FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 186

after Draghi to forget?

and what's the use of it, we'll still go down afterwards, even if something bounces.
What's he saying? Blah, blah, blah... hand on the pulse... blah, blah, blah, blah... we're keeping a close eye... blah, blah, blah, blah... everything's under control
well that's true too
Although today is also the jobless claims day. Bad data will come out, then if not up, then down may definitely stall
Although today is also the jobless claims day. If they come out bad, if they don't go up, they may stall for sure.
The good ones are out. Let's keep falling.
2012.07.12 14:18:03 *ECB president Draghi: Financial markets are fragmented
2012.07.12 14:18:38 *Draghi: Many European countries have made significant progress on fiscal
2012.07.12 14:27:26 *Draghi: Banking balance sheet is generally stronger than a year ago
2012.07.12 14:28:07 *Draghi: Lending situation depends on demand
2012.07.12 14:28:33 *Draghi: Banks have enough capital to revive lending
2012.07.12 14:29:09 *Draghi: Lending will take time to recover
2012.07.12 14:30:43 *Draghi: Spain can be praised for the measures it has taken and the goals it is pursuing
2012.07.12 14:42:12 *Draghi: ECB cuts interest rates amid inflation outlook
2012.07.12 14:42:33 *Draghi: Inflation risks remain broadly balanced
2012.07.12 14:38:32 *Draghi: Future national sovereignty in the eurozone will decline
Margaret, THANK YOU!!!
Fuck, I don't see an entry point
All fixed, or greed will be the enemy's undoing. We are waiting for the americans!
I also closed on Euro today. I held the trade for a fortnight (+230p). I think there will be a pullback.
2012.07.12 14:18:03 *ECB president Draghi: Financial markets are fragmented
2012.07.12 14:18:38 *Draghi: Many European countries have made significant progress on fiscal
2012.07.12 14:27:26 *Draghi: Banking balance sheet is generally stronger than a year ago
2012.07.12 14:28:07 *Draghi: Lending situation depends on demand
2012.07.12 14:28:33 *Draghi: Banks have enough capital to revive lending
2012.07.12 14:29:09 *Draghi: Lending will take time to recover
2012.07.12 14:30:43 *Draghi: Spain can be praised for the measures it has taken and the goals it is pursuing

Still can't be persuaded until the fence is up!
2012.07.12 14:18:03 *ECB president Draghi: Financial markets are fragmented
2012.07.12 14:18:38 *Draghi: Many European countries have made significant progress on fiscal
2012.07.12 14:27:26 *Draghi: Bank balance sheet is generally stronger than a year ago
2012.07.12 14:28:07 *Draghi: Lending situation depends on demand
2012.07.12 14:28:33 *Draghi: Banks have enough capital to revive lending
2012.07.12 14:29:09 *Draghi: Lending will take time to recover
2012.07.12 14:30:43 *Draghi: Spain can be praised for the measures it has taken and the goals it is pursuing

Still can't be persuaded until the fence is up!