FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 5


So build on the mashki or what, on a stochastic you can try))))
So it's not about me, it's about you :)
It's not about me, it's about you :)

No words...

One person in our thread once said to me: "Why are you popularising this trading system, it will stop working", to which I replied that even if you chew it up, put it in your mouth and make them swallow it, they will say it is not tasty and spit it out. The moral of the story is that I was 101% right.


Congratulations! :-) There's also football today... What the fuck work... :-)

russia fucked up i don't watch football-(
What - are we out of beer?
but the k1 m1 8-angle is a blessing)

russia fucked up I don't watch football-(
I see.

No words...

One person in our thread once said to me: "Why are you promoting this trading system, it will stop working", to which I replied that even if you chew it up, put it in your mouth and make them swallow it, they will say that it is not tasty and they will spit it out. The moral of the story is that I was 101% right.

Where's the explanation? I asked why do you think "Long term forecast for the Euro, 1.4215, 1.6430, low 1.1874." You didn't answer. Kind of lazy, writing a lot. Although, there has been a lot of writing in the thread since then.

Christmas tree)))))

Where's the explanation? I asked why you think "Long term forecast for Euro, 1.4215, 1.6430, low 1.1874 will not be updated." You never answered. Kind of lazy, writing a lot. Although, since then, so much has been written in the branch.

There need to write as much as we all do in a month, and then answer questions))). Understand one simple thing, I do not impose anything to anyone, I am not looking for investors, no one is not trying to teach something, nothing I sell, I just communicate with you here. I said read the book by T. Williams "The undisclosed secrets", you would have found answers to half of the questions I asked in these two days. I said it several months ago and I repeated it several times. The question is, who has read it?


noooo, beer is always eZZZDD)

Beer makes your tummy grow. And there was a show that they put something in beer to make guys less able to have babies, which leads to a lower birth rate and the destruction of the nation. More like targeted annihilation.