter in his calculations has not risen above a weak form of efficiency, i.e. he has not used anything other than price data.

The funniest thing is that no one has proven even a weak form of efficiency even for the most technical instrument :)

I understand technicality as the ability to instantly absorb all the information in the price(imho).

Could Osama bin Laden have made money on the U.S. dollar, knowing in advance about the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001? No, he couldn't. It was the most powerful event for the whole of America. What kind of information would you need to anticipate the value of the dollar? Probably to manipulate it, you need to be able to move planets and ignite new stars no less. Perhaps, according to faa1947, someone in power has already learned how to do this.

The story of when Soros brought down the British pound is well known. Of course there were preconditions, and only a nudge. Manipulation in capital-intensive markets is always a nudge.


But for me the point is different.

C-4 is absolutely correct in my point that I justified trending by manipulation. But you have to remember that trend trading is not the only kind of trading strategy.

It turns out that I limited myself to trend trading. The posts that were refuted with references to experience do not specify the type of trading strategy, so it is not clear what exactly is being refuted.

Although, for example, is paired trading trend-following or not?


The story of when Soros brought down the British pound is well known. Of course there were preconditions, and only a nudge. Manipulation in capital-intensive markets is always a nudge.

But you have to know where to push and when to push. Besides, few people know what was really going on with Soros.
the soros story lives on ;)))))